September/October 2009 Voting

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AKA FuriousFox
Retired Staff
Welcome to the September/October 2009 contest voting. We have 16 Multiplayer maps and 4 Single Player maps this time.

The voting works as follows: Play a few games of the stage in question, in the intended gametype for judging, and give the map a vote from 0 to 10, no decimals. You can not vote on your own map. Votes where the voter obviously did not play the level in its intended gametype, or where the voter did not play the multiplayer maps with other real players will be discarded. To encourage voting, if you are an author and you judge all of the competitor's maps, the lowest score on your map will be dropped. Please be as unbiased as possible for the author or the look of the map. It's all about how good the map plays, nothing else.

Although it's not necessary, it's very helpful to make comments about what you liked and didn't like about the map, so the author can improve his skill for future attempts.

Judging will end November 8th at midnight GMT (November 7th, 7:00 PM EST). The scores will be then averaged, and the person with the highest score is the winner.

Winners will have their usertitle changed to "Contest Winner", and will be given a golden username. This will last up and until the next contest winners are decided.

The maps follow:

Single Player Level Pack

Single Player:
Gothic Gardens Zone, Act 1 by VX501 - 3.18
Graceful Coast Zone by D00D64 - 4.66
Refurbished Gadgetry Zone by SonicMaster - 6.17
Magma Core Zone, Act 2 by Blade - 7.83

Multiplayer Level Pack

MAPM1 - Battle Forest Zone by Aaron - 4.68
MAPM2 - Misty Mesa Zone by fawfulfan - 3.71
MAPM3 - Acid Comet Zone by D00D64 - 5.06
MAPM4 - Icicle Warehouse Zone by glaber - 5.13
MAPM5 - Volcanic Desolation Zone by Scizor300 - 3.50
MAPM6 - Azure Lake Zone by KO.T.E - 6.20
MAPM7 - 30 Minute Zone by RedEchidna - 2.17

MAPF1 - Canyon CTF Zone by Eggmanfan - 0.00
MAPF2 - Ancient Arboretum Zone by Com Rante - 5.61
MAPF3 - Red River Zone by darkbob1713 - 5.33
MAPF4 - Sunshower Canyon Zone by D00D64 - 6.50
MAPF5 - Techno Laser Zone by KO.T.E - 5.59
MAPF6 - Iron Turret Returns Zone by Neo - 7.65
MAPF7 - La Villa Strangiato Zone by Penopat - 6.00

MAPR1 - Frostbite Peak Zone by RedEchidna - 5.19
MAPR2 - Egg Flower Zone by Mach - 4.75

Voting Results:

Please make sure to play the levels in the intended gametype, and above all, have fun judging!
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The 1st v2.0 contest voting is out!


Furious Fox stole my fireworks D:


And ninja'd by KO.T.E!!!

I gonna sleep... >.>
Well, my SP map sucks, and the other SP maps suck too, from my first impression. But I'll get mor in depth to this later.

Wow, SP was so disappointing this time :<
alias OLDC-SP "sp0;sp1;sp2;sp3;sp4;"
alias sp0 "echo ==SINGLEPLAYER OLDC SeptOct09==
alias sp1 "echo scr_refurbishedgadgetry-MAP06.wad"
alias sp2 "echo scr_MCZ2.wad"
alias sp3 "echo scr_gothicgardens1.wad"
alias sp4 "echo S_Gracefulcoast.wad"

alias OLDC-MP "mp0;mp1"
alias mp0 "echo ==MULTIPLAYER OLDC SepcOct09==
alias mp1 "echo mrtf_contest-septoct09.wad"
am I useful yet
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Wow, SP was so disappointing this time :<

Tell me about it... they were either too hard, or plain confusing (like your GCZ)

I'll give my votes later.

Oh and D00D, what are the custom musics you used in GCZ? They're really nice.
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Well, I honestly thought that overall, Magma Core Zone 2 was the best in the SP division, hands down.

My MP maps review is coming soon.
MP pack is corrupted. >.>

And I'm not the only one to say that.

<Scizor300>Sorry to say, but the MP pack zip is corrupted


I downloaded again and worked.
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Like, no one gave a numerical rating yet. Posting for the lulz as usual I see.

I'd have to give it to Magma Core Zone 2. By far the best Single Player level I have ever played. The custom Flying Firethrowing things (forgot the name) was pretty epic, and the overall quality of this level is amazing. I'm not so good criticizing levels much but I just wanted to participate. :P

Magma Core Zone 2:
GCZ - 7/10

-Good scenery.
-Good music.
-The zoom tube leading to the room with the platforms that are pushed up by fountains was too unexpected.
-Some annoying things that blocked my view. For example, the small tunnel with the crawla commanders and the chaos emerald.

MCZ2 - 8.5/10 9/10
-Good SOCced ememies.
-Ememental shield was very cheap, and made the level a piece of cake.
-Overuse of rockfalls. Get rid of some of 'em.
-A few areas that slightly lagged because of overuse of flamethrowers/rockfalls.
-Not too cramped, not too wide open.

