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Soap the Hedge! (FINISHED, GO TO https://mb.srb2.org/addons/soap-the-hedge.5028/ )


I think this should be part of the hud. and not console since it literally SPAMS THIS EVERY SINGLE S E C O N D
View attachment 79140
I think this should be part of the hud. and not console since it literally SPAMS THIS EVERY SINGLE S E C O N D
Silly me, I forgot to turn off this debug thing for momentum. why do i keep forgetting to remove stuff before i release another build?

What's new in this thing?
-Well for starters, I removed that silly little speed thing from cluttering up the console
-Added the built in momentum back (still broken with Mystic Realm)
-Added more XMomentum support than there was before. Awsum!!1

Probably download this one if you like seeing your console.

Also, band-aid (?) fix for Soap breaking in Mystic, I've made this little flowchart explaining how not to break him, uh I hope it helps.


  • Soap the Hedge indev2.1.2.pk3
    4.4 MB · Views: 130
that would be rather something hard to code
Yeah you are right, I barely know any lua as is, and coding something like that, seems kinda unfair. I mean, not like Soap already is an advantage just to play as, but it be pretty annoying having some Soap freezing you (and only you) in place.
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New build time!

What's new in this thing?
-Momentum actually works now
-Momentum works with Mystic Realm
-Because of the above, runspeed was increased back to the original 58
-Added a space to make laughing stasis working



  • Soap the Hedge indev2.1.3.pk3
    4.4 MB · Views: 138
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oh alright
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Yeah you are right, I barely know any lua as is, and coding something like that, seems kinda unfair. I mean, not like Soap already is an advantage just to play as, but it be pretty annoying having some Soap freezing you (and only you) in place.
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New build time!

What's new in this thing?
-Momentum actually works now
-Momentum works with Mystic Realm
-Because of the above, runspeed was increased back to the original 58
-Added a space to make laughing stasis working

View attachment 79182
And well, guess what?? debug thing is on again!!

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oh alright
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And well, guess what?? debug thing is on again!!

View attachment 79571
How do I keep forgetting to turn this off?

Anyway, new build time!

What's new in this thing?
-Silly debug spam was now turned into a console command, so you can turn it off now! (soap_debug)
-Added a console command for toggling Soap's momentum, if you don't want it (soap_momentum)
-I probably updated the taunts in some way?? I kinda forgot
-Mystic Realm momentum is broken now
-BattleMod support! Very cool
(this video is a good example of what kind of chaos you can get from the above update.)

Go ahead and download the new build and absolutely decimate your opponents!


  • Soap the Hedge indev2.1.4.pk3
    4.4 MB · Views: 123
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New build time!

So, 2.1.5 is out! But before I list out what's new, I should probably list what I forgot to last release.

What was new last build?
-Soap's underwater timer was lowered from 30 to 20 seconds

What's new in this thing?
-Updated GASP frames
-Added 3 new console commands
soap_rolltrol - Toggles "rolltrolling" for soap, which is just being able to move when rolling​
setstate - Silly command for setting you into a state.​
soap_uncurl - Toggles uncurling for Soap​
-Uncurling code added from Krabs
This is a kinda crazy feature, kinda making Soap a cooler SA Sonic​
-Slightly updated BattleMod code, making Soap have SF_MULTIABILITY
-Freeslotted some new states and sprite2's
-Added stretch code from NeonSRB2

That should be everything new in this build, I hope you guys have fun with this little dude!


  • Soap the Hedge indev2.1.5.pk3
    4.1 MB · Views: 138
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alright.... I get stuck when I do the laugh emote
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I'm basically forced to retry the level

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