SonicQuest - Beta 0.6 [mtf_sonicquest_beta06.wad]

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(Please don't kill me)

Why would I do that? :P

Alright if you guys don't like such a video that's just fine with me. All I wanted to do is show some proof that there will be some new content in the next version. I also wanted to test my full version of Fraps that I recently got.
Double-post to grab attention:

I finished the boss battle for Emerald Valley Zone, and I'm leaving you with this picture to tease you while I compress my recorded video of the level.


~Agent Hack
Hey Hack, is their any way you can combine the old jade hill with the new one because I think that would make the mod look awesome and also I think you should bring back Rocky Coast to the mod only make it better.
What picture?

The one a few posts up.
Anyways, since that's the start of the level, the waterfall should be longer and more scenic. How about a little cave before flying out, with goodies to collect (as it's a waterslide, you jump off-course and onto land) and things to look at?
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The arena is too huge for one boss. Cut it down by 2/3rds its size. Plus, stop using tunes 12. It makes children cry. And me ;-;. I suggest a custom tune. I'm sure you can find one.
Yeah, I'm kinda getting fed up with tunes 12 also. I was thinking of getting a boss tune from Sonic 3.

As for the size of the level. If you actually play it, it won't seem so large. The video probably makes it look big. I also can't stand small boss areas, like Greenflower 3. It makes me feel all cramped up with just one little space to fight. That's probably the reason why I make semi-large boss levels (excluding Emerald Valley 3).
Yeah, I'm kinda getting fed up with tunes 12 also. I was thinking of getting a boss tune from Sonic 3.

Er, S3 or S3&K? Because S3&K uses a different boss tune from S&K. If I may suggest some of the Sonic 3D Blast boss tunes? The Genesis one will do, but the Saturn ones could be used for the more... Intimidating ones.

As for the size of the level. If you actually play it, it won't seem so large. The video probably makes it look big. I also can't stand small boss areas, like Greenflower 3. It makes me feel all cramped up with just one little space to fight. That's probably the reason why I make semi-large boss levels (excluding Emerald Valley 3).

But the boss just doesent WORK for huge areas. all the space is needless for something so simple. GFZ3 is small so you can go out an hit 'em without having to travel half a planet to get there :P. Granted, this isn't THAT huge of an arena, bust still too big for that boss.
The extra terrain makes for a less bland and boring feel. And it doesn't take that long to get from one side of the level to the other, just simply thok/jump. :P
The extra terrain makes for a less bland and boring feel. And it doesn't take that long to get from one side of the level to the other, just simply thok/jump. :P

It DOES make it more bland and boring. And all of the terrain is just flat out unneeded or could better be used to effect the battle. Hell, you can just IGNORE all of it by waiting for Eggman to fly towards a wall after one hit, and staying in a small spot near the wall, strafing a little, then hitting him when he gets near, or if you get in a sweet spot, you can kill him by just jumping in ONE SPOT. if anything, the level should be built around making the boss ACT different through the level itself. It should actually alter the battle, not be the same Eggmobile fight we've been fighting for years more than a DECADE in a level that is just there to look pretty. I mean, you could at least TRY some soccing even. Maybe make him shoot some more missiles or something. I know its the first boss, but it shouldn't be the SAME DAMN 11 YEAR OLD BOSS. C'mon, give us something at least a little different. We're tired of this guy by now.

Mystic, I turned my Caps Lock key into a shift key ages ago. I just hold shift. Not that it makes me any less caps happy :P
I gotta work on my caps control.
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And to drive this point home EXTRA HARD I'm going to CAPITALIZE arbitrary WORDS for no reason because apparently CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL.

Dude, take a chill pill.
This is an awesome level pack, specifically the music.

Random Guy: You said that the music was great in another post!

Yeah, shut up. *hurls a brick at the random guy* I like Jade Hill's music so much I decided to mention it... several times.

And that's the first time I've seen Mystic using that many caps in one sentence since... since before he banned me not even a year ago. >.>
AUDACITY FTW! A while back, when I was making mods for Super Mario War, I used audacity to convert MP3's to OGG's. And I'm sure I can find a good Sega CD emulator. I mean, I DO have some good resources.

EDIT: I'm sure there's an emulator similar to ZSNES out there. >.> I like to record videos of me cheating.

EDIT2: A while back I was romhacking Super Mario World. Hacking the levels into shape isn't the easiest thing to do. >.> <.<
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People really like to post when I can't access my computer. (You know, School)

On subject, sorry to burst your bubble, D00D64 but I'm not gonna use that song for SQ's levels. (The "yaaaaaaays!!!" drive me insane :P)

As for the boss tune I was thinking about using one of these:

S3&K Boss Tune
Sonic 1 Final Boss Tune
Sonic3D Blast Boss Tune - (Where can I find this?)

Note: You'll need QuickTime player to be able to listen to the above songs.
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