I hvae been messing around with slopes in the new 2.1.15 vanilla exe and for some odd reason, after adding in enough slopes SRB2 starts crashing.
The log I get is this:
The error log I have is as follows:
The level that's causeing this problem is here: https://www.dropbox.com/s/qx4q1vhq7vsso6p/SCR_Emerald_FlowerV2.wad?dl=0
The log I get is this:
Compiled for SDL version: 2.0.4
Linked with SDL version: 2.0.3
Setting up SRB2...
Looking for WADs in: SRB2WADDIR,.
Z_Init(): Init zone memory allocation daemon.
System memory: 4095MB - Free: 4095MB
W_InitMultipleFiles(): Adding IWAD and main PWADs.
Added file G:\SRB2\RB2 2.1.15\srb2.srb (6214 lumps)
Loading main config from G:\SRB2\RB2 2.1.15\srb2.srb
Added file G:\SRB2\RB2 2.1.15\zones.dta (962 lumps)
Loading main config from G:\SRB2\RB2 2.1.15\zones.dta
Added file G:\SRB2\RB2 2.1.15\player.dta (526 lumps)
Added file G:\SRB2\RB2 2.1.15\rings.dta (444 lumps)
Added file G:\SRB2\RB2 2.1.15\patch.dta (94 lumps)
Added file G:\SRB2\RB2 2.1.15\music.dta (171 lumps)
Added file G:\SRB2\RB221~1.15\SCR_EM~1.WAD (32 lumps)
Loading main config from G:\SRB2\RB221~1.15\SCR_EM~1.WAD
Added file C:\Users\Owner\AppData\Local\Temp\yisgtvhv\q9fb6dmj.wad (11 lumps)
SDL2: stubbed: SDLESSet:1499
NOTE: Under SDL2, all modes are supported on all platforms.
Under opengl, fullscreen only supports native desktop resolution.
Under software, the mode is stretched up to desktop resolution.
0: 1920x1200
1: 1920x1080
2: 1680x1050
3: 1600x1200
4: 1600x900
5: 1366x768
6: 1440x900
7: 1280x1024
8: 1280x960
9: 1280x800
10: 1280x720
11: 1152x864
12: 1024x768
13: 800x600
14: 640x480
15: 640x400
16: 320x240
17: 320x200
SDL2: stubbed: SurfaceInfo:440
SDL2: stubbed: SurfaceInfo:440
CPU Info: 486: 1, 586: 1, MMX: 1, 3DNow: 0, MMXExt: 0, SSE2: 1
HU_Init(): Setting up heads up display.
Number of console HUD lines is now 5
executing config.cfg
Default resolution: 1280 x 800 (16 bits)
M_Init(): Init miscellaneous info.
R_Init(): Init SRB2 refresh daemon.
srb2.srb added 2975 frames in 231 sprites
player.dta added 163 frames in 1 sprites
rings.dta added 431 frames in 18 sprites
patch.dta added 1 frames in 1 sprites
SCR_EM~1.WAD added 2 frames in 1 sprites
Added skin 'tails'
Added skin 'knuckles'
Number of Extra Colormaps: 8
S_Init(): Setting up sound.
ST_Init(): Init status bar.
D_CheckNetGame(): Checking network game status.
executing .\autoexec.cfg
Starting Server....
Entering main game loop...
We hope you enjoy this game as
much as we did making it!
...wait. =P
Sonic Robo Blast 2 v2.1.15 (May 19 2016 06:02:15 e2a57835)
Speeding off to level...
SRB2 v2.1.15 -ERROR LOG-
srb2win caused an Access Violation in module srb2win.exe at 0023:0051e4ea.
Exception handler called in main thread.
Error occurred at 5/20/2016 00:32:22.
G:\SRB2\RB2 2.1.15\srb2win.exe, run by Owner.
4 processor(s), type 586 6.15363.
Program Memory from 0x00010000 to 0x7FFEFFFF
0 MBytes physical memory.
Read from location 0000000c caused an access violation.