I'll review more later. :D
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So, excusing my lousy SP map and the other SP maps, I'll just go to CTF.

MAPF1 - Canyon CTF Zone by Eggmanfan: 0/10
No, I am not kidding. This map is so bad it's UNPLAYABLE TO A HEAVY DEGREE. Rocks over the flag, barely any rings (undeaf'd, no less), most rings being team based, unfunctional quick sand...whatever the hell that was supposed to be, and ridiculously cramped. Easily the lousiest map here.

MAPF2 - Ancient Arboretum Zone by Com Rante: 4/10
This map was a cluster**** of garbage sectors with no regard for players. It was just one nightmare corner maze thing after another. It's hard to get around, it's impossible to find anyone unless they already found YOU holding the flag, there are several useless paths. It was just a goddamn MESS playing here.

MAPF3 - Red River Zone by darkbob1713 6/10
The crayon appearance is just not enough to save this map. It's a fairly decent map, but there are NO CTF map starts, It's way too long, and it's just a pain to play and get around in. Not as much as the earlier two, but not much better.

MAPF4 - Sunshower Canyon Zone by D00D64: IGNORETHIS/10
I just wanted a simple, yet effective CTF map. It's huge, but there are three routes between the pit, and a mostly gimmick free map, just built for a simple yet still fun level. also, a "Fun" Fact: This map was untested, aside from running through the level by myself. Also, THE MUSIC CHOICE WILL BE CHANGED TO THIS IN THE RE-RELEASE. THE CURRENT TUNE IS A PLACEHOLDER.

MAPF5 - Techno Laser Zone by KO.T.E: 5/10
I thought this was gonna be a disaster. I was right on the money. Mini players just dominate any other sized players, and when you are tiny, the map is far too huge and drawn out. this isn't a disadvantage; this is an annoyance. The layout itself is pretty meh, and I felt no good reason to be big. At all.

MAPF6 - Iron Turret Returns Zone by Neo : 8/10
I...I can't believe this...
It's Iorn Turret....
And it's GOOD.
The visuals are nice, and unique, and so is the music choice. There are alt paths, balance to the weapon choices, and it STILL keeps some of the original flavor. However, the monitors should NOT have been random; random monitors don't obey the monitor spawning system, and too many of them results in too much power. But man, I would SO play this map again, many times. Good job, Neo.

MAPF7 - La Villa Strangiato Zone by Penopat: 5/10
Not reviewed as of current. Will be reviewed soon.
Okay, this map is giant open space followed by more giant open space, and even more giant open space, all of which are lacking in rings. I know my map was big and simple, but this is more so, and just not that fun to play on. There just is nothing to say about this map, really.

Match and SP maps will also be reviewed at some point.
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Well, I've just played through all of the Match levels, and I've noticed a bit of a trend with them. Why aren't you people putting enough Match starts in your maps? The rules state that you're supposed to have at least 32 starts, but I'm finding levels with as few starts as 8, 5, and 2.

Please, make sure you put enough starts in your levels if you plan to enter the contest in the future.
Alright, haven't played this game for awhile now, but here are my ratings of the SP division:

GRACEFUL COAST: 7/10. Good, but a few flaws in the level design. Firstly, the area with the yellow springs are glitched. If you press any key while flying (and you are likely to be holding down the forward button,) you will fly off course past the level and be randomly killed. Also, sonic can't jump high enough to get out of the floating water block gimmick. If there was an alternate way out, I couldn't figure it out in the quick run-through. If this was supposed to be a complex puzzle, then the time limit has to be scrapped. The blue spring gimmick was annoying, it broke the flow of that part of the level. However, the rest of the level was spectacular, and the scenery was awesome. Solid.

GOTHIC GARDENS: 1/10. I can see that you put some work into this, but it is majorly flawed. At the beginning, there is a random yellow spring. This level is quite cramped, with some very skinny platforms and halls which break the flow of the level. The textures used are repetitive. The purple-button-gimmick is confusing. Overall, this level doesn't make sense (what IS it, exactaly?), is full of cheap deaths, and needs to be either reworked or scrapped.

MCZ2- 9/10 Wow. I'm impressed. This level was very good, but still has a few flaws. I understand that it's inside a volcano, but do we REALLY need flame jets on every platform? In many areas, it was overdone (Like in the area with the black flame jets.) Use these things sparingly, as they quickly become annoying. Also, the beginning could use some different scenery, it stretches for too long without a change. The custom enemies are great (however, you may want to give some indication that the flame turrets can be defeated. It took me forever to figure that out.) Overall, a very good level with many gimmicks and alternate paths to keep the player coming back for more.

