Sonics Got A Gun

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I can't find the original paper, so it's pretty much impossible at this point. Though I always could print the image out and do it on that... :E
Bigboi said:

And put an FPS = 0.2 on the bottom.
Omega the Hedgehog said:
I can't find the original paper, so it's pretty much impossible at this point. Though I always could print the image out and do it on that... :E

Then do it. Whatever it takes to get that thing in motion(and maybe even in SRB2), do it.
how does ohhh
a dozen playable charecters sound
and unique maps for each charecter
5 of those charecters hidden
my first sonic game emplemented as a bonus
SuperSonic having his own zone
ohh just a teaser the final playable charecters list



Metal Sonic

the details on Mercury are limited but some hints

A popular musican
he "bit the dust" in 1991
Jennifer Love Hewit is dating an actor who played him he was lead singer for queen!!!!
That'd sound pretty sweet, provided the game were worth playing.
Bigboi said:
Freddy Mercury? Man, this is Superman 64 as an FPS.

its Freddie Mercury and yes

Freddy is disrespectful to his indian/african roots
disrespecting the dead wow a new low


it had to happen since the programmers are all HUGE Queen fans

also it made it a ProjectFMteam game

this will murder Freddies Adventure (our huge series)

hopefully before Freddie's Adventure 3D (holy srb2 mod batman!)

and also ben wants to make a 2d halo i think that will kill us. i told him that if he slaps a huge "created by Ben Blacklock" on it then sure.
Omega the Hedgehog said:
If it ends up anything like that it should still be enjoyable enough to play for a few hours =P

can i use that for the logo. it might make the game better to have a cool logo like that. if so could you make a color version?
I haven't played the game, but I imagine it'd need a lot more than a logo to make things better.
Ritz said:
I haven't played the game, but I imagine it'd need a lot more than a logo to make things better.

i just need to get some 3d freddie sprites. and make some great maps.mouselook is in but is broken in the current.

the logo makes the unlockables work
Quick Paint job. The text is okay, but what the Hell was the blue spray for? That just looks pathetic.

Try redoing it without the spray. It'll still be low-tech, but at least it won't make no sense.
Is that image supposed to be a joke, with all that "spray paint" all over it?

I say you redo the entire logo from scratch. Trying to add stuff to a logo that's already made will look ridiculous.
Since your current Logo is so appaling, and im feeling very nice today, I decided to make this for you:


Took me less than 5 minutes to make.
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