Not bad, but for the first zone it's not very green hill zoneish. Most of the level is water based which isn't bad, but for a level like this it's not too great.
You need to vary your textures, I suggest you look at Flourished Canyon for the best representation on how to use the textures.
The layout isn't too bad, the first room in act 1 is all right but after you take the spring onto the fof (with a highly evil enemy waiting to knock you bad down), you continue into a room placed above a deathpit. Why can't you have a shallow floor, it's the first level at least have some form of difficulty curve please! You then enter a tunnel which turns your eyes inside out because all the textures are the same, not to mention it's a very square tunnel which is rather bland.
Afterwards is the sector which get higher as you progress upwards, to this I have three questions.
1) Why is the floor so low? Make it shallow, at least you wont be afraid to explore it to reach the monitors down there.
2) What is with the giant water fall? I don't get why there's this massive water fall right there, you could place some nice platforming or flat sectors there to add some point to the extra space.
3) Why are all the wall textures the DAMN SAME!?!? It's not like I have a problem with the texture, but when it's just about EVERYWHERE in the level alongside the floor textures it's absolutely horrid to see.
So you fall into a box with water and crawlas, run into a yellow spring (why not blue?) and run through ANOTHER box with crawlas in and then run into surprise, surprise, another box with WATER and CRAWLAS.
The crawlas are in stupidly large numbers, plus you don't take advantage of the walls and floors to variate your level, if the level didn't rely on springs and enemies to make it exciting and used some nicer platforming and sectors you'd have a better level.
The second act is shorter. There is better platforming, but that isn't good as you're still using springs to push the player into Crawla ridden sectors. It's still the same, water based, crawla ridden, boxy, eye murdering textured level (with an evil final room). So yeah.
Act Three, Meh. Can't even elaborate.
In a short summary:
- Vary your textures, (I again highly recommend Flourished Canyon as a good example).
- Make the levels less 'Boxy'.
- Remove the constant flatness of the level, add ups downs, bumps, slopes and so on.
- Stop using springs to thrust the player onto Crawla ridden sectors which just push the player back down.
- Stop spamming the Crawlas.
- Don't rely on water so much, this isn't DSZ you're meant to be running on the 'Green Hills'
+/- Nice secret caves but don't add emblem tokens all the time as rewards.
+ I was (scarily) amused by this zone however.
Ouch, reading back I may have been slightly over the top, but passionate all the same.