SAGE 2005

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You know there's a 0% chance of having slopes, right?

Though, stairs that act like slopes is a different story.
REAL slopes are impossible. However, there is a graphical effect that I could explain to make stairs look and seem EXACTLY like slopes, but unfortunatley I'm way, wayyy too lazy to type it right now, as it's rather complicated ^_^;
There's a few ways.
1)Leave out the below texture so it looks like a slope.
2)Make a 2D level and make your own wall texture that has curves in it.
3)Make stair slopes.
4)Write your own ****ing slope code.
The camera still shakes when going up stairs this way. That's why STJr should make a special made SPECIFICALLY for slopes that makes the camera move smoothly, so it doesn't seem like you're trudging up a mountain instead of going smoothly down a paved highway :roll:
Omega the Hedgehog said:
I know some secrets thanks to... I dunno, trying 1.09 out for myself? :roll:
gasp, ur probably right, they probably have 10,000,000 more things added to the demo thing we already have, and theyll enter saGE, and surprise us..

Here's what I want to know...What kind of horrible torture did you guys put the STJr team through to get 1.09 leaked?

I could use your methods on DarkeSword over at OCR so he'll finally release his Kirby remix project. :mrgreen:
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