Sonic Unleashed

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TrueTenguMan said:
They are but with a few changes to make him manuver more smoothly.

(correct me if im wrong)

I'm pretty sure the movement is Wii-chuck. Werehog uses each peripheral for attacking with the corresponding fist (which may or may not get tiresome depending on your patience).

I don't think you *steer* Sonic anymore though, but the layout and gameplay of the daytime stages will be similar to Secret Rings except with a few less obstacles.
Does this game suck? Cause I'm losing interest on this game by hearing I just finished this game. Is it quick to beat or what?
brief summary from crtitics:

Morning/ Day Levels good

Evening Levels BAAAAD

Normal sonic good

Furry streatchy-armed Weresonic BAAAAD.

Over all the game is good to be honest. What makes it look better is the boss levels. I think the boss levels with Weresonic are more fun in my opinion. Just don't listen to IGN or Gamepro cause they tend to overexadurate problems sometimes.
Does this game suck? Cause I'm losing interest on this game by hearing I just finished this game. Is it quick to beat or what?

If you are getting the game just to play through it the first time, then there are few games that will appeal to you anyway. Things like time-attack, sub-missions, and collectibles can extend a game's life, and on top of that you might even end up replaying it because its... fun.

I've always considered this the best part of the game, in S3K I played through the game usually with the sole purpose of getting a fancy title card that allowed me to pick whatever level I wanted. If a game makes you want to play it MORE after you've finished it than before, then you know that gameplay is where the focus is... Only ones that spring to mind are Sonic3K, Super Metroid, Secret Rings, Rush... while NiGHTS and Super Mario Galaxy come close. (Multi games don't count)
TrueTenguMan said:
Just don't listen to IGN or Gamepro cause they tend to overexadurate problems sometimes.
True 'dat!

After reading the GI review I was slightly disspaointed, but slightly happy... Wii version got a better rank, but the game still got lower than a 7... 360 version got a 6/10 and Wii got a 6.5/10....
But this final sentence got me though: SEGA should stop trying to fix Sonic...
Ahem. To clear things up, SEGA isn't trying to fix Sonic anymore... (Or at least, from what I know...) but rather trying to bring him forward and make the gameplay even more exhilarating and fun. Werehog was one of the best executed gimmicks we've gotten from a recent Sonic game... (Sure, they could've replaced Werehog with Knuckles, but really.... How would he fit into the storyline?) There were no flaws except for the fact that it was a completely different style of gameplay from Sonic.

Now, if I ever got to make a Sonic game, here's the first thing I'd do... Make Eggman the main villain... Sonic Unleashed was almost close to getting this right, until you beat...
[spoiler:0ac13a8fd7]The Prototype robot that reminded me of the second to last boss battle in S3&K (the character design reminded me of that epic boss...) and then the monstrous Dark Gaia shows up.... although the Dark Gaia boss battle was fantastic.[/spoiler:0ac13a8fd7]

Next 3D Sonic game after Black Knight.... I want Green Hill... I want Sky Chase, I want a Death Egg like final level held in space, and I want giant Eggman final boss battle.... and I'd like it to mesh with the already awesome countries in Sonic Unleashed along with a return to Station Square. That is how I'd make a modern Sonic game even more like the classics...
Next 3D Sonic game after Black Knight.... I want Green Hill... I want Sky Chase, I want a Death Egg like final level held in space, and I want giant Eggman final boss battle.... and I'd like it to mesh with the already awesome countries in Sonic Unleashed along with a return to Station Square. That is how I'd make a modern Sonic game even more like the classics...

Seeing as you're the kind of person who doesn't like what the press says about Sonic nowadays, I'll tell you that if Sega did what you proposed there, they would complain about the unoriginality and the lack of something new.
I like sonic games just as much as the next guy. But from what I have seen on reviews. They exadurate problems way too much. Some ( in truth ) lie that they played a sonic game and use that to try to understand what a sonic game should have.

