I guess I am a zombie now.
For adding the repos to your Debian/Ubuntu system
sudo wget --output-document=/etc/apt/sources.list.d/srb2-alam.list http://alam.srb2.org/debian/srb2.list
Now let add my GPG key to mix!
wget -O - http://alam.srb2.org/debian/alam.gpg.key|sudo apt-key add -
Ok, let update the APT system!
now the only issue is that the packages that dh_shlibdeps failed so, you have to make sure you installed your libsdl, libsdl-mixer and libpng package installed
Well, I rebuild all the binary packages on my workstation, RigginStereo, now all binaries have correct Depend info now
sudo apt-get -y install srb2