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Part *TWO* and *ADVENTURE* of Emerald Coast FD -FINISHED-

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Neat. Surprisingly fun, even though it is short.

If you haven't already thought up of a boss, then you should make the boss similar to the Egg Hornet. Just a suggestion, though.
Oh okay nevermind then ^^

The second half of Emerald Coast would be impossible to create without slopes or loops anyways.
A decent, good-looking loop is not happening. It would require slopes, 3D models, and major changes to the physics engine, and none of those are likely to get done.
A crappy looking loop with no 3d models and no slopes would work though.. it just wouldnt work well.


A little preview of Emerald Coast FD Part Two, if you will. Pretty useless if you ask me. I was too lazy to take screenshots of more than one thing :P
That wouldnt be a real loop.. with the light dash you wouldnt even need a loop, you would just need to place the rings in the shape of one.

Edit: Unless theres some way that you can press the light dash button and it would make you go through a loop without using rings.. O.O
I'm sure that is possible. If he can make it follow rings, he could create a invisible "object" that sonic would follow by running in to it. Creating the sprites to do this would be the hard thing though as well as the loop.
Actually, you woundlnt need many sprites if you were to somehow make the camera move to the side so you can see Sonic and the loop like they are 2D.
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