It was actually two years ago. ^_~
There's an insane long story behind where this came from. Well, back in 2002, when I first logged on to #srb2 Mysteria, I was a flat out n00b, no questions asked. So I kept bugging everybody about how I wanted to play SRB2 with them and eventually changed my name to SRB, and made tons of jokes about how I was a crappy, 5-year old fangame with no replay vaule whatsoever. A month or so later, I pinged out and got disconnected. I came onto IRC and had to pick a different name, and wanting to let people know it was still me, I picked "SRB2". Liking it, I had I had been getting on the SRB2 message boards right around that time, and had been using the alias Megasonic101 for close to 5 years already, so I went and combined the two. Not reading the rules (Or for that matter, adressing what little common sense I had), I bumped damn near every topic on the entire forum, getting people such as Mystic and Digiku majorly pissed off at me. The message board then experienced a complete crash and remained like that for around a month.
A while later, the message boards were fresh and up and running again, and so I came back to them.
After a while, I began to tire of my old nicks, and started thinking of a new one I could use. I had always had a strange obbession with the word "Omega", and would use it in fangames, projects, ect., so I got a little inspiration from Blaze and turned my nick into "OmegaHedgehog", where it stayed.
I, however, had still retained my old account (SRB2/Megasonic101) on the SRB2 message boards, and eventually contacted a441 and asked if I could get it changed. He said he couldn't as he was only a moderator, and that Mystic was asked the same question by a number of people in the past and told them to just pick a name and stick with it, so, running out of options, I created a new account, Omega the Hedgehog, the same one I use today.
There. Agh! Look what you did, you fools!; You gave me carpal tunnel!