Ray the Flying Squirrel

Ray the Flying Squirrel v1


Ray was Knuckles in disguise! He's an imposter!
a very interesting mod, since although there were several ray mods in versions after 2.2, this mod is simply the best, its flight mechanics, which has intertia, and other things which make it simply something almost unbeatable, and this without counting its other mechanics such as the climbing wall which make the flight even more enjoyable, also the flapping the same, and its spirits are simply art, mod 10/10
Cream Might Be The Next Character. It Just Depends On What The Team Think. I Don't Want Big As A Character. That Would Make It Worse... Let The Team Take Their Breaks. They Might Be Cookin Something Else Later...
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Hey. I found two bugs where if you load segasonic ray and your ray. In multiplayer ray kinda does this glide and climb animations. Yeah I know. Characters with the same name gets replaced with a number at the end. This does not fix until they fix it. I understand.View attachment 117641View attachment 117642
me whos literally making one as we speak:
can somebody reccomend me open maps to play
This palmtree panic map is pretty big on some areas, not really perfect for ray but its pretty fun to glide around!

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