Yay! That's where I thought I ruined it as well ^^"
Right after that the level became REALLY cramped...xD
Anyways, while I'm replying to chaos, I might as well post this here too:
Version 1.1 is out! Check the first post for the link ^^
-Also, I was wondering, is there any way to make a pseudo loop?
I tried to make my own, but I couldn't figure out how to get the springs to hang from the FOF (for the top of the loop)
This is somewhat what I had in mind:
-The circles represent springs, most likely yellow.
-To prevent the picture from becoming even more messy, I did not place springs to make it back through the loop coming the other way, but imagine springs placed similarly within the same loop that would propel the player out the front rather than the back. The springs would have to be placed very well for this to work out.
-Also, if this worked out, would someone be able to make invisible springs?
-What you see here is the inside of the loop...and 'grass'.
-The spring at the top would not only hit the player upwards, but onto the receding part of the loop.
-The springs that have blacked dotted outlines are on the inside of the loop as well, just pretend you can see through the loop wall.
-Yes, these are horrible drawings. Please excuse my (lack of) MS paint skills.