a scar in time...
Hi, this is my first WAD ever xD. After hearing about the 3D version of Green Hill on SA2B, but being unable to play it, I really wanted to create one of my own. This is not modeled after the SA2B version, but the very original Green Hill Zone from Sega Genesis ^^. Green Hill Zone was always my favorite stage out of all the Sonic games...
- Please keep in mind that this is my first level and I worked on it for 3 days, so don't laugh at me if it's horrible T-T
- THIS STAGE WAS DESIGNED FOR SONIC ONLY! You can use the other characters if you want, but I'll consider it the easy way out if you do...
Also, Sonic's thok can be used to get around faster, but if you use it to get past obstacles, I'll consider that the easy way out as well ^^
If you're wondering what the reason for this is, it's because it's modeled after Sonic 1 ^^
- If you have any suggestions, please tell me, I really am new at this. If you see any graphical problems, the most likely reason that I didn't fix them is because I don't know how, so if you see a problem and are willing to explain how to fix it, please do so ^^
- Oh yeah, there is an emerald in the stage...but it isn't hidden extremely well.
Anyways, here are some screenshots and the download link at the end of this post.
- I think I'm going to attempt to remake all of Sonic 1 in 3D...if not, then at least all of Green Hill Zone ^^
The beginning of the stage.
I like Green Hill Zone scenery T-T
Oo..lots of rings, but will you be able to get them all?
Finally here is the link:
I will begin work on Act 2 starting tomorrow ^^
Version 1.1 fixes:
- Added Water block above deathpit
- Lowered sound near waterfalls ^^
- Lowered enemy count in normal mode
- Deafed Rings on ground
- Made the level slightly less cramped widthwise, but not lengthwise really. Probably going to make it less cramped in the next version, but tell me if it's any better than the last.
- Made boundaries smaller.
Version 1.2 fixes:
- Made level less cramped! Suggestions still welcome...and needed ^^
- Fixed some graphical mistakes
- Made some very slight scenery additions/alterations
Version 1.21 fixes:
- Replaced invisible blocks with invisible FOF's
- Corrected star post flag values
- Closed opened sectors
- Added multiplayer start things.
- Please keep in mind that this is my first level and I worked on it for 3 days, so don't laugh at me if it's horrible T-T
- THIS STAGE WAS DESIGNED FOR SONIC ONLY! You can use the other characters if you want, but I'll consider it the easy way out if you do...
Also, Sonic's thok can be used to get around faster, but if you use it to get past obstacles, I'll consider that the easy way out as well ^^
If you're wondering what the reason for this is, it's because it's modeled after Sonic 1 ^^
- If you have any suggestions, please tell me, I really am new at this. If you see any graphical problems, the most likely reason that I didn't fix them is because I don't know how, so if you see a problem and are willing to explain how to fix it, please do so ^^
- Oh yeah, there is an emerald in the stage...but it isn't hidden extremely well.
Anyways, here are some screenshots and the download link at the end of this post.
- I think I'm going to attempt to remake all of Sonic 1 in 3D...if not, then at least all of Green Hill Zone ^^
The beginning of the stage.
I like Green Hill Zone scenery T-T
Oo..lots of rings, but will you be able to get them all?
Finally here is the link:
I will begin work on Act 2 starting tomorrow ^^
Version 1.1 fixes:
- Added Water block above deathpit
- Lowered sound near waterfalls ^^
- Lowered enemy count in normal mode
- Deafed Rings on ground
- Made the level slightly less cramped widthwise, but not lengthwise really. Probably going to make it less cramped in the next version, but tell me if it's any better than the last.
- Made boundaries smaller.
Version 1.2 fixes:
- Made level less cramped! Suggestions still welcome...and needed ^^
- Fixed some graphical mistakes
- Made some very slight scenery additions/alterations
Version 1.21 fixes:
- Replaced invisible blocks with invisible FOF's
- Corrected star post flag values
- Closed opened sectors
- Added multiplayer start things.