New 2D Sonic game "Sonic the Hedgehog 4" announced for 2010

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Fake. It's a composite picture completely unrelated to the actual game. Christ, you can't go 3 hours without making an embarrasment of yourself, can you?

Besides, not like one booster is going to make a difference in the scheme of the entire level.

What the hell is that picture, and why is Greg trying to use it to make a valid point?
First post in months here, and going back over the last several pages, I can safely say that I am quite happy I dropped out of the fanbase.

Unless posting here drags me back in.

But really, who needs constant updates for Sonic 4 when all the fanboys complaining about eye color is good enough? Be damned patient and wait till the game actually comes out (or if that isn't good enough for you, till more than 3 seconds of gameplay is uploaded/leaked) before complaining about it being a complete failure.

And besides, aren't most of the nostalgia fans adults who really need to start doing more productive and better things with their lives than hang around a quivering children's franchise? *coughrichardkutacough*

Seconded entirely. It seems like most people who are on either extreme of the fandom spectrum are either ignorant, arrogant, or simply stupid.

Look, I watch SEGA's progress/setbacks about as attentively as you guys do; it's not as relevant to me as it is for some of you, as I'm more of a videogame fan in general rather than Sonic, but it's interesting nonetheless to see where the hedgehog is headed. Mind you, I do think the old style of artwork for Sonic games tops the new by a long shot, plus I'm not sure entirely how good this game will turn out. But by god, I'm not going to make a moron out of myself and rage over a screenshot of Sonic near a single speedboost, that may or may not even be real. Give me a ******* break. I know this won't happen, but I'd really appreciate it if everybody would stop ranting and whining over a videogame they know little about, haven't played, and might be a little too old to play. It's just this annoying drama cycle I've seen for the past four years or so, and it's stupid.
Here's two quick questions about the game to get everyone thinking. 1) What do you guys think eggman's plan will be this time? 2) What do you guys think the final boss will be like and do you guys think it will be fought using super sonic?
First post in months here, and going back over the last several pages, I can safely say that I am quite happy I dropped out of the fanbase.

Unless posting here drags me back in.

But really, who needs constant updates for Sonic 4 when all the fanboys complaining about eye color is good enough? Be damned patient and wait till the game actually comes out (or if that isn't good enough for you, till more than 3 seconds of gameplay is uploaded/leaked) before complaining about it being a complete failure.

And besides, aren't most of the nostalgia fans adults who really need to start doing more productive and better things with their lives than hang around a quivering children's franchise? *coughrichardkutacough*


Ok, seriously. Why do people complain about the eye color? Why does the eye color make this game fail no matter what? Oh, the gameplay wasn't leaked. It was a trailer

And how come reusing some robots makes this game a rehash? It is already in 3D, new abilities and everything. The funny this is, that most of SRB2 users aren't the complainers. The ones that are complaining are the children at the Sega boards.
Okay, since we've all got that out of the way, let's say- for the sake of argument- that the speed boost was official... what do you think about it?

A lot of people are bringing up Sonic Rush. What these speed boosts were generally used for was keeping the pace really fast for most of the level... although usually it was the boost bar itself that was the main offender in that regard which let you get it not only in where they want you to have it, but well everywhere else too.

Either way, I wouldn't mind seeing a boost used as a hazard (backward boosts, I know everybody hates them, but I get such a kick out of them), used as a little reward for going the more difficult route, or in areas where the frustration of spindashing three times to get up one slope just isn't worth it (pretty sure both Sonic 1** and Sonic 2 had one such area in the first zone... best not to have it at all though imo).

There's no really clear way to tell whether or not this is official... and if it is, how they are going to use the boost pads. I would prefer to see them used to give a player a hand starting when the level calls for something a little more than a spindash, but others would probably prefer to see them used to keep momentum once the player's already going the way Sonic Rush would. (except they wouldn't use Sonic Rush as an example unless they wanted to make a bad thing out of it)
What would really be cool is if it could be the same kind of risk-vs-reward thing that the spindash and (forget what its called at the time, the figure eight thing, y-know) system in Sonic CD had. Namely, one provides an alternate way to speed up, but its more risky because you're not rolling (which means no ball physics), you can get hurt if you are careless (it is possible to jump over if you don't mind losing a bit of speed, or you can drop into a spin), and you tend to go faster on ground which means you're gonna pass by interesting new paths. (anyone who played Marble Garden Zone 1 will probably know what I mean)
However since this is their first 2d outing without the boost in a long while, I think that would be too much at once. I want to make sure they've got the basics first, even if it means playing a little more of Rush.

EDIT: **For clarification, I listed Sonic 1 because it had that kind of upward slope that is frustrating to go up with what you had... the fact that you can't spindash only makes it more relevant.
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Sonic Advance is - again - a good example of how boosts should be used. Sparingly. They're good in front of slopes, where the player would have to spindash otherwise, and they're good when used in a risk vs. reward, as JEV3 has just described. It's just important that boost pads are not everywhere, which is one reason why Sonic Advance 2 failed (the other being the lack of platforming).

