Why didn't anybody think of this? Here are some sprites for the new Sally Acorn wad I'm making. I was personally a HUGE fan of satam.
Click on the image in the center of the screen to actually see the sheet. It enlarges it. Now there is just one problem. This is my first wad ever...
Cut me some slack when I ask this,
Would anybody like to help me complete this wad? I do the spriting, you can do the wadding? It will be a teamwork thing. I've tried making wads ... alot of wads ... they all fail beyond words. This is why I ask for help. A year before Inuyasha made his Sonic Heroes wad, I tried to make my own using the same sprites. It failed...bad. You get the point
Wad Features:
1. Speed Ability. (Sally doesn't really fly or have any power.)
2. Waiting sprites. ( Dialing on Nicole and glancing over occaisionally.)
3. Don't really know what else. Suggestions would be great!
P.S.) If all goes well, I might creat a Bunnie Rabot wad.
EDIT: All sprite credit goes to Damien.
Click on the image in the center of the screen to actually see the sheet. It enlarges it. Now there is just one problem. This is my first wad ever...
Cut me some slack when I ask this,
Would anybody like to help me complete this wad? I do the spriting, you can do the wadding? It will be a teamwork thing. I've tried making wads ... alot of wads ... they all fail beyond words. This is why I ask for help. A year before Inuyasha made his Sonic Heroes wad, I tried to make my own using the same sprites. It failed...bad. You get the point
Wad Features:
1. Speed Ability. (Sally doesn't really fly or have any power.)
2. Waiting sprites. ( Dialing on Nicole and glancing over occaisionally.)
3. Don't really know what else. Suggestions would be great!
P.S.) If all goes well, I might creat a Bunnie Rabot wad.
EDIT: All sprite credit goes to Damien.