Sonic Unleashed

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Shame there's no spindash. Then again, it really didn't have much use once the Adventure games came out, so that's not a big deal. Maybe SEGA will eventually include it, who knows?

Otherwise, by the sound of it, the game is shaping up nicely. A couple quirks, but it apparently isn't a very big deal, according to the guy, and it'll probably be fixed by the time SU is released.

Sounds promising so far. Looking forward to it.
Blue Warrior said:
Shame there's no spin dash. Then again, it really didn't have much use once the Adventure games came out, so that's not a big deal. Maybe SEGA will eventually include it, who knows?

Otherwise, by the sound of it, the game is shaping up nicely. A couple quirks, but it apparently isn't a very big deal, according to the guy, and it'll probably be fixed by the time SU is released.

Sounds promising so far. Looking forward to it.

Um,Sonic Adventure had so much Spin-dashing!
Sonic Adventure 2 is agreeable.:o

Also,just because it wasn't in the demo doesn't mean its not in the final.
I thought I heard YOU could spin dash when the game gets out.
But...... D:
Sonic Unleashed plays like a highly polished retrospective, remixing elements of Sonic Adventure, Sonic and the Secret Rings and the original 2D games. The only problem with that? Only one of those elements was any good in the first place. So while the 3D, into-the-screen sections control fairly responsively and with much more flexibility than the blue ballistic’s Wii debut ever offered, they still fall victim to the “Am I actually playing this?” syndrome inherent to the 3D Sonic games.

Automatic speed boosts, springs set up in unavoidable positions, grind-rail after grind-rail… Yet again we just set Sonic running and left him to it. And worst of all? The 2D sections we’ve been so excited about worked the exact same way in this particular demo. And don’t even get us started on the werehog combat sections. We didn’t get to play them, but they looked painfully sluggish and made up of some of the most generic platforming we’ve seen in ages.
Looks like it wont be as good as i thought then
I just heard and read that Games Radar has a grudge against Sonic.

They also said the Wolf levels looked awful and they didn't even play the level.

You can say that gameplay looks bad without playing it. They said it looked, not that it is.

And why am I not surprised at the review?
Dark Warrior said:
And why am I not surprised at the review?

Because everyone hates Sonic. LOL I WIN *obliterated*

SU is looking good, my only complaint had to be the malfunctioning Wii demo at Leipzig. ONM is saying this looks good, so is IGN. Of course, the final word comes when we actually play the game.
Exactly, Chissun. In fact, it's the new trend for game reviewers.
Game Reviewers such as GI said:
Let's give bad reviews to Sonic games! That'll make us awesome!
That is how feel about all this mess of reviews. Reviewers have gotten so biased that.... even if its a really good Sonic game(SU in this case)... they'll rate it down.
I seriously wish reviewers would stop sounding so freaking biased.
Only thing SRB2 lacks though is loops... What's a Sonic game without loops? Besides, when was a death match mode ever a main focus in Sonic gameplay?

Ontopic: Unleashed looks very good. Wii screens are better than I imagined. The shades and highlights are brilliant.
Exactly, Chissun. In fact, it's the new trend for game reviewers.
Game Reviewers such as GI said:
Let's give bad reviews to Sonic games! That'll make us awesome!
That is how feel about all this mess of reviews. Reviewers have gotten so biased that.... even if its a really good Sonic game(SU in this case)... they'll rate it down.
I seriously wish reviewers would stop sounding so freaking biased.

Or did you maybe stop and consider that they're reviewing it badly because it is bad? Honestly, it sounds more like you're biased against people whose job it is to retain a neutral point of view because you're a fan of the franchise. Stop, and think. If most of the reviewers are giving it bad ratings, then there's probably some real issues there. You just want to look past the issues because you're a fan of the franchise. If you think it's good, fine. But you shouldn't call the reviewers biased for seeing the flaws you'd rather look past.

I've seen nothing in any of the videos at all that disprove what these reviewers are saying, and I've seen a lot that proves it. The fact that they haven't played Werehog doesn't mean they aren't right, and given that their reviews are matching up to what we've seen in the videos, I'm fairly certain their perception on the Werehog gameplay is accurate, too.
Dark Warrior said:
Exactly, Chissun. In fact, it's the new trend for game reviewers.
Game Reviewers such as GI said:
Let's give bad reviews to Sonic games! That'll make us awesome!
That is how feel about all this mess of reviews. Reviewers have gotten so biased that.... even if its a really good Sonic game(SU in this case)... they'll rate it down.
I seriously wish reviewers would stop sounding so freaking biased.

Or did you maybe stop and consider that they're reviewing it badly because it is bad? Honestly, it sounds more like you're biased against people whose job it is to retain a neutral point of view because you're a fan of the franchise. Stop, and think. If most of the reviewers are giving it bad ratings, then there's probably some real issues there. You just want to look past the issues because you're a fan of the franchise. If you think it's good, fine. But you shouldn't call the reviewers biased for seeing the flaws you'd rather look past.

I've seen nothing in any of the videos at all that disprove what these reviewers are saying, and I've seen a lot that proves it. The fact that they haven't played Werehog doesn't mean they aren't right, and given that their reviews are matching up to what we've seen in the videos, I'm fairly certain their perception on the Werehog gameplay is accurate, too.
Yeah.... Uh huh... Right...
Being that the gameplay video that we saw was the first level doesn't prove that it's bad.... Heck.. We saw the China level. Where were the dash pads in China, huh? GamesRadar still sounds pretty biased, if you ask me...
So what if I'm a fan of the franchise? Looking past the flaws and enjoying it is a lot better than being nitpicky about minor flaws (which was all I saw that GamesRadar pointed out just to give the game a 6.) Besides, if they didn't play Werehog then how do they know it's levels are bad? Slow? Ha, it's about as fast as a Mario game when it comes down to Werehog. I'm serious... It doesn't look bad at all.
You should really compare Werehog to Ristar. Anything look familiar? Werehog plays like a 3D Ristar. So far... I think it looks very.... excellent.

@WikiMaster( aka Weird Al Pickachu *Awesome avatar by the way*): Uh...bad? I might be starting to sound like a fanboy, but you think it's bad? I don't see anything wrong with it. It looks like what a corruption to the Chaos Emeralds' energy should be.
Yeah.... Uh huh... Right...
Being that the gameplay video that we saw was the first level doesn't prove that it's bad.... Heck.. We saw the China level. Where were the dash pads in China, huh? GamesRadar still sounds pretty biased, if you ask me...
So what if I'm a fan of the franchise? Looking past the flaws and enjoying it is a lot better than being nitpicky about minor flaws (which was all I saw that GamesRadar pointed out just to give the game a 6.) Besides, if they didn't play Werehog then how do they know it's levels are bad? Slow? Ha, it's about as fast as a Mario game when it comes down to Werehog. I'm serious... It doesn't look bad at all.
You should really compare Werehog to Ristar. Anything look familiar? Werehog plays like a 3D Ristar. So far... I think it looks very.... excellent.

It's their job to point these things out. You can't tell them they're being biased when it's their job to retain a neutral point of view and report both the good and the bad. You can look past the bad, but the reviewers are absolutely right and correct to review in such a manner. Linearity and rails are also not minor nitpickings. they're serious design flaws. The whole review stated very large flaws, not nitpicks.

Also, you saw one level without the dashpads. But one level does not a good game make. Nor does the lack of dashpads make a good level. And the complaint with Werehog does not stem from the speed, but from design. They complain about sluggishness, but that could also be from more than gameplay. In-game lag, perhaps. Being sluggish may be debatable, but if it's generic platforming and nothing unique, then...
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