That was my first level, and i decided to make a port of lost world, i know it doesnt fit good, but im making now other levels that are my own creation, im going to realase it, but, not now, are a levels of a proyect that i trying to do.If I’ll be entirely honest, this level isn’t very good. If you haven’t given it a read already, I’d suggest giving the Level Design 101 page on the Wiki a read through to help you if you’re interested in continuing making levels for SRB2
When making ports of a level from another game, it’s worth considering that what works for the game you’re porting a level from might not work in SRB2. For example Sonic Lost Worlds plays very differently from SRB2 and a lot of the design choices in Lost World’s level design don’t compliment the mechanics of SRB2. But if you’re still interested in mapping it’ll be worth using what you’ve learned in making this map to create something that isn’t a port of a level from another Sonic game.
Also as a quick suggestion, I’d recommend following the naming conventions for your wads in future. Just because it’s easier for people with lots of wads to organise that way.
Regardless, this level is clearly an honest attempt rather than a no effort mess so welcome to releases.
Oi, sorry about the confusion here. The gametype prefix from the level naming conventions isn't optional; you have to fix that before this can actually go in releases.
This problem really had to be addressed soon or later. The walls in the zone are ridiculous. They're starting to blind me from the stage and it doesn't make the stage look good. I get really confused which is a platform and which is a bottomless pit. Honestly i hate walls like these >.<
This problem really had to be addressed soon or later. The walls in the zone are ridiculous. They're starting to blind me from the stage and it doesn't make the stage look good. I get really confused which is a platform and which is a bottomless pit. Honestly i hate walls like these >.<
You are playing it in srb2 normal exe right?, because its for srb2 CB.
Uh, you say that we should also play this level with a character that has the Homing Attack, but that ability is broken in SRB2CB.
You are playing it in srb2 normal exe right?, because its for srb2 CB.
I'm sorry, srb2 CB? Is it cineblast?
Uh, you say that we should also play this level with a character that has the Homing Attack, but that ability is broken in SRB2CB.
In the PNG edition it is fixed.
About the map:
Pros: I like how there are many parts in this level based off the ones we see from the trailer.
Cons/Things to work on: I have noticed a couple things such as:
1.) Checkpoints - The checkpoints aren't setup correctly. The only working checkpoint is the first one. For the others, to make each new checkpoint a different one, you need to rotate it +360.
Hey look, I'm a giant!, no wait, oh, ok, nvm its just my flying in air.
3.) The part that has the NiGHTS things that are supposed to represent the hoops, actually sent me to my death instead of the cloud. It literally sent me under the cloud.
4.) Try to make the dash pads look more like dashpads instead of a random conveyor belt. Seeing the dashpads in SLW, I recommend making smaller versions of the rope thingies we see in ACZ. Also, the dashpads are a bit too powerfull here. Try to make the push not as strong.
5.) There are a couple missing textures.
6.) As stated earlier, not all the mechanics can be recreated (Though you and I have a similar liking to recreate stuff, I like that about you :D.), so it is best if you try to make some parts your own revision of the level.
7.) All the FOF's have no floor texture.
8.) Forgot to say, but the Song you are using isn't the best version, try searching up on Youtube "Windy Hill Zone act 1 [Clean Rip], and you will get a perfect version.
What FOF's you mean?, i put an invisible FOF's for not people trying to jump that part, by the way, im not interested more in this level, im trying to make a proyect with own levels, this level its a practice for making levels, but not a reluctantly attempt, and i dont have any idea for making not powerfull dash pads, if you know how, I would appreciate if you know how to tell me
thx for reading.