EAX=00000000 CS=0023 EIP=0051e4ea EFLGS=00010202
EBX=0000000a SS=002b ESP=0028faa0 EBP=0028fad8
ECX=000004ae DS=002b ESI=0000000a FS=0053
EDX=00000004 ES=002b EDI=09c37138 GS=002b
Command Line parameters: -file G:\SRB2\RB221~1.15\SCR_EM~1.WAD C:\Users\Owner\AppData\Local\Temp\yisgtvhv\q9fb6dmj.wad -warp MAP60 +skin sonic Bytes at CS : EIP:
8a ?? 40 ?? 0c ?? 84 ?? c0 ?? 74 ?? 0f ?? 8b ?? 45 ?? f0 ?? 8b ?? 40 ?? 08 ?? 8b ?? 55 ?? f0 ??
Stack dump:
0028faa0: af1f0000 145f0000 0000003c 00000000 0000000a 00000000 00000000 09ad0040
0028fac0: 00000007 09ac9688 00000000 00000001 09c7e328 00000000 0028fb28 0051eb65
0028fae0: 00000040 00000000 00000000 0000000a 02ee0000 09c7f9f6 0043e25c 0ac7f9f4
0028fb00: 00000001 09c23298 00000000 00000557 09c7e328 09c7f9f8 046afc68 00000001
0028fb20: 002c0158 00000008 0028fc18 004e92d6 00070001 00000032 00000000 0028fb5c
0028fb40: 006ef64a 0075dd60 0028fc08 00444769 005e04c0 0028fc20 00000001 52454d45
0028fb60: 20444c41 574f4c46 5a205245 2c454e4f 74634120 7f003120 0028fc20 00000042
0028fb80: 045fe698 045feddc 74c2a500 0028fbc0 0028fba8 74c976b4 0028fc20 006e77bc
0028fba0: 00000000 0028fc18 0028fbd8 61cce7e1 0028fc20 006e77bc 0028fc18 00000001
0028fbc0: 00000000 74c38d09 0756124e 0d401643 0028fc10 74c97677 0028fc08 61cce86e
0028fbe0: 0028fc20 006e77bc 00000001 00000001 01c58129 7fffffe5 00000000 00000000
0028fc00: 00000001 00000000 00000001 00000002 00000001 00000005 0028fc48 004351df
0028fc20: 00000000 0028fcb3 00000008 00000000 01c58110 006d2d98 00007f30 00000020
0028fc40: 045fe698 00000001 0028fc88 004398b0 00000001 00000030 0028fc88 00446d44
0028fc60: 01c58110 006d2d98 0028fc94 61cc1900 00000000 006d2d98 000006c1 00000020
0028fc80: 00000000 00000001 0028fd68 00416ed9 00000000 0028fcb3 00000001 00000000
0028fca0: 00728883 00728882 00000001 00000001 4d2c0158 30365041 0028fc00 00404835
0028fcc0: 00728882 0028fd0f 00000001 09b10a9d 09b1105d 09b1105d 00728a88 09b10a9d
0028fce0: 00000001 002c0158 0028fd18 00416176 00000002 0028fd0f 00000001 00000028
0028fd00: 017973c0 00000008 0028fd28 0028fcd9 01797240 00000001 0028fd28 00416333
0028fd20: 0072a6f0 01797240 0028fd68 0040bea7 00000000 00000008 0028fd68 00410de8
0028fd40: 09b11069 00000094 09b11063 00000000 00000000 09b11062 00000001 00000005
0028fd60: 00000001 00000001 0028fdc8 00404c3c 0028fd9c 00000000 0028fd98 004ae681
0028fd80: 0179be6c 00000000 00000000 002c00b2 002c0158 00000008 0028fdc8 09b11069
0028fda0: 06000001 09b11069 09b1105c 00000000 00000057 00000001 00000001 00000001
0028fdc0: 002c0158 00000008 0028fdf8 0040e6df 00000001 0000000a 00000000 00000057
0028fde0: 00000000 00000000 00000500 002c00b2 002c0158 002c00b2 0028fe38 004031de
0028fe00: 00000002 00000000 00010000 00000000 07550050 00000000 0028fe44 00000000
0028fe20: 00000057 ffffffff 00000002 00000057 002c0158 00000008 0028fe68 00401870
0028fe40: 006cf0e6 75544a25 01972a34 6c76bc88 6c82a67c 6c8161c0 75544a25 00000000
0028fe60: 01c53218 00000006 002c00b2 005b5cef 00000008 002c0158 01972a34 00000002
0028fe80: 002c0158 00000008 002c0018 00000008 01c53218 00000006 0028feb8 005de8fd
0028fea0: 00400000 00000000 01974949 00000001 005b4b20 0028fed0 0028ff88 004013e2
0028fec0: 01c53258 00000006 00000008 004013e2 00000008 01c53218 01c51c20 76f5e687
0028fee0: cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc
0028ff00: 00000000 75544327 005b573d 00000000 00000000 00000024 00000008 01c53218
0028ff20: 00000000 00000000 76f6292d 00000044 019a29c0 0328a660 019a3b80 00000000
0028ff40: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000001 00000001
0028ff60: 00000000 ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff 00000000 00000000 0028ff94 7efde000
0028ff80: 00000000 00000000 0028ff94 7554338a 7efde000 0028ffd4 76f69882 7efde000
0028ffa0: 77e080e3 00000000 00000000 7efde000 c0000005 7556770f 7556770f 0028ffa0
0028ffc0: 0028f4ec ffffffff 76fa3145 013dba77 00000000 0028ffec 76f69855 01890670
0028ffe0: 7efde000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 01890670 7efde000 00000000
Exception encountered during stack dump.
