I think it's also worth mentioning the influence Mystic's behavior had on so many community members. I alluded to this earlier in a post about Ash, but the purpose isn't to single him out - the pattern repeats itself with A Cat, Velocity, Spazzo, and so many others. The way Mystic initially treated them spawned the carnage that followed. On the flip side, you had many people who looked up to and 'hero-worshipped' Mystic - Rob, Prime, and several others past and present. I've met a few of them IRL and I can tell you with a lot of certainty that these people are not anything like Mystic, and likely subconsciously 'adopted the culture', or 'drank the kool-aid' to gain his favor and become part of the club.
I can only infer from what I read, but... if you meant this, thank you.
I sincerely had genuine feeling for a lot of my action in this fandom. I was only ever trying to fit in most of the time and I am scared about how many people were preying on me. But even with ED callout posts, it only looked like bullying to me ever.
Can anyone blame me for storyboarding a certain Sonic fan film? I loved that AU of Sonic and that's how I treat my media now. Like little multiverses to play with and I never got why people didn't like it. I know my partner wasn't the best, but I like to think he's getting better because I really don't want to think everyone here is turning into a worse person over time.
There's a lot of feelings I had going through this fandom that was impatient to children and their feelings. Hell, I even draw art for audiences young and old and don't approve of that porn channel even when someone like Ryan Reynolds can both play family friendly Detective Pikachu and everyone's favourite Marvel extremely raunchy bad boy of the time who actually is a decent guy when you get to know him. Sorry. It's the example that came to mind.
I had no idea why the Sonic fandom wanted to gatekeep stuff. It felt like all we ever did to one another was gatekeep and be spiteful petty assholes. Guys, we're not Rick and Morty, but people sure have gone through that shitty kind of family where the parents are either neglectful and leave their kids to their vices or are abusive and contribute to social conditioning that can lead to ruin. Doesn't matter how good the intention, if you got the wrong lesson from an obtuse lesson, that's not your fault. How you handle it is.
I'm very proud of this community for coming forward and speaking up. I thought I was the only one who noticed the mods being horrible cops that only allowed what they wanted to cultivate. And with people like Mystic, Tweaker, and so many others in this community across the net, it's alarming how much this has gone on and I am uncomfortable to how adjacent to Internet "Ironic" Nazism that has lead a country like America to ruin the behaviour of those people are.
... and I especially want to take a moment to say that I've been an ass to a lot of people. I'm sorry. I was heavily involved in the community as a teenager. I only wanted to get to know some people and sometimes it feels I got into the more "serious" analytical part of the fandom too early. I had a passion. I wanted to talk. I wanted the engagement I didn't feel I was getting at home.
You know this type of kid. The kid that info dumps. The kid who's a little awkward. A woobie. Someone who under the right pressure could destroy the world.
2013 was a huge wakeup call after getting banned from Retro. I got so used to assholes I was... turning into the asshole myself. I... even lost a ton of hope and ran off to another community. And honestly? It was the best thing as I found friends and they were extremely concerned for my well being. They had no idea why I hurt so much. There's a lot of personal issues I've put up with that in conjunction with the fandom being a little hostile to deal with and feeling I couldn't rationally talk to anyone. Kind of hard to when every adult is telling you about how much of a child you're being even though you remember reading and understanding Frankenstein at 11 and knowing full well that Dr. Frankenstein is both the scientist and the monster.
I have no idea what turned Mystic into a mentally stunted racist, transphobic edgelord. But I know what turned me into one, and I'm sorry for all of it. It sucks dealing with a homophobic, racist parent that told me
"I could talk to her about anything" and then seeing that same shit online.
I know this is venty. I know this could be taken as self centered.
I just want my story out now.
And I'm sorry for the pain I inflicted back out of backlashing and clinging to the old idea of the fandom. I'm really happy you all want to make this a great space. I hope I get to see it.