Official Level Design Contest Voting: September-October 2007

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Miles' Beach was a joke wad submitted, because at the time I submitted it FuriousFox had said on IRC no CTF maps were uploaded.
I submitted mine whe he said there weren't any, too(gm?). Of course, only the name was a joke, the level itself only sucks because of my suckyness.

Scattered Skies:THE LAG IS AGAINST YOU!!!! 5/10.
Venemous Dusk Zone: I see the effort, but it just has too many toxic. 6/10.
Coutyard Clash: A good map to play in, very roomy :O. 8/10.
Rustly Rucket: Not many rings, and the textures bleeded my eyes.
Miles' Beach: My joke wad, and I can't vote on my levels. :((((
OMIGODZCTF: Too cramped for me. I need space(Reason Mile's beach is just a hallway). 3/10.
Dark Skies:kInda boring, plus the starting point is a checkpoint.
Waterfall Heights:Just a mod of one of the vanilla Race maps to me. 'Nuff said.
Castletania:Sonic Heroes long. 7/10.
Sky Cannon: I <3d this zone, to bad it was so fast to skip through. 6/10.
You know, I pwn at certain zones because most people in the netgame suck at that level. Sky Cannon was one of those.

EDIT: I just did Sky Cannon again. Nothing special, right? But I did it with immense lag. And everyone in the netgame got either a game over or made it through with 1 life.
Played through the SP levels and some of them were really promising while others left quite a bit to be desired.


Tainted Way: 2/10 , short, stale, and frustrating.

This map started out on a narrow platform with what looked like damaging small waterfalls all around. (still don't know if they are damaging or not) From there all the platforms were more or less too small to run on or up to, and it really seemed like a boss act at best. Even for a boss, it was aggravating, because it was too small and boring for an interesting battlefield, and there were multiple bosses. They appeared to be socced with a lot of skill, but I really couldn't tell because I was too busy taking damage and using that to kill them.

Gameplay: 1/10 Bad

Visuals: 3/10 Poor

Creativity: 5/10 Creative boss, terrible level.

Replay: 0/10 None

Overall: 2/10 short, stale, and frustrating. (not an average)


Meadow Falls: 4/10 , boring, but otherwise not bad.

The textures were blinding almost throughout the entire level, but the layout looked impressive. Unfortunately there were no gimmicks and very little platforming involved either. After breezing through it, I almost didn't care to see it again, but did anyways to give it a fair vote. Some of the secrets were somewhat interesting, but the yellow spring leading to one of them was too close to the ceiling to work properly.

Gameplay: 3/10 Poor

Visuals: 4/10 Fair

Creativity: 2/10 None really

Replay: 2/10 Poor

Overall: 4/10 boring, but otherwise not bad. (not an average)


Sandtrap Dunes: 6/10 , frustrating in parts and slightly sloppy.

My first impression of this level was really, bad, spending forever trying to get past the water before discovering the spring and finally deciding to waterskip with a spin-dash. Then the pits immediately after it were aggravating.

Once I got into playing the level, the platforming over the pits was not exceedingly bad, albeit slow in one of the paths. The nonlinearity of the level confused me, but not by too much as Crawlas always faced the right direction. It took me forever to figure out the falling quicksand gimmick, and since I was playing in Opengl, I didn't see where to go in one instance due to the necessity of seeing through the sand.

Near the end the level's layout got better but the platforming still remained mediocre, it did have good replay though when I was willing to slow down for the pits.

I think the map would have benefited with less pits and a little more structure. Otherwise not bad.

Gameplay: 5/10 Fair

Visuals: 5/10 Fair

Creativity: 6/10 Here and there...

Replay: 7/10 Good

Overall: 6/10 , frustrating in parts and slightly sloppy. (not an average)


Arid Ruins: 7/10 , Well done, despite lack of direction in areas.

