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Retired Staff
oops i updated it again

-Ending extended a little more
-GFZ area is replaced with something more fancy


  • s_volcanomine.rar
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Forgot to add screenshots.
The filename you gave that WAD renders it unloadable by SRB2. I chose to rename it from "kopyasi s_volcanomine.wad" to simply "s_volcanomine.wad".
Definition of bland.

This level is quite small and empty. You seem to have gone tele-happy, as there are 3 teleporters required to complete the map and another one that is 100% pointless. Why'd you stick a teleporter in a lava-jet anyway? And why does the jet look like a mushroom?!? From looking at it in SRB2DB, it appears as though you never even used Snap to Grid, which I consider a must for making good-looking maps, except for fine detail. It keeps your squares square and helps with proportions. Like that GFZ area that seems pretty random, it appears like it was supposed to be squared off but is really just a mess of non-parallel and non-perpendicular linedefs. So:

  • Square off your squares.

  • Use zoom tubes or stairs/tunnels to lead from place to place.

  • Random monitors are annoying and I feel that they are best used in Match and not Single-Player.

Good luck. Fix it up and it could be a very nice map. Maybe look at RVZ in SRB2DB for ideas and to get a feel for SRB2's volcano style.
Definition of bland.

This level is quite small and empty. You seem to have gone tele-happy, as there are 3 teleporters required to complete the map and another one that is 100% pointless. Why'd you stick a teleporter in a lava-jet anyway? And why does the jet look like a mushroom?!? From looking at it in SRB2DB, it appears as though you never even used Snap to Grid, which I consider a must for making good-looking maps, except for fine detail. It keeps your squares square and helps with proportions. Like that GFZ area that seems pretty random, it appears like it was supposed to be squared off but is really just a mess of non-parallel and non-perpendicular linedefs. So:

  • Square off your squares.

  • Use zoom tubes or stairs/tunnels to lead from place to place.

  • Random monitors are annoying and I feel that they are best used in Match and not Single-Player.
Good luck. Fix it up and it could be a very nice map. Maybe look at RVZ in SRB2DB for ideas and to get a feel for SRB2's volcano style.

I don't know how I will split your message multiple quotes, so I'll answer what you said one by one.

-First of all,I don't know ANYTHING about Zoom Tubes.Some information would be nice. And yes,I did go tele-happy,I'll try to use them as little as possible.

-About that lava jet,I don't know what I was thinking at that time,maybe testing my teleporter skills? I really gotta remove that.

-Snap to Grid? Never heard of it. Better check it sometime.

-Random monitors will be deleted and replaced by.......well.....something more simple.

When I have time,I'll check Red Volcano and get some ideas from it. Thanks for the tip!
I don't know how I will split your message multiple quotes, so I'll answer what you said one by one.
Just copy/paste the starting and ending quote tags around each individual phrase you want to be separate.

-First of all,I don't know ANYTHING about Zoom Tubes.Some information would be nice. And yes,I did go tele-happy,I'll try to use them as little as possible.
You could just look them up on the SRB2 wiki, but since I'm feeling extra helpful I'll give you some information. To make a Zoom Tube, first apply the Zoom Tube Start special to a sector. Then, create a control sector, set one of its linedefs to Zoom Tube Parameters, and tag it to the Zoom Tube Start. The x-length of the linedef indicates the speed, and the y-length indicates what sequence to use (perfectly horizontal is sequence 1, y-length of 1 is sequence 2, y-length of 2 is sequence 3, and so on).

Now, you have to set up the waypoints. Place a Zoom Tube Waypoint Thing in the first area you want the Zoom Tube to send the player to and give it an angle value equal to the first number of the waypoint sequence (the first number of sequence 1 is 0, the first number of sequence 2 is 256, the first number of sequence 3 is 512, etc.). Then, place a second waypoint in the next place you want the Zoom Tube to send you, and give it an angle value equal to the second number in the waypoint sequence. The second number will be the first number plus one. Keep going in this vain. The third number will be the second number plus one, and so on. Be careful not to miss a number. You can have up to 256 waypoints in one sequence. This is optional, but you can also create a sector with the Zoom Tube End special and give it the same tag as the Zoom Tube Start. Be sure not to put the last waypoint inside the Zoom Tube End, though, or the player will be caught in an infinite loop.

If you've set it up correctly, when the player enters the Zoom Tube Start sector, they will be forced into a spin and travel automatically from waypoint to waypoint, starting at the first number in the sequence and continuing until it reaches the last waypoint you put down. If you also have a Zoom Tube End, you will go backwards along the Zoom Tube if you enter that sector (meaning it will be a two-way Zoom Tube).

It may sound super-complicated, but it isn't really. Once you get the hang of it, it'll be a breeze.
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