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neo mod 44% complete

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All the levels you make look to similar for comfort, and I can't say the style in which you make them is my favorite.
Well, usually in your levels the textures generally make no sense of their placement. The gameplay style a lot of the time consists of somewhat bland paths and small platforming. Sometimes the levels look pretty nice at parts, but the level itself usually makes no sense in terms of aesthetics, and sometimes even gameplay. Also, you seem to like to use translucent fofs a lot.
Blame my attention span. As soon as i set in a good part, I go to youtube and when im done, I lose interest in the current theme.By the way what did you think of my first levels?
Yea, that seems to be the case. But you seem to have the patience for many,many fofs, which I can't say I have.
And neither do I, perhaps you should take more than three days on just one level? Perhaps a week?
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