The mixture between structured ruins and natural rock platforming was really quite welcome. The pyramids were somewhat boring to scale, but remained mostly unnecessary. Some of the biggest problems were that many of the parts looked exactly alike except for some small differences, which at points made me worry that I was going in circles.

Also, in the tunnel about halfway through, I at one point got turned around and didn't know whether I was going the right way or not because the Crawlas were facing me and the Starpost was unmarked. It was even more confusing in the temple near the end where I wandered blindly and only accidentally made it through. I never did work out the relative areas and direction in there, and in one place the path onwards wasn't too obvious because it went downwards and outside into an area that looked like I had already been in.

Its linearity was very well done in the outside areas, where while multiple paths weren't extremely stressed, multiple ways to cross it were evident.

Gameplay: 7/10 Good

Visuals: 9/10 Decorative but Functional

Creativity: 8/10 Prominent, despite lack of real gimmicks

Replay: 8/10 Great

Overall: 7/10 , Well done, despite lack of direction in areas. (not an average)


Also, regarding the match levels, I haven't really played them but just by running through alone I found:

Scattered Skies was a little pointless in many areas and the jumps were too spaced out over an ever-annoying death pit...

Arial Ruins is far too small, though it would make a good centerpiece to a larger level.

Courtyard Clash was too large and confusing. I couldn't tell many of the areas apart leaving the only comfortable area in the level being the center.

Rusty Bucket Bay had some pretty decorative sector layout, but blinding textures and it was really difficult to play in without getting killed. The boat didn't need to be an fof, seeing as its really useless going under it anyways. The Homing Rings were too abundant and I have worries about how it is going to work as a match level with that many of them.

Both CTF levels showed signs of rushing and little to no effort, making them painful for opposite reasons. On one I couldn't move and the other I couldn't get anywhere very fast.

The circuit levels were an extremely welcome improvement...

Dark Skies was fun and simple, but remained so only as long as I could mantain control. Dying was slightly too easy.

Waterfall Heights was really short, and somewhat boring. There was really nothing to do but thok and run, while I'd like to show off at least a little dodging and platforming in races.

Castletania was really random. I loved the Mystic Mansion theme in the beginning and as the level started making dramatically random theme changes, I missed it immediately. I would have liked it better if it had picked one theme and kept it throughout. It was also really long, which is another complaint, but not so strong a one as the one against the randomness.

Sky Cannon was really simple, and easy to die on. A little more detail would have been nice as most of it was jumping on platforms over a pit.

Also, some notes about my level...

I was trying to imitating some of the qualities I admired in other maps by having a lot of detail that would really sell the theme. The area most used in tests was the center area, which rendered some of the outer areas unused, but I tried to add some vertical depth with optional pipes, with only two power-ups really needing their use.

As for complaints about the acid, I found it relatively easy to avoid in the final version, and only the center area capitalized on it while the rest only stood alongside it. It does discourage blind thokking, which I am not against.

Unrelated to the contest, I had originally made the first version about one-two years ago and then went back to it to polish it up for release, which took two weeks prior to the first attempted entry and two months afterwards. It is now so drastically different than the original that it is in some ways barely recognizable. I am glad to see that it is doing pretty well though, being my first release.
Well... I guess I'll do the Single Player maps first.

Arid Ruins Zone, Act 2 (7/10)

Nice map, pressing the switch causes the sand to fall and make the whole area rise. I liked it.

However, I did see a REDWALL somewhere. (Hint: Thok Barrier.)

Sandtrap Dunes Zone (2/10)

You forgot the give the naming things. (Example: scr_ .)

Ok. at the begining... theres no light, so it should be dark. Also the pink sand falls with a quicksand tag will bug up the CAM if your in them. Heck I was seeing HOM basically.

Appears some walls makes the CAM go past them, leading to HOM.

The pillar where you have the climb was not fun, I mean if you get hit, you may fall all the way to the bottom. Thus, having to climb it again.

Meadow Falls Zone (7/10)

Mushroom Hill Zone textures I'm guessing?