Module list: names, addresses, sizes, time stamps and file times:
G:\SRB2\RB2 2.1.15\srb2win.exe, loaded at 0x00400000 - 1869288 bytes - 00000001 - file date is 5/19/2016 02:05:48
C:\Windows\system32\midimap.dll, loaded at 0x0a160000 - 16896 bytes - 4a5bda84 - file date is 7/13/2009 21:15:42
G:\SRB2\RB2 2.1.15\libmodplug-1.dll, loaded at 0x0aa50000 - 401920 bytes - 52067b0b - file date is 8/10/2013 13:40:28
G:\SRB2\RB2 2.1.15\libFLAC-8.dll, loaded at 0x10000000 - 367104 bytes - 52067b0b - file date is 8/10/2013 13:40:28
C:\Windows\SysWow64\XAudio2_7.dll, loaded at 0x5e9c0000 - 527192 bytes - 4c0641e5 - file date is 6/2/2010 05:55:30
G:\SRB2\RB2 2.1.15\exchndl.dll, loaded at 0x603c0000 - 392704 bytes - 41486e57 - file date is 3/15/2014 13:06:10
G:\SRB2\RB2 2.1.15\libintl-8.dll, loaded at 0x61cc0000 - 347910 bytes - 4d4a9e38 - file date is 3/15/2014 13:06:18
C:\Windows\system32\nvd3dum.dll, loaded at 0x64330000 - 14129544 bytes - 57311419 - file date is 5/10/2016 00:07:02
G:\SRB2\RB2 2.1.15\smpeg2.dll, loaded at 0x66240000 - 301568 bytes - 52067b0b - file date is 8/10/2013 13:40:28
G:\SRB2\RB2 2.1.15\SDL2_mixer.dll, loaded at 0x67880000 - 184320 bytes - 52067b0b - file date is 8/10/2013 13:40:28
C:\Windows\system32\nvapi.dll, loaded at 0x68780000 - 3286664 bytes - 5731132b - file date is 5/10/2016 00:07:02
C:\Windows\system32\wdmaud.drv, loaded at 0x68b80000 - 172032 bytes - 4ce7ba26 - file date is 11/20/2010 23:24:02
G:\SRB2\RB2 2.1.15\libvorbisfile-3.dll, loaded at 0x6b3c0000 - 62976 bytes - 52067b0b - file date is 8/10/2013 13:40:28
C:\Windows\system32\nvspcap.dll, loaded at 0x6c360000 - 1377800 bytes - 5726d1e5 - file date is 5/2/2016 01:39:02
G:\SRB2\RB2 2.1.15\SDL2.dll, loaded at 0x6c740000 - 1007104 bytes - 53250d74 - file date is 11/11/2014 15:44:12
G:\Program files\Steam\gameoverlayrenderer.dll, loaded at 0x6cb50000 - 1043536 bytes - 5723ddff - file date is 4/29/2016 20:10:38
C:\Program Files (x86)\NVIDIA Corporation\3D Vision\nvSCPAPI.dll, loaded at 0x6cef0000 - 722464 bytes - 57311b5d - file date is 5/9/2016 19:27:26
G:\SRB2\RB2 2.1.15\libvorbis-0.dll, loaded at 0x6d540000 - 196096 bytes - 52067b0b - file date is 8/10/2013 13:40:28
C:\Windows\system32\AUDIOSES.DLL, loaded at 0x6d7e0000 - 195584 bytes - 54d03ba0 - file date is 2/2/2015 23:12:14
C:\Windows\system32\D3D9.DLL, loaded at 0x6da30000 - 1828352 bytes - 4ce7b7b3 - file date is 11/20/2010 23:24:24
G:\SRB2\RB2 2.1.15\libgme.dll, loaded at 0x6e200000 - 488210 bytes - 516a380e - file date is 3/15/2014 13:05:58
