(Originally titled "Name any one anime character" anyone who simply did so, without actually reading the first post, is obviously a moron)
Sailor Venus could kick their ass. Anyone who disagrees deserves a Love-Me Chain up the ass.
In all seriousness though, I recently started watching Sailor Moon (A fansub of course, I can't stand those English voice actors, plus I've heard a rumor that Zoisite actually received a sex change to avoid broadcasting gay romance. Too scared to see how true it is.) and well, I love it. Mind you, I don't it's something everyone would like, not enough 'real' action sequences... but hell, it's Sailor Moon, surely you all have an opinion on it by now.
Sailor Venus could kick their ass. Anyone who disagrees deserves a Love-Me Chain up the ass.
In all seriousness though, I recently started watching Sailor Moon (A fansub of course, I can't stand those English voice actors, plus I've heard a rumor that Zoisite actually received a sex change to avoid broadcasting gay romance. Too scared to see how true it is.) and well, I love it. Mind you, I don't it's something everyone would like, not enough 'real' action sequences... but hell, it's Sailor Moon, surely you all have an opinion on it by now.