SRB2 Riders v1.46.4X (srb2riders.exe)

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Chaos Zero 64 said:
I've been fixing a certain character wad that was released last year, so I haven't got time for Wave of Storm. But I'll post a NiGHTS screenshot soon enough.

The "Nights screenshot" is for the SRB2Riders??
Nice job! But why copyng the levels to Sonic Riders?
Edit your levels!:
Metal city! Youre the best :D

This is the NiGHTS screenshot I was walking about. I was finally able to add more sprites to Sonic, thanks to SSNTails.

That's not a Super Sonic sprite replacement. That's the Sonic skin flying, meaning that you'll also have a flying Tails, and a flying Eggman too.

Right now, I replaced the Super Sonic frames by renaming them with the skin frames, meaning that it doesn't change colors. Or skins, by that matter. That will be the next thing I fix, but I won't start until Silver is done.
Yeah, not just Super Sonic now. I still need to think about what sprite will replace the NiGHTS Drone. There's also not going to be any drilling sprites either. You don't need any for a racing mod.
SRB2WikiSonicMaster said:
Sa-x said:
Nice job! But why copyng the levels to Sonic Riders?

Well, I can tell you that Ice Factory certainly wasn't copied.
None of the levels were copied except for the first 7 in the Hero levels. SEGA Carnival (now STJr Carnival) and all the Babylon stages were custom-made. CZ64 even said this himself before he started making all the Babylon stages.

I'm not speaking for the Sonic R and Mario Kart levels, though. I know all the R ones are copied but I haven't played the Mario Kart mode yet.
Chaos Zero 64 said:

This is the NiGHTS screenshot I was walking about. I was finally able to add more sprites to Sonic, thanks to SSNTails.

That's not a Super Sonic sprite replacement. That's the Sonic skin flying, meaning that you'll also have a flying Tails, and a flying Eggman too.

Right now, I replaced the Super Sonic frames by renaming them with the skin frames, meaning that it doesn't change colors. Or skins, by that matter. That will be the next thing I fix, but I won't start until Silver is done.

I wonder how Eggman will fly, maybe farting, and SSNTails could add flying sprites for different characters in the Nights level, and you plane change the Super Sonic life icon while flying in Nights mode?
Well, maybe jetpacks or flying shoes, or fly like Sonic is flying in that screenshot, but if everyone is going to fly without super form, and if Amy use different clothes in Riders Mode, Amy will fly with the Riders clothes or with the Iestyn's Classic Amy sprites?
You could replace those sprites of super sonic rotating with a jetpack and give everyone one. And replace the star sprites with smoke fumes.

EDIT: Or just make them fly around on their boards.
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