C:\Windows\system32\MSACM32.dll, loaded at 0x6e5d0000 - 72192 bytes - 4a5bda4e - file date is 7/13/2009 21:15:44
C:\Windows\System32\MMDevApi.dll, loaded at 0x6e5f0000 - 213504 bytes - 4ce7b892 - file date is 11/20/2010 23:23:52
C:\Windows\system32\msacm32.drv, loaded at 0x6e8f0000 - 20992 bytes - 4a5bda4f - file date is 7/13/2009 21:14:10
C:\Windows\system32\dwmapi.dll, loaded at 0x6ef20000 - 67072 bytes - 4a5bda07 - file date is 7/13/2009 21:15:14
C:\Windows\system32\uxtheme.dll, loaded at 0x6ef40000 - 245760 bytes - 4a5bdb3c - file date is 7/13/2009 21:11:26
C:\Windows\system32\WINMM.DLL, loaded at 0x6efc0000 - 194048 bytes - 4ce7ba42 - file date is 11/20/2010 23:24:18
C:\Windows\system32\ksuser.dll, loaded at 0x6f610000 - 4608 bytes - 56675155 - file date is 12/8/2015 17:53:48
G:\SRB2\RB2 2.1.15\libogg-0.dll, loaded at 0x70680000 - 47104 bytes - 52067b0b - file date is 8/10/2013 13:40:28
C:\Windows\system32\webio.dll, loaded at 0x72100000 - 314880 bytes - 4ec49b76 - file date is 11/17/2011 01:35:04
C:\Windows\system32\WINHTTP.dll, loaded at 0x72150000 - 351232 bytes - 4ce7ba3e - file date is 11/20/2010 23:24:10
C:\Windows\system32\WINNSI.DLL, loaded at 0x721c0000 - 16896 bytes - 4a5bdb43 - file date is 7/13/2009 21:16:20
C:\Windows\system32\IPHLPAPI.DLL, loaded at 0x72200000 - 103936 bytes - 4ce7b859 - file date is 11/20/2010 23:24:34
C:\Windows\system32\avrt.dll, loaded at 0x72520000 - 14336 bytes - 4a5bd998 - file date is 7/13/2009 21:15:00
C:\Windows\system32\powrprof.dll, loaded at 0x726d0000 - 145408 bytes - 4a5bdb0c - file date is 7/13/2009 21:16:14
C:\Windows\system32\d3d8thk.dll, loaded at 0x72870000 - 11264 bytes - 4a5bd9a8 - file date is 7/13/2009 21:15:10
C:\Windows\System32\PROPSYS.dll, loaded at 0x73920000 - 988160 bytes - 4ce7b983 - file date is 11/20/2010 23:24:10
C:\Windows\system32\VERSION.dll, loaded at 0x747c0000 - 21504 bytes - 4a5bdb2b - file date is 7/13/2009 21:16:18
C:\Windows\syswow64\CRYPTBASE.dll, loaded at 0x74890000 - 36352 bytes - 568414ce - file date is 12/30/2015 13:30:56
C:\Windows\syswow64\SspiCli.dll, loaded at 0x748a0000 - 96768 bytes - 5684255b - file date is 12/30/2015 14:41:32
C:\Windows\syswow64\LPK.dll, loaded at 0x74910000 - 25600 bytes - 55e66336 - file date is 9/1/2015 22:47:20
C:\Windows\syswow64\KERNELBASE.dll, loaded at 0x74980000 - 274944 bytes - 56842600 - file date is 12/30/2015 14:41:32
C:\Windows\SysWOW64\sechost.dll, loaded at 0x749d0000 - 92160 bytes - 4a5bdb04 - file date is 7/13/2009 21:16:14
C:\Windows\syswow64\MSCTF.dll, loaded at 0x749f0000 - 828928 bytes - 54b9c914 - file date is 1/16/2015 22:30:44
