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Sol Sestancia 2 playtesting.

Still time for feedback, I'm currently making the boss stage, so the levels will get another comb-trough before release. Tell me what's unfair and I'll see if I can do something about it.
So, here's what I think considering difficulty:
-Escape Robotropolis, I found it particularly hard for character's like sonic, who lack vertical movement. I think a simple fix might be adding more time to the timer just to give more chance for those kind of characters for the precise platforming. If not, maybe a change to those areas themselves by adding more platforms to jump to.

-secret train, the first time playing the trains will for sure catch you since they're rather fast and start pretty abruptly. some sort of indicator that there's a train chasing you could be a good addition. I believe you did something similar to another farm level where a cutscene plays of a bull starting to chase you.
Any preference where or what?
So I actually have two separate ideas:
The first idea is essentially my sona in one of two scenarios: either trying to blend in with large crowds, or off in an area the player isn't meant to be in (only to then promptly call the player out on their shenanigans). Once place that comes to mind for the latter area is right after the 2D section in "Vs Orbot and Cubot", where you can run back behind the 2D section after regaining your 3D control.

The other idea consists of my two characters, Frank and Dummie, just having a picnic within any completely random location that you wanna go with. This could range from a completely secret area from one of the maps, a peaceful location in a hub-based level, or just smackdab right in the middle of chaos for comedic effect.

Feel free to go with either idea if you want.
I can help provide the sprites as well, unless if you want the characters to be more in-lined with your artstyle instead. In which case, here's some extra ref images in case if you wanna take a crack at sketching them.


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  • Dummie 2022 reference sheet.png
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-secret train, the first time playing the trains will for sure catch you since they're rather fast and start pretty abruptly. some sort of indicator that there's a train chasing you could be a good addition. I believe you did something similar to another farm level where a cutscene plays of a bull starting to chase you.
That's why the level starts with a train coming from the side with a loud toot, to warn you there's riding trains.
When there's a second toot and now you're on the rails, well... Not to mention there's boosters at the start that send you toward the train, which also gives a visual indication of what's happening.

I suppose I could add a quick camera shot too, but I don't want to interfere with the gameplay flow too much.

But more time in escape, alright.

So I actually have two separate ideas:

I can help provide the sprites as well, unless if you want the characters to be more in-lined with your artstyle instead. In which case, here's some extra ref images in case if you wanna take a crack at sketching them.
Yeah, fun idea. I'll do it.
Technically Big the cat's already the hiding all the time character, but why not more?
Uh, you can do the sprites yourself if you want, fine with me, there's more guest artist NPC's in it already that my friend Euan drew.
But can draw them myself no problem too. Whetever you prefer autenticity or fanart.
If Fav needs to speak, I guess I would need a voice actor for him, whether you or if you prefer me to look for someone.
So there are still slots for OCs to be put in the mod right if so I happen to have a design of my OC that I think fits into the style of roger's (I would attach the svg but my phone doesn't allow me so a png will have to do) who knew that wavching so much sonic paradox would pay off somehow


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i just found these bugs while playing on the play test

the spinlaunchers (or idk i forgot the name) of uptown made me go through the ground

and the train in secret train section when you get hit by the train or the barrels or both there's like a probability that you go through the wall, and that's all i did found
Hey! Dunno if it's too late to ask, but could you add my character, Pencil as a background character? He'd be holding up a sign saying "still waiting" and just be kinda out of the way. Your artstyle would fit really well for him!


  • waitin.png
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You're free to request OC's.

Anyway, oops, only now noticed the secret Train level always plays, it was meant to be an challenging optional secret level. Sorry!
Took it out of the proper level rotation again. And fixed a few of the other complaints as well.

free to request OC's, eh? (his name is alm, put him in any level/area you want idc where as long as hes seeable)
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Yeah, they shared an object number, hence the glitch. I fixed it for Version 0.8, which is the current version, which includes most of Goldenshine's improvements.
probably because i was using the goldenshine version im guessing, i think it might be something with overlapping sprite names of the npc sprite and the 3d vector sprite
I really liked the first Sol Sestancia, and I'm looking forward to the sequel.
Your level mods are definitely some of the more unique ones in SRB2 (I think that's because of the vastly different artstyle), which is refreshing.
That being said, you said you were accepting requests for other people's OC's to appear as background characters, right?
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I'd love to see this guy in there.
His name is Starfall (I'm guessing that you're planning on redrawing him in the "Roger" artstyle?). He's my channel mascot.


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You're free to request OC's.

Anyway, oops, only now noticed the secret Train level always plays, it was meant to be an challenging optional secret level. Sorry!
Took it out of the proper level rotation again. And fixed a few of the other complaints as well.
Lol, i'm super late. If it's already over that's fine. I liked the first Sol Sestancia and would love (again, if still open, probably not) Too see either one or both my "oc"s. Slonk (Yes, he is just kinda a small sonic)

and Emmy The Mater Emerald

So yeah, that's it! If they don't get put in, i won't mind! Can't wait!

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