baguette animator
Patafoin submitted a new resource:
Patafoin's Character pack - 15 Racers : Pokémon, Wario , Memes & more
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Patafoin's Character pack - 15 Racers : Pokémon, Wario , Memes & more
Here all the characters that me and my friends has made. There are 3 different file to download :
- The normal pack who has 12 characters.
- The cursed pack who has ... Weird character derived from the main pack. Why whould you want to have this?
- And a zip with all the individual character files. Because I know you only want that Wario Striker ; or maybe remove the DcFetus.
Warning, the character DCFetus is a pretty vulgar character. He love to use the middle finger and he said a lot...
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