C:\Windows\syswow64\ole32.dll, loaded at 0x74ac0000 - 1414656 bytes - 55981b9e - file date is 7/4/2015 13:48:38
C:\Windows\syswow64\msvcrt.dll, loaded at 0x74c20000 - 690688 bytes - 4eeaf722 - file date is 12/16/2011 03:53:00
C:\Windows\syswow64\ADVAPI32.dll, loaded at 0x74cd0000 - 641536 bytes - 56675047 - file date is 12/8/2015 17:53:38
C:\Windows\syswow64\SETUPAPI.dll, loaded at 0x74fc0000 - 1667584 bytes - 4ce7b9d9 - file date is 11/20/2010 23:23:52
C:\Windows\syswow64\OLEAUT32.dll, loaded at 0x752c0000 - 571904 bytes - 5441c30c - file date is 10/17/2014 21:33:20
C:\Windows\syswow64\GDI32.dll, loaded at 0x75350000 - 312320 bytes - 56675135 - file date is 12/8/2015 17:52:54
C:\Windows\syswow64\WS2_32.dll, loaded at 0x753e0000 - 206848 bytes - 4ce7ba68 - file date is 11/20/2010 23:23:56
C:\Windows\syswow64\SHLWAPI.dll, loaded at 0x75430000 - 350208 bytes - 4ce7b9e2 - file date is 11/20/2010 23:23:50
C:\Windows\syswow64\CLBCatQ.DLL, loaded at 0x754a0000 - 522240 bytes - 4a5bd9b1 - file date is 7/13/2009 21:15:04
C:\Windows\syswow64\kernel32.dll, loaded at 0x75530000 - 1114112 bytes - 568425ff - file date is 12/30/2015 14:41:32
C:\Windows\syswow64\NSI.dll, loaded at 0x756b0000 - 8704 bytes - 4a5bdad9 - file date is 7/13/2009 21:16:12
C:\Windows\syswow64\PSAPI.DLL, loaded at 0x756c0000 - 6144 bytes - 4a5bdace - file date is 7/13/2009 21:16:14
C:\Windows\syswow64\DEVOBJ.dll, loaded at 0x756d0000 - 64512 bytes - 4ddb887d - file date is 5/24/2011 06:40:06
C:\Windows\syswow64\profapi.dll, loaded at 0x758c0000 - 31744 bytes - 4a5bbf41 - file date is 7/13/2009 21:16:14
C:\Windows\syswow64\SHELL32.DLL, loaded at 0x75900000 - 12875776 bytes - 55c39c76 - file date is 8/6/2015 13:44:52
C:\Windows\syswow64\USP10.dll, loaded at 0x76790000 - 627712 bytes - 563902f2 - file date is 11/3/2015 14:56:20
C:\Windows\syswow64\RPCRT4.dll, loaded at 0x76830000 - 665088 bytes - 5684255b - file date is 12/30/2015 14:41:32
C:\Windows\syswow64\CFGMGR32.dll, loaded at 0x76920000 - 145920 bytes - 4ddb8851 - file date is 5/24/2011 06:39:40
C:\Windows\syswow64\IMM32.DLL, loaded at 0x76950000 - 119808 bytes - 4ce7ba53 - file date is 11/20/2010 23:24:26
C:\Windows\syswow64\USER32.dll, loaded at 0x76a30000 - 833024 bytes - 56423973 - file date is 11/10/2015 14:37:40
C:\Windows\SysWOW64\ntdll.dll, loaded at 0x76f30000 - 1311768 bytes - 5684255b - file date is 12/30/2015 14:44:28
The level that's causeing this problem is here: https://www.dropbox.com/s/qx4q1vhq7vsso6p/SCR_Emerald_FlowerV2.wad?dl=0
Last edited: