My contest voting post. Votes subject to adding and/or change at any time.
Votes in a nutshell:
Green Field Zone by CZ64 - 5/10
Gelespious Mtn Zone by Penopat 7/10
MAP01 - Castleon Zone by Glaber 2/10
MAP02 - Glaber Glutch Mine Zone by Glaber 1/10
MAP03 - Clinker's Cavern Zone by Glaber 0/10
MAP04 - Targetzan's Temple Zone by Glaber 0/10
MAP05 - Emerald Park Zone by Dark Warrior 4/10
MAP06 - WW Shootout Zone Zone by Glaber 0/10
MAP07 - Icicle Pyramid by Glaber 3/10
MAP08 - G. Glutch Village Zone by Glaber 2/10
MAP09 - Toxic Falls Zone by JJames 6/10
MAP10 - Death Egg Zone by Kaysakado 2/10
MAP11 - Temple Tryst Zone by 5/10
Capture the Flag
MAP12 - Wasteland Towers Zone by Flame the Hedgehog 6/10
MAP13 - Mario Vs Sonic CTF by Sales 2/10
MAP14 - Frigid Cave Zone by JJames 4/10
MAP15 - Wooden Base by Kaysakado 3/10
MAP16 - Basilica Battleground Zone by 5/10
MAP17 - Daimondus Zone by Glaber 8/10
MAP18 - Castle Canyon Zone by Mystic 4/10
MAP19 - Sparkle Pop Zone by CZ64 5/10
MAP20 - Glaber Glutch Circuit Zone by Glaber 2/10
MAP21 - Tier by BlueZero4 Yo
MAP22 - Battle Woods Zone by Glaber 0/10
MAP23 - Angel Island Zone by JJames 5/10
MAP24 - Ice Cap Zone by JJames 4/10
I elaborate:
Single Player:
Green Field Zone by CZ64: 5/10
*breaks out USB PS2 pad* This is great! You have re-invented 2D! It didn't look like that one patch of water didn't have a colormap. Still, it adds to the feel. [notdockingyoupoints]However, because I played this with a USB pad, I had a little trouble staying on the bridge.[/notdockingyoupoints] Still, the fact remains that this is more of GFZ1 than I'd like, even if it wasn't an edit.
That is docking you points. (Also, there's a tiny problem with your thok-barrier. It has "da missin' texcha" problem after the pool of water. Also, doing the special stage with the camera was delightful. ^_^ Again, 5/10.
Gelespious Mtn Zone by Penopat: 7/10
Hmm, where am I supposed to go? What's this for? Is this area ment for something? It doesn't have any stuff in it. Ouch that jump was impossible. Ack, THEY'RE ON ME! Wha- What
is that? Honestly, I couldn't tell half the time that I
wasn't supposed to go in all those crevices. Or that I
was spposed to go thataway. Mostly, the level had an inate source of direction. Err, in the first part. Other than that, I couldn't tell at all where I was. Also, many of the areas were unused. I mean, really, was there supposed to be
anything in the fire pit? No? TAKE IT OUT! *slapped* Seriously, use up your levels. Also, half the time there werre to many enemies. And I mean the ones that follow you around, which you can't shake. Probably the biggest reason I went without those enemies in the second half was because I died. :( Also, this
one, little jump was getting on my case. Next to the "scenic" waterfalls. I mean, there's friggin' death pit down there, and I have to thok to make the jump, yet I can't stop. Stupid platfrming genre. An- no, it can't be! A missing texture! Wait, what's this? Is that a- Yes, it is! Honestly turn around in the cavern. My screen filled up with a- a- *faints* Also, did you know that there is a texture that doesn't
sploosh! at the end? Major,
major points off for graphics. And in case you haven't noticed, a secret that a player can't get to is a secret wasted. Still, you have CZ64 beat. Again, 7/10
MAP01 - Castleon Zone by Glaber: 2/10
Hmm, maze, undeafed rings, and the
stripes of DooM! And you say this was a remake?
JJames19119 said:
You just need a source of inspiration that DOESN'T come from another game. Once you get that down, I'm sure you could make a decent map.
Shuffle said:
No. No, no, no, no, NO.
Ports of levels from other games rarely ever turn out any good, because those levels were originally built taking advantage of a completely different engine.
Also, I couldn't really get around. Finding other players was a nightmare, and being able to stick around long enought to make the kill was impossible. Again, 2/10
MAP02 - Glaber Glutch Mine Zone by Glaber: 1/10
Cramped, maze, crap. I couldn't do anything because I got caught on the doorways. Finidng people was, again, impossible. The cramped passageways were idiotic, so the only battle was in little rooms. Little, crappy rooms. And why was there rail? It got caught on the walls. And after that, I couldn't fire leaving me open. Again, 1/10.
MAP03 - Clinker's Cavern Zone by Glaber: 0/10
Now this was awful. I couldn't find anyone. When I could, they were so bogged down by the crampedness that I could hit 'em in one shot. No, absolutely not. Again, goosegg.
MAP04 - Targetzan's Temple Zone by Glaber: 0/10
Okay, why was there rail
again? I mean, this was the crampedest map here. I couldn't get around, and this time it was I who got shot in here. I couldn't move, and I was constantly bumping into people who could shoot me. Goosegg.