The music is from Mushroom Hill Zone Act 1 right?

I enjoyed this map, but the textures look bad due to software mode's rendering.

Right at the end, is there suppose to be holes in the ceiling showing the sky?

Tainted Way (1/10)

Too short, the boss is cheap (Try the teleporter -.-). What were those black things falling the ceiling?

Ok... am I done?
Whee, singleplayer voting tiem

Arid Ruins Zone, Act 2 -- 7/10
Definately the best SP map here. The rising sand gimmick was rather nice, though I did get completely lost in the last area.

Meadow Falls Zone -- 5/10
Really, this level suffers from GFZ1 syndrome. It's got pleanty of side-areas, and little bitty secrets, but if you're just running through it, it's ridiculously short and easy. Perhaps more to emphasise the secret's existance.

Sandtrap Dunes Zone -- 6/10
I must admit, the water gravity gimmick is interesting, the level itself seems somewhat bland though. The platforming gets repetitive after awhile.

Tainted Way -- Adolf Hitler/Ben Geyer
Well, lemme clear a few things up:
Yes, I fail at level design.
The black stuff is Tainted Light, a random dream-inspired concept not at all created for SRB2, Sonic fanfiction, or any of that.
The boss also fits into that original storyline, as a manipulator of Tainted Light.
Yes, I fail at life.
SRB2-Playah said:
It's raining in space, there's a great big block of ice at the beginning, everything's kinda red, there's water with a lava texture, part of the route goes into a tree... In space...
I know. Aren't I awesome?
Voted in order i played in.

Tainted Way Zone -- 3/10

It was pretty strange, too much so for my tastes. The boss was a bit overkill too. The whole level was a tad too cramped and it isn't very straightforward.

Sandtrap Dunes Zone -- 6/10

The start made me think this would turn out to be a very terrible map, but it got much better after the first room. However, may I suggest not to have your character hit his head on invisible ceilings when jumping off springs. Also, you should be able to get to the intended destination when jumping off springs without having to maneuver yourself, in my opinion. Nonetheless, this map wasn't bad.

Meadow Falls Zone -- 4/10

The music was unsuitable, and wasn't looped. The texture you used on the wall was horrible. [quote"SonicX8000"]I enjoyed this map, but the textures look bad due to software mode's rendering.[/quote] I agree with that, but it actually looks twice as bad in OpenGL (no matter what filter you use). I reckon it looked nicer in Software mode. Software handles detailed textures, as well as depth of feild, much better than OpenGL in my opinion. Gameplay wise, it was fairly basic, and way too short.

Arid Ruins Zone 2 -- ___/10

I don't know why, but I just don't feel up to rating this map.
Single player
Arid Ruins Zone, Act 2 by Tets - 8/10
I thought that the beginning was a bit slow paced, but as it progressed the level got better for me. It has a nice use of multiple paths.

Meadow Falls Zone by Chaos Zero 64 - 5/10
I think the custom wall textures should be twice as big, it blended in too much. It seems like it would be an okay first level in a level pack, although I think it should be expanded.

Sandtrap Dunes Zone by Kuja - 5/10
The platforming in this level did not work well. The level design confused me a bit, and I got lost.

Tainted Way by Draykon - 2/10
The level design is pretty bad, the gimmicks didn't seem to be executed well. The custom boss is neat, but didn't really make the level experience any better.

MAPA1 - Scattered Skies Zone by Warpshade - 6/10
This was an okay map, the things that bothered me was the Christmas music, it didn't seem to fit well. The item placement could be better.

MAPA2 - Venomous Dusk Zone by JEV3 - 5/10
The design looked pretty cool, but it was lagging quite a bit. I also thought it might have been a bit too big

MAPA3 - Arial Ruins Zone by Blade T. Hedgehog - 1/10
Uh, way too small for match man, looks like one of the mystic realm boss levels :/.

MAPA4 - Courtyard Clash Zone by Shadow Hog - 8/10
Definitely the best match level in the pack. The carpet was quite cool and the level had good flow.

MAPA5 - Rusty Bucket Bay by Glaber - 4/10
You seem to be getting a bit better at match maps, but this one still misses the mark. There are clashing textures and the level didn't really flow to well

Capture the Flag
MAPA6 - Miles' Beach Zone by Miles(supersonic45) - 0/10
Uh yeah, I don't think I really need to say anything about it.

MAPA7 - OMIGODZCTF by Kaysakado - 0/10
Even though it looked like it took more time then the other ctf level, the level failed. The level is very cramped and is too short for ctf. The secret is a bit cheap and should be cut out.

MAPA8 - Dark Skies by on_Edge - 4/10
Ah, no set music? And what is with the lava that doesn't hurt you. The level design was okay. The red color map on the whole level was a bad idea as well.

MAPA9 - Waterfall Heights Zone by Boinciel - 7/10
I quite liked this one. I do not mind simple circuit maps as long as the flow is good, which it seemed like it was. I thought it was a bit too short though.

MAPAA - Castletania by Glaber - 6/10
Again, you seem to be getting better at mapping. This map seems like it would work better if it was a single player map. The stairs are also buggy.

MAPAB - Sky Cannon by FuriousFox - 7/10
This played pretty well, but I thought it needed more scenery.
Ok, guess I better get started on the Match/CTF/Race maps...

Skattered Skies Zone (4/10)
Well... what to put here...

It lagged due to the FOFs, and I was wondering how do you get on the clouds, but I found out about that.

This map has some software bugs...

Venomous Dusk Zone (5/10)
This map lagged, facing the factory or inside it at some points lagged the heck out of it.

However it is a nice map, but the lag...

Arial Ruins Zone (3/10)
Its a bit small... and it kinda looks like a AGZ look, not sure yet...

Courtyard Clash Zone (8/10)
Nice map and all... but its a bit big.

Rusty Bucket Bay (2/10)
It lagged a bit, however, under the ship... is there suppose to be no water in some areas?

The textures... er..., needs more rings.

Miles' Beach Zone (0/10)
I'm sure everyone knows the answer to this... really.

Too cramped... and its a bit short.

Dark Skies (3/10)
Err... water with a lava texture?

Thats all... really... but is the whole map suppose to have a red color map?

Waterfall Heights Zone (6/10)
The map is good... could of used more springs at the spring area.

Castletania (9/10)
Very nice map, its long, but if it weren't for those 3 missing textures, I would of gave it an 10.

Sky Cannon (6/10)
Sometimes the jumps are hard, but this map is pretty good...

Did I miss any?
Wow. This is the first contest I judged in a long while, albeit incompletely, but still! Since my commitment here isn't so big this time around, I played through only once in a netgame of 3; no timelimit; pointlimit 500.

Visual elements and themes don't have an effect on the score, but I indeed comment on them. Glitches and common mapper-related discrepancies (such as vertically misplaced player starts, use of vertical ring rows, level performance (c-lag is a different story), etc.) also don't have any effect unless really major, but I comment on them too.

Match Levels

MAPA1 - Scattered Skies Zone by Warpshade - 6/10
I love the theme of this level; it's just not executed as well as I'd hoped. Due to the broken grounds, a lot of the jumps are hard to make and I end up falling into the pits a lot. It requires me to be careful, which some players are, but this requirement means the design isn't entirely compatible with all playing styles. That'd be a plus. Playing it in Single Player, I can see that the jumps are actually pretty easy, but in netgames, the lag element steps in, so it's a little trickier to test it all.

Other than that, there's some really interesting stuff here. A few of the littler details included small dead-end rooms (dislikable), and the clouds were fun, but maybe they over-complicated things (dislikable). A layout is good when it doesn't need details like those clouds. None of the official maps need that. They do make things a little more fun, though.

MAPA2 - Venomous Dusk Zone by JEV3 - 5/10
The map architecture here is detailed! I love the effects.

For me, the map's main downfall is that it doesn't seem "planned" well enough. Whether you actually planned it on paper or not, the elements seem too random and unpredictable, hindering my desire to explore the map. I tended to just keep to one or two sections because I was most familiar with them. That being said, the balance is also off. I tended to stick to one really closed area, even within said sections, where most of the rings were. In some spots, they're alright, but in others, they're too packed, which means rings are easier to grab. When they're too packed, it breaks balance.

The level also seemed cramped in a few places. Cramped is dislikable. I will say, though, that the center area is excellent. It's open enough for high-speed action to occur, yet there are just enough obstacles to make it interesting. Again, though, the lack of apparent planning hurt the level at first glance. It does have its shines, though. I really wanted to rate this a 6, but it's gotta be a high 5 (like 5.68 or something.) Sorry. :)

MAPA3 - Arial Ruins Zone by Blade T. Hedgehog - 4/10
I can tell you pulled off some tricks with the level architecture. I love the pillars.

But I gotta' say honestly that it's not designed well enough. The center area's too open and the fact that you're blocked by the ledges in movement does even more hurt by closing the players in. I think the main downfall here is that the level takes advantage of the wrong movement mechanics. For example, the whole closed-in thing. Also, I noticed one has to step on the ledges in the outer perimeter platform to get to the corner platforms.

Littler details include that maybe it'd be nice if you included some ring placement at the top pillars to make it more varied. Ring placement could be more varied; less predictable, but also not too unpredictable (as was the case with the other map.) I really liked the visual presentation here, though. Just move the emphasis more on the playing mechanics next time. :)

MAPA4 - Courtyard Clash Zone by Shadow Hog - 7/10
This map isn't half bad. :)

The main downfall is that some items are too overpowered here. The fire shield, especially, is really overpowered. Since the map is somewhat cramped, anyone with the fire shield automatically owns the level, pretty much. It's only one downfall, but it's a really major one.

Littler details include, again, some parts of the map are cramped. The bushes in the center courtyard don't help. Ring placement is pretty good, and the layout's pretty good.

MAPA5 - Rusty Bucket Bay by Glaber - 4/10
I don't know what to say about this one. The theme is really interesting, but it breaks a few good rules.

The size is good, but the actual ground is too cramped. That's its main downfall: there's not enough room to move. The layout is surely varied enough, and the item placement too, but it's just hard so hard to move. Also, since it's hard to move, I tend to fall into the slime water below. A lot. While the lot of water shields makes this tolerable, that in itself is undesirable, since it only covers up the problem instead of actually dealing with it at its core.

That being said, the theme is really interesting. Major issues in movement just seemed to hinder it all, but I liked the visual presentation. :)
Please excuse me if I say anything that doesn't make the slightest of sense, It's a Saturday evening, and I need sleep...


MAPA1 - Scattered Skies Zone by Warpshade - 4/10

You got a bonus point for finding a way of incorporating Xmas music into the level without making it idiotic. Anyhow, the level itself is rather flat, and the clouds were near impossible to reach as Sonic, without spending 40 second scavenging for a spring. The idea of the warps was clever, although most people shrugged it off and assumed it led to death. Oh, and rail+bomb here was incredibly, incredibly bad.

MAPA2 - Venomous Dusk Zone by JEV3 - 4/10

Wow, I like the amount of detail you put into this map, something more map-makers should try to accomplish. However, this map severly suffers from balance issues. It was all fine and dandy until I noticed that rail-homing was obtainable, which dramatically dropped my score. Some sections of this map were rather unused, such as the upper balconies and most of the passages within the building. That green slime waterfall texture is just an eyesore of a texture.

MAPA3 - Arial Ruins Zone by Blade T. Hedgehog - 1/10
This map instinctively reminded me of AGZ4, considering how dreadfully small it is. Try testing your wad in a 5-8 player netgame before submitting it, 'aight?

