Now this is getting ridiculous...

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Oh, sorry.

It just seems like we've been getting a lot of members lately, at least once each day.
They're coming from the link that says "Forum" on the left side of

We released 1.09. That's going to add a lot of interest, and henceforth, give us new members.
I cannot speak for the multitude of people who have signed up on this message board, but as for myself I found it necessary to observe for a while before actually posting here. There are so many people out there who choose to post without getting a very good grasp about what goes on here and what the rules are, thus being instantly labelled as "n00bs" as opposed to the preferred "Newbies." By digging around this board for a bit before asking questions, I've been able to get a grasp of the essentials of SRB2 and this board in general without acting foolish like most new people.

While I know that the combined total of my posts here is close to 10(I haven't really bothered to check), I've been here for over a year and keep a practice of observing silently and only posting when I actually have something constructive to add. Now once again, I cannot speak for all the other new people, but I'd believe that the smarter ones would be doing the same(Although I didn't register until I was actually going to post), especially when they are catching up on some background of SRB2 in light of v.1.09 being released like Mystic said.

And by the way, Ritz is kinda right, I've observed that many people here are rather cruel to the new people, especially to those who ask alot of questions. Granted, many questions can be answered by doing a little research but still, bashing a new person is only discouraging them from taking an active role here.
I did the same thing, I was around for at least 2 years, but the only reason I didn't post was because I was kinda scared to. >_> I am extremely shy sometimes.

You are very wise, Metal Sonic, very wise indeed.
I think that BigBoi reffered originally that there are a lot of people who register and don't post anything. OK, it's possible that they need an account activation, but this is getting excessive for be this. Really.

There are some users that in the first or second post you can see that it's a n00b (ask to anybody about WaterMage, that guy starts new topics instead of reply). But it's true that others take it as a joke and label as n00bs to anybody for any error.

Not all the newbies are n00bs, but it's true that not all the relatively old people here aren't n00b. Not, Sonicfan, I'm not looking to you, I'm a more good example of n00b than you, seriously. People can say that not, but yes, I'm. And I have more than 1000 posts. If you check my posts, at least the 90% of them must be useless. And there is a lot of things that I don't know that is normal for other people. That is the reason why I call myself as a stupid: because I know that I'm a n00b.

But don't go off-topic. There is a lot of people that simple makes jokes without any reason, you're right in that. And I'm probably a stupid n00b that follows them only for don't lose the friendship. Luckily there are administrators like Mystic or SSNTails that are really good in their job. Without them, the board would be incredibly chaotix. Believe me. I know what I said, and is probably that the people here don't think the same as me. But it's the true for me, so you know.

Now find something to flame me. I need it. Now.
Sik said:
Not all the newbies are n00bs, but it's true that not all the relatively old people here aren't n00b.

Now find something to flame me. I need it. Now.
*stands up* I make a perfect example, I was on the old forum for 2 years before we moved, and I came to the new one and remained her for another 2 years ( I think) however, when I started posting on the new forum this last year, I had some reallly n00bish posts, and was on the verge on getting banned on one point. Sik: j00 R TEH N00b!!*shot*
Damn, just now I've noticed that it's "Chaotic" :P Damn Sega, see what gets me writing. Now you know why I say always that I'm a n00b.

Well, sentence rewritten:
Sik said:
I think that BigBoi reffered originally that there are a lot of people who register and don't post anything. OK, it's possible that they need an account activation, but this is getting excessive for be this. Really.

There are some users that in the first or second post you can see that it's a n00b (ask to anybody about WaterMage, that guy starts new topics instead of reply). But it's true that others take it as a joke and label as n00bs to anybody for any error.

Not all the newbies are n00bs, but it's true that not all the relatively old people here aren't n00b. Not, Sonicfan, I'm not looking to you, I'm a more good example of n00b than you, seriously. People can say that not, but yes, I'm. And I have more than 1000 posts. If you check my posts, at least the 90% of them must be useless. And there is a lot of things that I don't know that is normal for other people. That is the reason why I call myself as a stupid: because I know that I'm a n00b.

But don't go off-topic. There is a lot of people that simple makes jokes without any reason, you're right in that. And I'm probably a stupid n00b that follows them only for don't lose the friendship. Luckily there are administrators like Mystic or SSNTails that are really good in their job. Without them, the board would be incredibly chaotic. Believe me. I know what I said, and is probably that the people here don't think the same as me. But it's the true for me, so you know.

Now find something to flame me. I need it. Now.
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