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Paper Peach (HIATUS)

Kirby Mania

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Aaaalrighty! After tons of thinking and failed ability ideas, I've cooked up a moveset for Paper Peach that I feel could really work. Which means it's time to create this WIP thread!

So, care to explain?
Since December of last year, I've been working a lot on Paper Peach! She's a sprite rip char but actually not because all her sprites use my slightly different design, and there's a lot of new sprites too!


Yup she can fall slowly if you hold jump in midair, that's it. I haven't made the sprite for it yet but she's gonna use her parasol (of course). Combine this with her incredible jump height for some pretty good air time!

Dimension Teleport

Press spin on the ground or in midair to teleport using the power of Super Paper Mario logic or smth idk!!!! While teleporting you're invincible and can damage anything you touch, making this great for avoiding hazards and in combat! Also if you hold jump when it ends you can launch yourself forward.

Twink's Gift and Upgrades
I haven't really started with this yet but the basic gist is that upgrades improve Paper Peach's abilities and basic stats in various ways. There are 3 Float upgrades, 3 Dimension Teleport upgrades, and 2 stat upgrades (Super form is basically the 3rd). You can only have 1 upgrade at a time and they go away after a while. (Although I am thinking about letting the player have 2 upgrades at a time but I don't know how in the world I'm gonna code that.)

As for Twink's gift Press C1 to have Twink give you a random upgrade, with this being the only way you can get an upgrade. This ability is useable again before any upgrade goes away, so if you want a different upgrade you can roll again. (I'm thinking about letting the player choose which specific upgrade class they want in exchange for making the cooldown longer, which seems a bit for feasible then the 2 upgrades thing)

As mentioned before, Paper Peach uses her sprite from Paper Mario 64, albeit slightly changed. Here's my design next to the original. The unusual dress colors is because SRB2 barely has any pink colors in it's palette.
Screenshot 2024-02-18 234542.png

Also, because Paper Peach's sprite sheet is lacking in a lot of sprites needed for SRB2, I have to create new sprites using my master sprite editing skills. Here's a jump sprite a made by editing her standing sprite (The one seen in the gifs is old)
Screenshot 2024-02-18 234928.png

Aaaand that's all for now, stay thin guys!
Ok first update, I've completely redid all her colors to fit with the SRB2 palette! The dress color change was by popular demand (personally I don't really like it because it forces me to use dark magenta which doesn't go well with the pink). Special thanks to Marilyn for taking me into it.
Screenshot 2024-02-19 101810.png
Ok so I've now finished the reworked jump sprites! Oh I also changed the colors a bit.

Screenshot 2024-02-21 140617.png

If you're wondering why her fall sprite is a simple face change, take a look at Mario's jump and fall sprites in PM64 (And basically every Paper Mario game)

Screenshot 2024-02-21 141341.png

Anyways from now on I'm gonna stop slacking with the sprites, next I'm going to do the Twinks gift animation and states (and objects).
Ok so I've now finished the reworked jump sprites! Oh I also changed the colors a bit.

View attachment 112547

If you're wondering why her fall sprite is a simple face change, take a look at Mario's jump and fall sprites in PM64 (And basically every Paper Mario game)

View attachment 112549

Anyways from now on I'm gonna stop slacking with the sprites, next I'm going to do the Twinks gift animation and states (and objects).
Ok after creating a LOT of states the animation for Twink's gift is complete!

Since SRB2's movie mode doesn't do it any justice, here the sprites up close.
Screenshot 2024-02-23 184348.png

Alright time to actually make the upgrades, but first I gotta do more sprite stuff.
I noticed that earlier you mentioned having the colours of the dress fixed, though the following gifs have her using the old dark purples like before. Was that change reverted or it just a temporary removal?
I noticed that earlier you mentioned having the colours of the dress fixed, though the following gifs have her using the old dark purples like before. Was that change reverted or it just a temporary removal?
Oh it's not removed I just haven't made the custom skin color yet.
Alright sorry to keep you guys waiting!

So there's a LOT of new stuff but I'm lazy so why don't you guys just experience it yourselves.

I bring you...

The Dimension Teleport Demo!!!
This includes:
A proper floating sprite coupled with a remade CA_SLOWFALL
The dimension teleport and all of it's upgrades
A complete Twink's gift (which gives one of the 3 upgrades)

Now of course this is still early into the mod so expect a lot of things missing presentation wise. And also I spent a lot of time bug fixing but I'm sure there's still some stuff.

