Sleep Well Sweet Prince (Geocities closes!)

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Retired Staff

D-Day is almost upon us. Yes, tomorrow Yahoo finally pulls the plug on Geocities, the website hosting service that made web publishing easy for everyone. In the late 90s, if you wanted to set up a website the cheapest and easiest way was with Geocities. Along with rival service Tripod, it revolutionised web publishing; transforming it from the preserve of a few geeks to something anyone could do.

Personally, I say, thank God. Now we just need Freewebs to go the same way and the internet will be a better place.
It's been a few years since I even heard anything about Geocities. I remember when I first got integrated to the Internet sometime around 99' trying to fiddle with their crappy site builder, whilst being too young to be doing it in the first place before just making a website with AOL Kids.
Thank goodness I was able to download Olivier Renault's physics demos.

It really seems kind of stupid that they can't at least keep geocities up in an archive sense... a lot of good old material is going to disappear.
It really seems kind of stupid that they can't at least keep geocities up in an archive sense... a lot of good old material is going to disappear.

Yeah, thankfully I picked my artwork out of the wreckage.
[highlight]This isn't an art topic. Please don't post a stream of images that are totally unrelated to the discussion at hand. ~Rob[/highlight]
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Hooray, another art topic.

Thank God for a freeweb site closing down. I'm with Cue on this, now we just have to wait till Freewebs going kaput.
His middle name IS art. D:

Also, if freewebs dies. The community will just kill another free hosting websites. I would rather let the crappy websites stay at one name. :p
I dunno, I have a soft spot for Geocities, despite how crappy it was. I used it about a decade ago and it served me well until I got space on the SSRG.
Well I found some decent Sonic series Sim Skins on one site. Some of which were also on the SFGHQ.
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Still seems to be up as of right now, fancy that.

But like I said on another unrelated IRC channel...
[07:49] <MattW_CFI> ++geocities closing
[07:50] <MattW_CFI> the number of godawful websites on the internet is about to be cut in half
Freewebs is still around, and though it is more recent, that's more responsible for today's trash sites much more than good old Geocities is. I wouldn't put the lean toward that classic free webhost for the kids of late.

Thankfully, around five entities took the amazing initiative to backup 2TB of Geocities data, preserving a huge account of internet history :) The most attractive seems to be (a one-letter difference;) is really fast, and is always the standard contender.

On another note, is a lovingly exhaustive snapshot of the internet as it was since the 80s. It's actually really cute to look at all the old text files from way back then!
Well, There goes that old Geocities site that I made when I was 5.
Either way, Freewebs was and still is functionally superior.
How is a free web hosting service with simple customization and user interface considered a scourge of the internet?

I believe you just answered your own question; It's too easy for some stupid kid to just MAKE a site with no real purpose for existing, and Geocities proved that we certainly don't need any of THOSE types of sites...
How is a free web hosting service with simple customization and user interface considered a scourge of the internet?
"hi this is my site im 12 yrs old and thot that makng a websit wuld be cool so here i am"

A lot of sites that look like this were created, with no reason to exist other than because having a website is "cool." So many of these existed that any good sites with actual content were drowned in the sea of them.
I don't see how that's any different from Twitter, MySpace or all these other places to post about your uninteresting day-to-day lives. Geocities at least was a service that did something. Sure it was crappy, but it did work.
Who cares if Geocities websites were almost always terrible? Its the internet, people have almost complete freedom of expression (generally more so than in real life). To say they don't have the right to make a website because of their unsophistication is to say that someone doesn't have a right to play a sport on public property because he is terrible at it.

I do have a distaste for amatuer websites and blogs as well as social networking sites, but I do believe they serve a purpose. I wouldn't feel right if I were to celebrate a free webhosting site for no reason other than the way it was used doesn't meet my standards. This is very much the same as condemning people that make and people that play "casual" games for not being the kind of gamers we are. Or, to be more extreme, condemning everybody of a specific religious denomination, theoretical conviction, or political party because I deem them not religious, studied, or politically savvy enough to have any say in any matter.

Yes I know, Godwin's Law. Howeverm as someone who can identify with both casual and hardcore gamers, it is something that bothers me quiet often when I run into console wars. ...and I just got out of sociology class.
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