MAP05 - Emerald Park Zone by Dark Warrior: 4/10
Open and bland. Too much space. The only really interesting thing here was going on top of the things, which was kinda pointless seeing as how the fight was going on on the ground floor. I got 15 seconds of fun! Actually, that was pain and hurt for those I hit. The rapid-infinity combination was idiotic. Absolutely stupid. Also, this map was unplayable due to the extreme lagginess of the decorations. Again, you got a 4.
MAP06 - WW Shootout Zone Zone by Glaber: 0/10
Well, this glorifies your other maps. It was really stupid to have all the knuckles users spamming the invisible walls. Again, I kept getting shot in the crampedness. The weapon rings were useless. There wasn't enough for the bomb to explode on, and the homing rings missed alot. Get out of my contest.
MAP07 - Icicle Pyramid by Glaber: 3/10
Well, the rail-bomb combo worked semi-well. Err, I mean one player dominates all. The fight was mostly on the sides, and the middle was unused except for grabbing a weapon ring or two.
MAP08 - G. Glutch Village Zone by Glaber: 2/10
Oh noes, teh telreportra de doomies. After we activated the teleporter once, we got around to the sheer openness and dullity of this map. Also, One guy got stuck with the "ticket seller" toad. He couldn't get out. Also, I heard a few remarks of hating maps with thok barriers. And the side passage was a "no", a great fat "no". Nobody else was there, so no points. Also, the flow was killed by the platforming, and even more-so by the spike balls. And lastly the thwomps. I couldn't even get the "secret" at the end of the hall. And then why were there two rapid rings there? No. Learn from this.
MAP09 - Toxic Falls Zone by JJames: 6/10
Hmm, fairly average. Fairly decent. There was room to run, and shoot. I appreciated the water sheild in the middle, though.
MAP10 - Death Egg Zone by Kaysakado: 2/10
I can't imagine how much effort you put into your map only to have it come out with this result. Red sky, but lots of FOFs. Try to be a llitle more creative next time, okay? Also, this on lagged like nobody's business.
MAP11 - Temple Tryst Zone by 5/10
Nice, but I didn't see much in this map to make it a good match. Well, we didn't really have any obsticles, so this was a flat plane. With a bomb ring that was really useless.
Capture the Flag:
MAP12 - Wasteland Towers Zone by Flame the Hedgehog: 6/10
Umm, sorta boring. Yes there was flow, but run, run, jump, jump, run. With a little shooting involved, I can't see this as very complicated.
MAP13 - Mario Vs Sonic CTF by Sales: 2/10
Mario - I can't get up to the flag. Wait, a thwomp! *walks over* This looks tricky. *gets thwomped*
Sonic - Wha? Texture problem. And platforming killed it.
Seriously, putting two rapidfire rings next to an infinity is a very ba- *thwomped*
MAP14 - Frigid Cave Zone by JJames: 4/10
This just reminds me of a certain phrase in Spanish: No más! Honestly, it was impossible to go bottom. Slip, slide, and fall off. Top was almost too easy, the way you could just walk on over. Unbalanced maps are bad. Also, I couldn't get the flag out of base. I belive the proper term is "fatal funnel."
MAP15 - Wooden Base by Kaysakado: 3/10
Mmm, get a little more interesting 2D design before trying this again, kapeesh? (I mean, it was just a few platforms. That were incredibly skinny and useless, might I add.)
MAP16 - Basilica Battleground Zone by 5/10
No, just won't do. Red was to easy to invade, and blue was confusing. The point of this map seemed to lay in the ground floor, not up top. Also, adding the platforming in the red base killed it. The teeny little crushers on the way to blue were idiotic. They either killed you or they didn't.
MAP17 - Daimondus Zone by Glaber: 8/10
Best map here, without a doubt. Smooth flow, and great textures, and the music helped a lot. The only downside in sight was the two infinity weapon rings stacked. Take 'em out.
MAP18 - Castle Canyon Zone by Mystic: 4/10
Oh. My. Word.
You can't seem to make your maps any more confusing. You
had to make the castles difficult. Getting out of that was doable, in time. However, getting to the other team's base was downright impossible. I
could not tell where I was, or where I was going. To that matter, falling in the water made you do an annoying little platforming stunt that killed the flow. Err, what was left of it.
MAP19 - Sparkle Pop Zone by CZ64: 5/10
Get these annoying glitches away from me, they reek. All the gimmicks didn't help. When it came down to it, you clogged our race way, then gave us zip panels that send us away from our goal. And the textures were unbearable. Yuck.
MAP20 - Glaber Glutch Circuit Zone by Glaber: 2/10
Sonic couldn't finish. Uhhh.
MAP21 - Tier by BlueZero4: Yo
Well, what did I expect? It
was a bit cramped. It but thoking out of style, but it also gave a lap 1 advantage. I liked the linedef exs, but even
I thoked through the deploying thok gard. Only what I can expect...
MAP22 - Battle Woods Zone by Glaber: 0/10
Well, enemies in a race map? No. Enemies required to be killed? No. More mazy design? No. Goosegg? Yes.
MAP23 - Angel Island Zone by JJames: 5/10
Fairly nice, but only nice. The logs would've killed the flow if you actually needed them, but you didn't. Another thing I'm marking you down on is the first star post. I couldn't lap it for my life. It seemed you neglected to put up a starpost activator, no?
MAP24 - Ice Cap Zone by JJames: 4/10
Oh no, apparently an early map. See, there was flow, but too much. It cries out to me: "Thok, my dear boy! Thok for your life!"
Wow. I expected a little more than this. Tough luck, guys.