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Part *TWO* and *ADVENTURE* of Emerald Coast FD -FINISHED-

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Loops are not possible. Get off your cloud of ignorance and go think about how to create one yourself and you'll see the reason why they don't exist. Slopes aren't in SRB2. Models are not going to be added to SRB2. Welcome to reality.
I thought models where in it...but yeah, Mystics right. You could attempt, but don't expect it to be easy....Well,thats all folks.
Models ARE in it. That's why they're not going to be added, because it'd be redundant.

Rather, what Mystic's trying to say is that it's not going to be a major part of the official game. So in other words, the sprites are staying. However, third party add-ons can make use of models as applicable.

Of course, Mystic's statement also implies that whatever flaws with models that exist as of now are likely not to be fixed. It happens a lot with the unnecessary features that everyone wants, but few truly need.
Shadow Hog said:
Rather, what Mystic's trying to say is that it's not going to be any part of the official game. So in other words, the sprites are staying. However, third party add-ons can make use of models as applicable.
HEY! I got that level. IT is semi-compatable with 1.08 but alot of missing textures. also I have it in a 100% percent compatable version with 1.08 In SA.wad and ecz.wad :D
nega, stop making so many posts, especially one after the other. The edit button exists for a reason. We also don't need you to repeat old posts.
What the hell was the point of quoting the entire first post of the topic, and then not posting a response? I mean, seriously, that's just dumb.
Ok, this seriously needs to be revamped. Redwall everywhere, barely tell what it is supposed to be, no death pits in water/wrong texture and probably more.
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