MAPA4 - Courtyard Clash Zone by Shadow Hog - 7/10
Idunno, Shadow Hog. If it helps at all, it's better than the test version we played before the contest. The map played decently (for the most part, lag needs to die), but I still keep on getting lost in it. Having lengthy passageways all over the place didn't really help. Some areas were just a pain to get to, not to mention that there was no real reason to go there at all. Try making the level a bit more open, and kill off some of the lesser used pathways.

MAPA5 - Rusty Bucket Bay by Glaber
- 1/10
LOL I used all but 1 textttxre avlibable in srb22!

Capture the Flag:

MAPA6 - Miles' Beach Zone by Miles(supersonic45)
- 0/10

MAPA7 - OMIGODZCTF by Kaysakado - 2/10
What the hell? Not even DOOM wadists make wads this tiny. The platforms in the middle area were incredibly hard to land on, considering their tiny size. What was with the secret, anyways? Hell, it's faster to thok to the other side than use the secret (that doesn't mean that it wasn't a bad idea to begin with).


MAPA8 - Dark Skies by on_Edge
- 3/10
Huh? Lava that doesn't hurt you? Unforeseen teleport? No music? These are quite odd design choices, which did hurt your grade. In terms of the rest of the map, nothing really sticked out. It was a short circuit map, that's just about it.

MAPA9 - Waterfall Heights Zone by Boinciel - 6/10
This map played pretty well, with just a few flaws here and there. The fork at the very start did nothing for the map, as everybody knew to just take the left path. The spring area killed the flow in this map, which makes a difference, especially in circuit. Overall, though, this map is average. Nothing outstanding about it.

MAPAA - Castletania by Glaber - 4/10
If it makes things better, this would have probably earned a 7-8/10, if you turned it into a SP level. For circuit, however, it's far too long and gimmicky. Coming from somebody who has never played a Castlevania game in his life, I felt as if every room I went inside had a new theme. You see castle one second, then forest another, then underground, etc.

MAPAB - Sky Cannon by FuriousFox - 7/10
This map was obviously tailored towards Sonic players (not that I blame you, circuit was made for that), and it worked pretty well with that mindset. The concepts were clever, and it was properly executed. However, there was a notable lack of scenery within the map. It just looked like one big metal blahh...
The platforms in the middle are only for people with enough time to go through thm carefully. If you think they were bad now, you should have seen the map in its early beta. Also, you can get to the blue spring in other ways.

And the secret is mainly a hiding spot, not a shortcut.
Spazzo said:
Some sections of this map were rather unused, such as the upper balconies and most of the passages within the building. That green slime waterfall texture is just an eyesore of a texture.

Lol... In private tests, those were the only areas that were really used. I guess it depends on the game... And unfortunately I couldn't fix that slime waterfall texture because no custom textures are allowed in contests. =/ In response to the homing rail, whenever I managed to make it to the homing ring, I never could use it effectively, and an infinity wasn't even worth getting.
MAPA1 - Scattered Skies Zone by Warpshade 5/10

Not utterly bad, but no better than average. The death pits were exceptionally annoying. And the level was overall flat and boring. The bouncy clouds weren't a bad idea, but they were too far away from the rest of the level to really be used effectively.

MAPA2 - Venomous Dusk Zone by JEV3 8/10

Very good. My main issue was the graphical lag produced from the center. Without the lag, the hazards are pretty well balanced.

MAPA3 - Arial Ruins Zone by Blade T. Hedgehog 2/10

Too small, flat and generic.

MAPA4 - Courtyard Clash Zone by Shadow Hog 7/10

Good map, though a bit too flat and open in certain places.

MAPA5 - Rusty Bucket Bay by Glaber 1/10

Cramped, not enough rings and exceptionally laggy.

Capture the Flag:
MAPA6 - Miles' Beach Zone by Miles(supersonic45) 0/10

Yeah, I could have made a better CTF map in 5 minutes.

MAPA7 - OMIGODZCTF by Kaysakado 1/10

Yeah, I'd expect a Doom map to be more open.