On the other hand, sonic games have dropped to ground zero since Shadow, Riders, Heros, and the GBA series. Either having decent scores or crappy ones.
Mario and sonic was a good game I was expecting to have fun with and just so happens I did. The mini games were fun and gave you a mario party experience...just more sporty is all.
Secret rings was ok in my opinion but complicated & frustrating when controling him (to this day I wonder how I beat that game ^^')

This new sonic game is more than I wanted to expect....but a bit too much hot sauce mixed with caffine....and a 50's monster movie.

Sonic is just how I wanted him, fast yet hard to control. but the problem was that he was too hard to control which they could of tinker with that a bit. Controling him is like controling a rocket that can drift, yet the drift can fail at time and you might want to get used to slamming your face into a wall at time lol.

WereSonic REALLY should of had a lock-on for fighting enemies. It's like dynasty warriors all over again (well the battle system that is). But I didn't have too much of a problem with him being a mutated hedgehog, and I didn't mind the cartoonish antics cause your gonna have kids playing this and you want them entertained right? The streatchy arms?
Just would of been better withouth that to be honest...

One thing most of you who loved playing as Weresonic may not love me for saying this...but his stages do get you bored easily. Remember me saying it's like a Dynasty warriors battle system? Well its a Level where you fight enemies in a battle room similar to Devil May Cry by setting up barriors that block passeges (thats been done too many times). Battles are not as repeitive as you think from what I've have seen, but bad choice in enemiey selection like small enemies make it more frustrating to start hating the big armed paluka. So it gets very very stale >_>


Platforming was a nice attribute for him, and I wish a wall jump was added in since it seemed like something this lycan Hog can do. Bosses are really more fun with him (cept The phoinix battle...that was epic fail for difficulty) as it lets you do a God of war action...but with no blood.

so this being my review, it Deserves a 7/10 (story was ok....but always talking to people bore the heck out of me...)
But this final sentence got me though: SEGA should stop trying to fix Sonic...
I'm confused. IMO, the new Sonic games (with the exception of possibly this game and SRA) are reviving Sonic. ShTH was admittedly a great game.
The Dark Fox said:
But this final sentence got me though: SEGA should stop trying to fix Sonic...
I'm confused. IMO, the new Sonic games (with the exception of possibly this game and SRA) are reviving Sonic. ShTH was admittedly a great game.

shadow's game was good by only story.

The rest of the game was bad T_T
[spoiler:f1a51b4d3e]HAY GUYZ MAI FAN CHARACTER IS AN ENEMY IN SONIC UNLEASHED![/spoiler:f1a51b4d3e]
TrueTenguMan said:
shadow's game was good by only story.

The rest of the game was bad T_T

I disagree!

I think the whole damn game sucked, the story was just "WUT IS MA PAST? HAI BAD/GOOD GUY CAN U HLP ME? OK IM A BAD/GOOD GUY NOWS, OMFG MY TEEMATES R ATTKING ME!!!"
NeoJames said:
TrueTenguMan said:
shadow's game was good by only story.

The rest of the game was bad T_T

I disagree!

I think the whole damn game sucked, the story was just "WUT IS MA PAST? HAI BAD/GOOD GUY CAN U HLP ME? OK IM A BAD/GOOD GUY NOWS, OMFG MY TEEMATES R ATTKING ME!!!"

For Starters...I agree with that too, but then again... it had filled in the plot holes for how he came back and how he was truly created.

But that's your opinion on it.
SRB2WikiSonicMaster said:
mkbullet4you said:
Fastest Sonic game ever!

All right, that is the final thing convincing me that I should not even bother TESTING this game, let alone buying it.

SonicMaster, I would at least test it, because from what I played when I went to my friends house, its defenitely worth the test/play. While it is one of the fastest Sonic games thus far, it is not all about speed at all. It has plenty of platforming, and they have balanced the boost feature, so you can't abuse it like you could in Sonic Rush.

And as for the Were-hog part, its not that bad. I felt like I was playing srb2 when dashing through certain parts as the Were-hog. The fighting could be a bit better on the Wii version, but I can say that this game is a step in the direction for Sonic in my opinion.

I only played the Wii version too, not the Xbox 360/PS3 Version.
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