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This game will never hit store selfs in the USA. Because the game will probably be rated M which most store don't sell or hide them somewhere. The USA may just ban this game for having cute animals doing bad things. This will only cause an other Dr. phil rant.
Omega the Hedgehog said:
I really don't see how this is a bad thing.

As for jrose05's post, Fur Fighters.

My opinion, this is going to kick ass.
jrose05 said:
This game will never hit store selfs in the USA. Because the game will probably be rated M which most store don't sell or hide them somewhere. The USA may just ban this game for having cute animals doing bad things. This will only cause an other Dr. phil rant.

I sure hope not.
I love that game fur fighters. And I don't think this game is being made by Sega of Japan.
Sath the metal hedgehog said:
Ritz said:
Simple, games don't need storylines.

True, but still it's not like Sega to go with out a story line i dont remmeber any games that dont have story lines, and are made by Sega.

Two words: Sonic Eraser
jrose05 said:
This game will never hit store selfs in the USA. Because the game will probably be rated M which most store don't sell or hide them somewhere.
Sorry, what the heck? Are you sure you're not thinking of AO? Because you can buy plenty of M-rated titles from most stores. Go on, go and look for Half-Life 2 (in whatever package they've slapped it into this time) some time. I think you'll have no trouble finding it whatsoever.

Being rated M will have NO impact on whether stores will sell it or not. Although, to be honest, this is one game that I CAN see where politicians are coming from with "marketing M-rated games to kids"; I mean, it focuses on cutesy characters, which in most parents' minds, equates to stuff for kids... how exactly are they going to make it blatantly clear that this game isn't a children's game? They'd better have a good plan, or else there's just no way this won't come back to bite them in some way, shape or form.
Do I smell a SEGA-scandal cooking? I just recently did a report on why M-rated Games shouldn't be marketed to minors 16 and under. (will post final draft upon request if curious) If I were doing this report now this would definatly get mentioned.
They could just slap on an enlarged M-rated logo, like what Nintendo did with Conker's Bad Fur Day.
I believe it was Rare Ltd (at the time Rareware) that did that if you're referring to the line that read "For mature audiences only" that poped up upon bootup.
Yeah, Conker's Bad Fur Day had a gigantic M rating on the box to make it absolutely clear, as well as text saying "This game is absolutely not for children", or something to that effect.
Mystic said:
Yeah, Conker's Bad Fur Day had a gigantic M rating on the box to make it absolutely clear, as well as text saying "This game is absolutely not for children", or something to that effect.
This seems like a logical enough thing to do on SEGA's part.
Meh, I'd like to see how this would turn out, especially the amount of violence that is in it for such sweet animals. I have the DVD for series 1 though.
Mystic said:
Yeah, Conker's Bad Fur Day had a gigantic M rating on the box to make it absolutely clear, as well as text saying "This game is absolutely not for children", or something to that effect.
That game was awesome... But once Shadow the Hedgehog came out with the guns and cussing, (the vehicles I could care less about) it was strange for SEGA.
That's simply because Sega couldn't pull off the same charm that Rare could. Rare did it in a way that was clever and amusing (intentionally), and it worked. Sega tried to do it in a way that looked "cool" but ended up failing miserably.
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