MAPA8 - Dark Skies by on_Edge 5/10

Not bad, just short. Graphics were strange, but didn't detract from the score.

MAPA9 - Waterfall Heights Zone by Boinciel 6/10

Simplistic and generic. Not a bad map, not a great map.

MAPAA - Castletania by Glaber 5/10

Well, you're definitely improving. My complaint was that you didn't keep the castle theme throughout. Replace the cave with more castle would be my suggestion.

MAPAB - Sky Cannon by FuriousFox 6/10

Well, like Boinciel's map, it isn't bad, but lack of length and detail makes it another generic race map.
Oh screw it. CZ64 and Draykon already know what's wrong with their maps, don't they?

Sandtrap Dunes by Kuja

This map seriously could've been awesome. I really liked that outside stuff with water and all those righ-rises, but sadly the rest of the map wasn't up to par. The inside stuff was really boring, and the square platforms over deathpit weren't exactly interesting either.

Other than that, some of the outside parts that were still half-decent could've used some more detail. Additionally, there were one or two crevices that could've been a bit bigger.
-Single player levels-

Meadow falls - 3/10

Pro: Classic music, and textures was a nice touch.
Con: Too short, zero challenge, plus it is very uncreative in design.

Tainted way - 1/10

Pro: Haven't seen an oil level in a sonic game in years, the boss was very cool.
Con: Everything else, I.E. cramped hallways, overuse in death oil, heck why DOES the oil kill you?

Sandtrap dunes - 7/10

Pro: Nice gimmicks, good ending, fairly difficult.
Con: This level suffers from areal garden syndrome, anoyingly hard jumps, cupled togeather with anoying enemies, and this map is glitchy as heck. Also, why isn't this the first map of the WAD instead of the tenth?

Arid ruins Act 2 - 8/10

Pro: Great detail, very long, rare addition of a boss, there are so many good things about this...
Con: ..But with all good things come a syndrome called "Sonic twophobia", meaning that there are a large amount of easy to find invinceability monitors, and life monitors. Also, if you are going to put a boss in, please make it something we haven't played half to death. Also to note, there is a small glitch in race mode, the telleporter at the end still works, though invisable.

-Multiplayer levels-


Scattered skies - 8/10

Pro: Very large, fitting music, not anoyingly hard to navigate.
Con: Its so large that it will take awhile to find someone to actualy battle.

Venomous dusk - 7/10

Pro: Very original, not hard to navigate, easy to find someone to battle
Con: Some places in the map will slow you down, making it hard to recover from a large-scale fight.

Arial ruins - 5/10

Pro: Simple, nice for quick battles.
Con: Too small, no place to hide for recovery, and this theme has been done to DEATH.

Courtyard clash - TEN/10

Pro: Nicely detailed, plenty of places to recover, very large, it is perfect in every way.
Con: N/A

Rusty bucket bay - 1/10

Pro: don't have to play it?
Con: Small, not enough rings, badly detailed, very much everything is crap.


Dark skies - 4/10

Pro: The light things for the starposts were very cool
Con: The real problem with this level is that it is completely nonsensical, Lava that acts like regular water in ice, floating in space. Why have ice over a pit of death anyway?

Waterfall heights - 9/10

Pro: Quick, nicely detailed, not confusing, lots of different paths to take.
Con: Theme done to death.

Castltania - 6/10

Pro: Great originality, multiple parts that take advantage of other players.
Con: It is WAY too long, nobody would play as those characters anyway, and it reminds me too much of sonic heroes.

Sky cannon - 5/10

Pro: haven't seen an airship level in awhile.
Con: Nothing too new or interesting, bleh.

CTF (AKA my favorate gametype. :P)

Miles' beach - 1/10

Pro: Its a CTF level. :/
Con: Horrible in every **** way.


Pro: It's better than Miles' beach.
Con: Still not as good as any other CTF levels I've played. :/
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