SRB2 CONTEST: Calling all texture artists!

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Guys, I'm not looking for 16-color, 5-minute MSPaint jobs.


And I have a sky, I forgot I had this.[/img]
SSNTails said:

ZOMG SSN made a BBCode error apocalypse lolz.

In any case, mine wasn't a 16-color, 5-minute MSPaint job. Mine was a 4-color, 2-day GraphicsGale FreeEdition job mixed with a 2-color, 30-minute MSPaint job.
So much for thinking of my sky... But I could still use it for Deadly Dunes in my Doomsday Pack mod that I'm making. And that sky looks so awesome, SSNTails!

Also, I'm usually stumped with thinking of ideas for Arid Canyon textures, and I haven't come up with any that are worthwhile ones.

Now I'm down to my only texture that I think is good (I might count the cracked version, but I don't think it's good at all...):


If this doesn't win, I could still use it for Deadly Dunes too.
Gah, and I just finished my sky texture... -_-

Well I'm still stuck on miscellaneous tidbits, but I've got all the main stuff done and hopefully should be able to send in what I have soon...
I don't think I've put as little as five minutes into any one of my textures. And counting multiple versions I've probably put hours worth on a single flat or texture... not to mention the sky. Its just impossible to get it to look good enough when you don't spend any time on it.
5-minute paint jobs are nearly always what textures you might get from me. My sky was the only exception though. I'm hopeless in trying to make textures that would take more than 5 minutes and still look good.
This is my first attempt for a wall texture [edit]...

It might need a little more work and it might look stupid by the first view but on a bigger surface it looks just fine, I think.

Make the shading look something more repeatable. Like, making the lightest color in the middle.
Hmm... I just forgot to mention that this should be a linedeff (wall) texture. Not one for the ground you're walking on.
If that wasn't your problem, I don't understand what you wanted to say Nitro.

It might look okay for something like SRB2:TGF.

I count 7 colors in the image. Even the Sega Genesis could display 16 per graphic.

And no, just adding more colors won't make it look better.
Hey SSNTails, could you suggest any other sorts of textures for Arid Canyon that we haven't tried yet? I'm getting bored with nothing going on here.

I said:
Does the texture set that we send to you have to be in a wad?

Also, this question of mine never got answered.
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