Chaotic Chao
horns Horns HORNS
This is Chaotic Levels, a multiplayer level pack for all to enjoy!
Where to begin...
How about the "updates" part.
Release 1: Very first release with 4 match levels and two race levels.
Release 2: Some unecessary music was removed to make the file smaller.
Release 3: Big changes, such as: bugfix, fixing all the known bugs, and adding two more levels(Ice Hill Zone and Sandy Ruins Zone). MAJOR credit to Metal Fighter for making Sandy Ruins.
Release 4: My birthday on this release day! Anyway I fixed the teleporters in IHZ and made some very, very minor tweaks to KCZ.
Release 5: Added Deep Jungle and Emerald Ocean added!
END releases part.
Now it's time for the "Zone listing". NOTE: Any map not made by me will be noted as such.
-Strange Base Zone: A small, strange base with flowers?
-Hot Cave Zone: In all seriousness, a very hot cave.
-Knuckle Castle Zone: Knuckles's castle built for him and match mode.
-Death Town Zone: A very dangerous town. Well, at least on the rooftops.
-Deep Jungle Zone: One really large tree is a neighbor to smaller ones on the other side.
-Badnick Factory Zone: Badnicks are built and stored here.
-Simple Track Zone: "Sonic Circuit gone wrong" ~a guy who's username I forgot.
-Ice Hill Zone: From outside to in this place is cold...
-Emerald Ocean Zone- Run along this ocean and win the race, but don't drown. If that happens, consider yourself the last place guy.
Sandy Ruins Zone(Metal Fighter): A well built ruin so well built, most of it is still standing!
End of Zone listing
HCZ...the light is actually lighter than this.=p
New section: Things that I and others made better.
From Release 1-2: File size SO much smaller that it can now be downloaded from a server.
From Release 2-3: Added Ice Hill, and Metal Fighter made Sandy Ruins. He is so helpful. ^_^ Also, many bugfixes and tweaks...
From Release 3-4: IHZ is actually playable now.
a)Hot Cave is A LOT lighter now, rendering Hide and Seek possible.
b)In Knuckle Castle Zone, there are no longer holes in the castle cieling.
c)The crusher in Badnick Factory actually is a threat(Tails can barely make it, provided he does NOT stop running or slow down AT ALL.
From Release 4-5
Added two more levels and renamed it to mrtf_Chaoticlevels.
END of Screenshots! And everything else!
Remember, critisize a little, but say at least ONE thing nice.
Credit: Me, for making it, PHCC, for making some textures for me, and those who joined my test netgames.
If you wanna help, PM me. I probably won't make any CTF levels due to my inexperirence, so help is always accepted.
Where to begin...
How about the "updates" part.
Release 1: Very first release with 4 match levels and two race levels.
Release 2: Some unecessary music was removed to make the file smaller.
Release 3: Big changes, such as: bugfix, fixing all the known bugs, and adding two more levels(Ice Hill Zone and Sandy Ruins Zone). MAJOR credit to Metal Fighter for making Sandy Ruins.
Release 4: My birthday on this release day! Anyway I fixed the teleporters in IHZ and made some very, very minor tweaks to KCZ.
Release 5: Added Deep Jungle and Emerald Ocean added!
END releases part.
Now it's time for the "Zone listing". NOTE: Any map not made by me will be noted as such.
-Strange Base Zone: A small, strange base with flowers?
-Hot Cave Zone: In all seriousness, a very hot cave.
-Knuckle Castle Zone: Knuckles's castle built for him and match mode.
-Death Town Zone: A very dangerous town. Well, at least on the rooftops.
-Deep Jungle Zone: One really large tree is a neighbor to smaller ones on the other side.
-Badnick Factory Zone: Badnicks are built and stored here.
-Simple Track Zone: "Sonic Circuit gone wrong" ~a guy who's username I forgot.
-Ice Hill Zone: From outside to in this place is cold...
-Emerald Ocean Zone- Run along this ocean and win the race, but don't drown. If that happens, consider yourself the last place guy.
Sandy Ruins Zone(Metal Fighter): A well built ruin so well built, most of it is still standing!
End of Zone listing
New section: Things that I and others made better.
From Release 1-2: File size SO much smaller that it can now be downloaded from a server.
From Release 2-3: Added Ice Hill, and Metal Fighter made Sandy Ruins. He is so helpful. ^_^ Also, many bugfixes and tweaks...
From Release 3-4: IHZ is actually playable now.
a)Hot Cave is A LOT lighter now, rendering Hide and Seek possible.
b)In Knuckle Castle Zone, there are no longer holes in the castle cieling.
c)The crusher in Badnick Factory actually is a threat(Tails can barely make it, provided he does NOT stop running or slow down AT ALL.
From Release 4-5
Added two more levels and renamed it to mrtf_Chaoticlevels.
END of Screenshots! And everything else!
Remember, critisize a little, but say at least ONE thing nice.
Credit: Me, for making it, PHCC, for making some textures for me, and those who joined my test netgames.
If you wanna help, PM me. I probably won't make any CTF levels due to my inexperirence, so help is always accepted.
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