It also doesn't trigger on springs, so you should probably mention that.
There's a player flag for in-level cutscenes that removes player control. I'm able to jump, thok, spin, etc. while Omochao does his thing, did you forget to set it?
Grabbing a ring has the message say "grabbed an ring" erroneously.
I am saddened by how you didn't include the pitch shifting - that was the best part! SRB2 may not be able to arbitrarily pitch shift sounds, but that doesn't stop you from doing some 1up sounds as SFX and interrupting them or something to play each next one.
...actually, on second thought, that sounds like exactly the sort of thing that unexpected buggy behavior would show up. That doesn't mean don't try it, but it might be a bit of a trip getting it to work.
Omochao is large. He blocks my view forward sometimes, and could stand to be a bit smaller.
Anyways, enough doom and gloom. This is... gosh, it feels weird calling this nostalgic, but it's been a whole 6 years since Omochao edition! Time flies.