New 2D Sonic game "Sonic the Hedgehog 4" announced for 2010

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Sounds awful defensive doesn't he? What's worse is that I know he wasn't defensive enough!

The article confirms the leaked info? The guy that leaked it talked about terrible phsyics, horrible level design, and provided what looked like terrible mockups. (I guess they WERE real, but the fact that everything looks like a rip in those screens bugs me) I stopped paying attention to the article after they mentioned the werehog and that they hated NSMBWii, so it looks like just another IGN's History of Sonic review to me. It got 4/5 on the Luma-o-meter though, so I'm wondering just how much of that guy's impressions were really confirmed.

EDIT: Also, someone give me reason to believe that "The Sonic Cycle" is not flamebait and I'll pay attention. I'm sick and tired of seeing it especially when people are screaming "I TOLD YOU SO" while I'm trying to smash things as Hulkhog. Until I have any reason to believe otherwise, I'll assume that everybody who talks about it is either trying to cause drama or buying into it... personally I fall into the latter with this anecdote.
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Uh-oh! Look at the last paragraph of the preview.

Somebody better send him an email telling him he can't complain about rehashing stuff!
Wait, wait, wait. You guys don't want it to be a complete remake, and you want new stuff in the game, but you whine about all the new stuff? Hmm...

Exactly! They complain about the old stuff from sonic 1-3&K but, if they add something new,like homing attack,They whine it is not classic sonic!

Next thing you know,they will whining about the vines in SHZ from Sonic 3.

(Ok, So Homing attack is not new, but I think I heard something about a new move in Sonic 4)
EDIT: Also, someone give me reason to believe that "The Sonic Cycle" is not flamebait and I'll pay attention. I'm sick and tired of seeing it especially when people are screaming "I TOLD YOU SO" while I'm trying to smash things as Hulkhog. Until I have any reason to believe otherwise, I'll assume that everybody who talks about it is either trying to cause drama or buying into it... personally I fall into the latter with this anecdote.

Somewhat more accurate version.
You don't seem to see that your neat little cycle applies to itself. Keyword is "Nobody gives a shit". Let's all wait for the game and not say anything at all.
Thats because the sonic cycle is just a bunch of BS. I am actuly excited to play this game even though I can't acess the online built in stores.(ex Wii Shop Channel)
The Sonic Cycle applies to old retired Sonic fanboys that have nothing more to do with their time than make long overdramatic posts about how their favorite franchise sucks and is going to keep sucking unless "the real fans" (i.e. anyone whose opinions are the same as theirs) "do something about it" (i.e. do something really stupid like try to punish SEGA by buying an older game from them). I think the Sonic Cycle has some truth to it, it's just that it applies to a minority that everyone else on the internet is increasingly giving less of a fuck about, including parts of the very fanbase itself.
How true... for more information on this minority, I direct you to this article. It's from a Transformers wiki, but the principle of old coots refusing to accept anything other than what they grew up with is the same.
Guys, I present to you the frickin' soundtrack of the game, courtesy of infinity at Retro. There's also a downloadable copy that was whipped up Trunks, if that's how you like your cup of tea. I will say, though, that I cannot confirm if this is legit or not. It honestly sounds a little amateurish in my opinion.

Concerning this leak's possible authenticity...

serpx said:
With SEGA deleting threads that link to the source material, it's seeming legit thus far, via correlations. Though, it's always smart to remain skeptical I feel. More information regarding how the material was obtained would be nice, but, eitherway, we'll find the truth via the next time (if they ever do it) SEGA throws us a song on Sonic 4's site, and also when the game itself releases.

I didn't much care for the soundtrack myself. Here's why.
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I only like 2 or 3 tracks. If they didn't use the same 5 cookie cutter music program instruments, it'd be much better. I mean, they all kinda have the same feel to them.

Edit: <3 Mad Gear
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I can only say one thing about the music...

They ALL have the same BEAT SOUND...well except the special stage, but still, hearing the same beat on every track started to annoy me.

Though judging by all this information I've seen/read/heard, this might be a bad game, not total bad, but just bad.
Keep in mind that music is only one aspect of a gaming experience, and by far not the most important one.
Yes I know, but I don't want to be bored by the time I reach the final area by the same beat in the music...kinda like Pokemon and the incredibly repetitive battles.
I think in particular the music was simply aimed to suit the game and its general theme. As standalone pieces, they aren't impressive (honestly, the instruments bug me too), but I can imagine them working very well in-game.

On the subject of music, I swear I've heard this before. What's it from?
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