Ok so now to tell you about the upgrades

Instant Teleport (Formerly the speedy teleport)
Works just like I've shown you before, albeit with a visual upgrade.

As you can guess, this allows you to do 3 teleports simultaneously by holding spin once a teleport finishes, remember you can also do the post-teleport launch at any time. Oh also the teleports get shorter the more you do it.

Directional Teleport
Hold spin to go into a teleport ready stasis, while ready you can press jump to change direction. Directions include forward (like normal), diagonal vertical, and completely vertical. Once you're ready let go of spin to teleport in your selected direction.
So yeah that's kind of it. So go download the file below and let me know what you think!


  • New Paper Peach.pk3
    390.4 KB · Views: 99
Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm I had a feeling I forgot to disable the playerstate printing and I was right!!!!!!!
Fixed version is below.

Oh also I redid the jump sprite AGAIN, this time I decided to go all in on the Mario Wonder jump animation inspiration and also made her feet visible.

Screenshot 2024-03-18 163140.png

Since all the Dimension Teleport upgrades are made I might as well tell you guys what the other upgrades are gonna be:
Windy Parasol: Periodically float upwards via wind bursts before floating down again. Much less height is lost in the long run and the first wind burst can be used as a double jump.
Parasol Dash: Hold jump in midair to thrust your parasol and dash forward while still falling slowly, can be used as an attack.
Don't really have any ideas for the 3rd parasol upgrade.
Agile: Run faster and jump higher.
Defensive: Become immune to spikes, drowning, fire/lava, and electricity. (Though I have absolutely how I'm gonna make this work because of shield powers.)

Also her super form will give her extra special Parasol and Dimension Teleport upgrades.


  • New Paper Peach.pk3
    390.4 KB · Views: 105
If you guys have any, I'd really appreciate some feedback.

Aaaaaaanyways in addition to my new design, I will also be making Paper Peach in her original design! (Albeit slightly different colors due to SRB2's pallet.) Regular sprites are directly ripped from the original sheet, and with the heavily edited sprites I'll try my best to mirror the original attributes.

Here is a comparison:
Screenshot 2024-03-24 193320.png

And here is the first dimension teleport sprite with the old design, I'm sure you can tell the differences.

Screenshot 2024-03-24 202500.png
Ok sorry to keep you guys waiting again but I have an announcement you can read in these poorly made images:


I'm struggling WAYYY too much to make good sprites so I might as well have a pro do it.
So as you guys know about how Paper Peach's sprites are I was them to be in line with the Paper Mario 64 sprites meaning the same style and all that. So if any of you wanna join just tell me!
Post automatically merged:

I probably should elaborate more on the post above, so this is my first time doing actual scripting and spriting. And I'm doing really well with the scripting and learning fast but for spriting I proooooobably shouldn't have started my training with a human with ridiculous hair and a dress.

As for the design I wanted to be accurate to PM64 so it takes less time but then I realized there are only 2 sprites sets (Standing and waling) that are actually ripped from 64 so I guess if any of you want to use your own style show it too me and I'll judge.

So yeah that's all again if any of you want to join let me know..
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  • Cool!
Reactions: Dee
Ok ummmm time to give you guys and actual progress update:

The dimension teleport has a new feature.

The Dimension Blast

After using the Dimension Teleport; hold jump to go through 3 "blast ready" stages: Yellow, Orange, and Red. Depending on what stage you let go of jump on, you'll blast forward at different speeds, combine this with the float to cover incredible distance! (Keep in mind this is not an upgrade.)
Oh and as you might've noticed, after 45 years Paper Peach FINALLY has her own custom skincolor! (Don't ask about the name.)


Also, there are now HUD icons for the 3 dimension teleport upgrades (code was made by @Pacola), here's an example. (Direction teleport.)

HUD image.png

Alright last thing, I made a sprite of her from scratch!

Now what exactly am I gonna do with this? Idk, I made by looking at her stand sprite artwork from TTYD so it's not like I made it without any exact references. I still need a spriter. (However this will be here if anyone who joins wants to work with this design instead of the PM64 one.)
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Ok so uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

Paper Peach is officially on hiatus
Reason being that I am completely demotivated until I can find a spriter, in which progress will be resumed.

I guess this means a mod can now lock the thread. Remember you guys can still contact me by using Start Conversation on my profile.

So what I'm gonna do now instead is make a character that I myself can properly sprite. That being...

Yarn Kirby!
Screenshot 2024-04-30 110109.png

I'll make a WIP thread for him once I make some code and more sprites, so stay tuned!

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