Played through the SP levels and some of them were really promising while others left quite a bit to be desired.
Tainted Way: 2/10 , short, stale, and frustrating.
This map started out on a narrow platform with what looked like damaging small waterfalls all around. (still don't know if they are damaging or not) From there all the platforms were more or less too small to run on or up to, and it really seemed like a boss act at best. Even for a boss, it was aggravating, because it was too small and boring for an interesting battlefield, and there were multiple bosses. They appeared to be socced with a lot of skill, but I really couldn't tell because I was too busy taking damage and using that to kill them.
Gameplay: 1/10 Bad
Visuals: 3/10 Poor
Creativity: 5/10 Creative boss, terrible level.
Replay: 0/10 None
Overall: 2/10 short, stale, and frustrating. (not an average)
Meadow Falls: 4/10 , boring, but otherwise not bad.
The textures were blinding almost throughout the entire level, but the layout looked impressive. Unfortunately there were no gimmicks and very little platforming involved either. After breezing through it, I almost didn't care to see it again, but did anyways to give it a fair vote. Some of the secrets were somewhat interesting, but the yellow spring leading to one of them was too close to the ceiling to work properly.
Gameplay: 3/10 Poor
Visuals: 4/10 Fair
Creativity: 2/10 None really
Replay: 2/10 Poor
Overall: 4/10 boring, but otherwise not bad. (not an average)
Sandtrap Dunes: 6/10 , frustrating in parts and slightly sloppy.
My first impression of this level was really, bad, spending forever trying to get past the water before discovering the spring and finally deciding to waterskip with a spin-dash. Then the pits immediately after it were aggravating.
Once I got into playing the level, the platforming over the pits was not exceedingly bad, albeit slow in one of the paths. The nonlinearity of the level confused me, but not by too much as Crawlas always faced the right direction. It took me forever to figure out the falling quicksand gimmick, and since I was playing in Opengl, I didn't see where to go in one instance due to the necessity of seeing through the sand.
Near the end the level's layout got better but the platforming still remained mediocre, it did have good replay though when I was willing to slow down for the pits.
I think the map would have benefited with less pits and a little more structure. Otherwise not bad.
Gameplay: 5/10 Fair
Visuals: 5/10 Fair
Creativity: 6/10 Here and there...
Replay: 7/10 Good
Overall: 6/10 , frustrating in parts and slightly sloppy. (not an average)
Arid Ruins: 7/10 , Well done, despite lack of direction in areas.
The mixture between structured ruins and natural rock platforming was really quite welcome. The pyramids were somewhat boring to scale, but remained mostly unnecessary. Some of the biggest problems were that many of the parts looked exactly alike except for some small differences, which at points made me worry that I was going in circles.
Also, in the tunnel about halfway through, I at one point got turned around and didn't know whether I was going the right way or not because the Crawlas were facing me and the Starpost was unmarked. It was even more confusing in the temple near the end where I wandered blindly and only accidentally made it through. I never did work out the relative areas and direction in there, and in one place the path onwards wasn't too obvious because it went downwards and outside into an area that looked like I had already been in.
Its linearity was very well done in the outside areas, where while multiple paths weren't extremely stressed, multiple ways to cross it were evident.
Gameplay: 7/10 Good
Visuals: 9/10 Decorative but Functional
Creativity: 8/10 Prominent, despite lack of real gimmicks
Replay: 8/10 Great
Overall: 7/10 , Well done, despite lack of direction in areas. (not an average)
Also, regarding the match levels, I haven't really played them but just by running through alone I found:
Scattered Skies was a little pointless in many areas and the jumps were too spaced out over an ever-annoying death pit...
Arial Ruins is far too small, though it would make a good centerpiece to a larger level.
Courtyard Clash was too large and confusing. I couldn't tell many of the areas apart leaving the only comfortable area in the level being the center.
Rusty Bucket Bay had some pretty decorative sector layout, but blinding textures and it was really difficult to play in without getting killed. The boat didn't need to be an fof, seeing as its really useless going under it anyways. The Homing Rings were too abundant and I have worries about how it is going to work as a match level with that many of them.
Both CTF levels showed signs of rushing and little to no effort, making them painful for opposite reasons. On one I couldn't move and the other I couldn't get anywhere very fast.
The circuit levels were an extremely welcome improvement...
Dark Skies was fun and simple, but remained so only as long as I could mantain control. Dying was slightly too easy.
Waterfall Heights was really short, and somewhat boring. There was really nothing to do but thok and run, while I'd like to show off at least a little dodging and platforming in races.
Castletania was really random. I loved the Mystic Mansion theme in the beginning and as the level started making dramatically random theme changes, I missed it immediately. I would have liked it better if it had picked one theme and kept it throughout. It was also really long, which is another complaint, but not so strong a one as the one against the randomness.
Sky Cannon was really simple, and easy to die on. A little more detail would have been nice as most of it was jumping on platforms over a pit.
Also, some notes about my level...
I was trying to imitating some of the qualities I admired in other maps by having a lot of detail that would really sell the theme. The area most used in tests was the center area, which rendered some of the outer areas unused, but I tried to add some vertical depth with optional pipes, with only two power-ups really needing their use.
As for complaints about the acid, I found it relatively easy to avoid in the final version, and only the center area capitalized on it while the rest only stood alongside it. It does discourage blind thokking, which I am not against.
Unrelated to the contest, I had originally made the first version about one-two years ago and then went back to it to polish it up for release, which took two weeks prior to the first attempted entry and two months afterwards. It is now so drastically different than the original that it is in some ways barely recognizable. I am glad to see that it is doing pretty well though, being my first release.