SRB2 Metal Sonic

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Also,didn't CZ64 draw the Metal Sonic in ultimate ending?
He did? That's new to me... I thought SSNTails would have done that...
It would be cool that you can unlock characters like in SA
EX. Meet Amy at Casino and unlocked.
for metal Sonic
Beat Metal Sonic in stage
or get all multiplayer,he's already unlocked.
It uses the same ol' MetalSonic.wad (CZ64's)
...and I thought this game was supposed to be based on the original Genesis Sonic games - Sonic 1, Sonic 2, Sonic 3, and Sonic & Knuckles, not Sonic Adventure. :/
I guess it is more of a speed boost
Maybe in time I shall make a Sonic wad with double jump.
Can't Metal be a BOSS for...
I guess ummm...
Super Robot Galaxy Zone?
That would be a good idea!
No, the thok was put into SRB2 circa Dec. 1999, and yes, the idea is from Sonic Adventure. But it was a design decision not to make it homing, because numerous times while playing SA, I was frustrated homing into things I didn't want to.
Actually, the part of the design documentation that stated only Sonic of the main three characters could go Super was written in 1998, when the thok was still called the "Air Spin Attack" and Sonic Adventure hadn't even been released yet.

No, the thok was put into SRB2 circa Dec. 1999, and yes, the idea is from Sonic Adventure.

Well, one of you is wrong.
Well clearly it's me, as AJ was actually on the project back then. I can be misinformed just like anyone else.
Hmm. So the Thok was added around the time of Christmas demo .90 (Anybody have this missing piece of history?)
I used to have the src to Xmas 0.90, 0.92, 0.93, and 0.94, but I deleted them many years ago in a cleanup of old files on my computer. Wasn't aware anybody would even want them, anyway. They were pretty crashy.
SRB2 Halloween
Xmas 0.96 (w/ Win32 fixes)
The last version based on the Legacy 1.30 source (Demo 4.1, I think??)
Final Demo 1.08

Anything from 1.09 on up is on the SVN, so we should be able to roll the code back to any point in time.
Was the secret where the rings that spelled out sonic suppose to be accessed at all? Like the wall using doom's old door settings?
In SRB2 Halloween, there was a sector near the beginning that had a bunch of rings forming Sonic's name. This secret could only be seen in level editors like doom builder and the sector had the ceiling and floor at the same height. I was wondering if this secret was suppose to be accessable at any time and if the linedef leading into it used Doom's Door action.
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