I wouldn't actually mind boost pads and rail grinding as used in SA1. Back then they were simply improvements over the Sonic formula, similar to the spindash in Sonic 2. It was later when they started overusing them that they became annyoing.
Oh my god, did everyone forget about Sonic CD....

That game had tons of boosters in that starlight level.
Edit: JEV, you couldn't spindash in Sonic 1.....
Oh my god, did everyone forget about Sonic CD....

That game had tons of boosters in that starlight level.
Edit: JEV, you couldn't spindash in Sonic 1.....

Well, the overall theme of that level was speed, as opposed to momentum, hence Stardust Speedway.
What would really be cool is if it could be the same kind of risk-vs-reward thing that the spindash and (forget what its called at the time, the figure eight thing, y-know) system in Sonic CD had. Namely, one provides an alternate way to speed up, but its more risky because you're not rolling (which means no ball physics), you can get hurt if you are careless (it is possible to jump over if you don't mind losing a bit of speed, or you can drop into a spin), and you tend to go faster on ground which means you're gonna pass by interesting new paths.

That's the Super Peel-Out, I believe, and I personally don't want it in this new game. Perhaps I'm growing tired of ubiquitous boost panels and the boost mode of Rush and Unleashed, but I want Sonic to work for his speed in this game by exploiting natural momentum, not to have it instantly accessible.* And the Super Peel-Out falls into the category of instantaneous speed maneuvers and objects, though that's slightly obscured by the fact that the move requires a brief charge.

I do support the inclusion of the Super Spin Dash though, in part because I do not regard it as a speed-centric move. Rather, I see its primary purpose as increasing the player's maneuverability and offensive abilities. Because the move quickly decelerates, it is almost entirely useless in time attacks, unless the player is starting at a dead stop on top of a steep, long, descending slope. As SpiritCrusher already alluded to, the move is useful for overcoming slopes that would otherwise require a boost panel (although I can only remember one that fits this exact description, at the beginning of Hill Top, Act 2). Furthermore, the Super Spin Dash is required to / drastically reduces the difficulty of defeating certain enemies in Sonic 3 and Knuckles (Marble Garden's Togemane (the bouncy, spiky badnik) and Sandopolis's infamous Skorps come to mind). That's also why I don't like boost mode: In addition to providing instant and maintainable speed, it renders the player invincible and dangerous to all enemies, further overpowering the move.

(...You know, I think I'll write my senior thesis on this exact topic. Lord knows I have sufficient material. :D)

*Although, as I've mentioned before, I don't mind seeing the occasional boost panel as long as they're zone-specific gimmicks. For instance, in Sonic 2 boost panels are only effectively used in Chemical Plant Zone, which is entirely justifiable because the zone is built largely around speed anyway. Starlight Zone, Stardust Speedway, Hydrocity, Launch Base, and Flying Battery also employ boost panels in such a responsible manner.
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Hey, guys, I just put a bunch of red cards in this thread, please behave yourselves. If you don't agree with someone, that doesn't make them not a human being and worthy of being flamed. Personal attacks on this forum will NOT be tolerated.

On topic, I'd like to note that Sonic 2 has speed pads, used in moderation (especially in Chemical Plant Zone). Speed pads aren't necessarily bad. The problem is when they're the entire game like some of the more recent games. I don't object to using speed pads a bit to provide gameplay variety like they did in the classics.
Well... It seems you truly believe SEGA listened to us.

Well then... What is THIS?


I repeat: What is THIS?


A Sonic-styled hotel room from Alton Towers?
The Model in my opinion looks ugly, as it seems like Sega is making Sonic Rush 3 instead, I think most people would have preferred it to be like a high detailed Sprite or something. I really don't mind that Sonic still has that next gen look (Green eyes, small torso, long quills) as it would probably confuse the little kids who play the recent Sonic the hedgehog titles, going to a classical approach would be great, but it would, like said, confuse the smaller age group.
Umm... what? Do you realize those two sentences contradict each other? You start about by saying that the model looks ugly, then in the very next sentence say that you don't mind it? What exactly are you trying to say here? You're giving conflicting messages here and it's confusing the hell out of me.
Oh, now I get it. Thanks for the re-wording.

Honestly, I was expecting HD sprites myself, and while I honestly don't care any less about ZOMG CLASSIC SONIC myself it did indeed feel like the best place to bring it back in even if just for one game. But really now, it looks like it plays well and more or less as advertised, and if nothing else we should be happy that they have that much going well so far. The graphics don't really mean a whole lot as long as that's fulfilled.

And frankly, I'm just amazed anyone has the nerve to make a Rush comparison without any sign of the Boost thus far.
I'm really hoping that the outcry about the character model will persuade SEGA to include a variety of Sonic models. Both 2D and 3D Classic and Modern Sonics would make everybody happy.
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