REFURBISHED GADGETRY-4.5/10 5/10 The first thing which struck me about this map was the random textures. They made my eyes hurt. I couldn't tell what, exactally, the level was supposed to be because the textures didn't make sense. Also, the gravity gimmick was cute, once I figured it out. I would suggest that you add something at the beginning to introduce the player to this concept of alternate paths for the ceiling and floor. Overall, an OK level, which has ouchie (that's a technical term) textures. Side note: is there a reason why this is map06 instead of map01?
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I'm going to start with the Single Player division:

Gothic Gardens Zone 1: (OWN ENTRY) FuriousFox has already told me the 2D area was unnecessary, the pink button was confusing, the hallways are too cramped, and the lighting's the same as Greenflower Zone, so don't bother pointing these out.

Graceful Coast Zone: 6/10 Worst map in the division, but that doesn't mean it's bad. It's obviously the most aesthetically pleasing map of the set, with one effect implemented rather well: The rising and falling platforms, suspended by fountains. However, I do not approve of the zoom tube used early on. It isn't easy at all to get that working properly. But you do get a point for showing you can do zoomtubes. I really can't give you any points for the ending, either. This is because in the subtitle, it says: "BEAT EGGMAN IN 6 MINUTES!" However, the level ends with an Exit Sector, and not a boss fight. My suggestions are to either remove the time limit or use the zoomtube in a less confusing manner. I would also suggest you either add a boss fight against Eggman, or remove the "BEAT EGGMAN" part of your subtitle.

Refurbished Gadgetery Zone: 9/10 This has to be the best of the Single Player maps. I especially like the way you can choose whether you want to do each part in normal or reverse gravity. Another nice touch was the platforming segment in constantly-dimming light. Although it would work just as well without the spikes and with the Space Countdown, the quickfire Invincibility platforming segment was very inventive. You've shown you can create a unique gimmick. However, I had to knock a point off because when I cleared it, I went back in as Knuckles, and found out that there were too few No Climb flags. (If any) I'd suggest that you give more walls the No Climb flag, as the level is way too easy for Knux.

Magma Core Zone 2: 8/10 Now this was amazing, just like Refubished Gadgetery. I like the SOC/s that were implemented, and I liked that you had to jump off the rope pulley to avoid flame jets. However, the level was just barely clearable, as my crappy laptop is hardly capable of doing so many flame jets and rockfalls at once. My suggestion is simple: some of the flame jets and rockfalls have to be dropped for me to be able to play this map (And the rest of Lost Worlds) in the future. Although it didn't get my highest vote, I'd say this map definetely has potential.

I'll review Multiplayer maps soon.
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there are NO CTF map starts
Yeah, I cant believe I screwed up like that... I felt so stupid while playing this 'bout 10 minutes ago. *sigh*
Hopefully i'll do better next contest.

Sorry once again. D=
SP Review:

GGZ: 1/10

-Very cramped
-Too much enemies
-Generally just bad

GCZ: 8/10

-Nice scenery
-Nice music too
-However, I got lost the first time >_>
-A little too much enemies

MCZ: 9/10

-Plain awesomeness
-Nice custom enemies
-Nice design
-A little too hard for me though

RGZ: 6/10

-Is quite nice
-Gravity gimmick is quite unique
-Very tricky though

Not too detailed review, but here ya go. I'll review the rest later (And better)
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GOTHIC GARDENS: 1/10. I can see that you put some work into this, but it is majorly flawed. At the beginning, there is a random yellow spring. This level is quite cramped, with some very skinny platforms and halls which break the flow of the level. The textures used are repetitive. The purple-button-gimmick is confusing. Overall, this level doesn't make sense (what IS it, exactaly?), is full of cheap deaths, and needs to be either reworked or scrapped.

Ah, I see you found the yellow spring. That actually is planned to be the entrance to an alternate route inaccessible by Knux. Thanks to Torgo's mess up a month ago, I never actually got round to building it.

The wooden bridge is intentionally narrow, so the cannonball gimmick would work as planned.

Cramped hallways have actually been sorted half a month ago, I never managed to submit the fix.

I am incapable of doing custom textures, (After a problem with custom textures in my BlitzSonic Blast remake) so I tried with whatever is included in the srb2.srb.

I'm also working on the pink button, after FF mentioned it in an e-mail.

Obviously, I'll choose to rework it. And don't bother with the 2D section, that's been scrapped.
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This is because in the subtitle, it says: "BEAT EGGMAN IN 6 MINUTES!" However, the level ends with an Exit Sector, and not a boss fight. My suggestions are to either remove the time limit or use the zoomtube in a less confusing manner. I would also suggest you either add a boss fight against Eggman, or remove the "BEAT EGGMAN" part of your subtitle.

You have to collect 50 rings to make it to Eggman.

Review of Single Player coming soon in a new post.
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Ah. Sorry about that, D00D64. Since you did implement the boss fight, I'll give you an extra point. My vote for Graceful Coast Zone is now 7/10, while my other votes stay as they are.
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