Movies you would Recommend

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Talking about Twilight, I saw it yesterday with some friends. I give it a 3/10. Other than the stupidly long break-up scenes, the movie made Jacob look too gay, the one who wrote the books probably didn´t want that, but seriously.

¨And now they go together everywhere and he is starting to look at me pretty often, I try to avoid it, but it is too hard.¨ <-One of the worst lines I´ve seen. And then that awful scene where he is shirtless in the rain with small shorts and a tatoo on the shoulder about to go with a group of kids who are dressed the same. Bad, bad movie.
Talking about Twilight, I saw it yesterday with some friends. I give it a 3/10. Other than the stupidly long break-up scenes, the movie made Jacob look too gay, the one who wrote the books probably didn´t want that, but seriously.

¨And now they go together everywhere and he is starting to look at me pretty often, I try to avoid it, but it is too hard.¨ <-One of the worst lines I´ve seen. And then that awful scene where he is shirtless in the rain with small shorts and a tatoo on the shoulder about to go with a group of kids who are dressed the same. Bad, bad movie.

Seriously? I knew the franchise butchered the classic monsters I hold dear in my heart, but seriously?

I'm pretty sure the book was written that way. It had to be, how else would the movie be as stupid as you just described to me?
I doubt the book was written that way.
I have fans of the books at my school. They saw the movie and thought it was terrible compared to the book.

Usually, this rule applys to most books
Harry Potter is better as a book...etc
I don´t really read books often, but they sure edited it so they could get more people to watch the movie.
2012 is the most recent (New) film I've watched.

I was expecting garbage, something like a complete rip-off of one of the director's earlier films, The Day After Tomorrow. While the whole disaster thing may have been similar, it was still an enjoyable movie. The special effects sequences were amazing, I really liked the whole thing.
Great majority of the forum expects that from pretty much everything.
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I doubt the book was written that way.
I have fans of the books at my school. They saw the movie and thought it was terrible compared to the book.

Thats funny, cause I have two literary teachers at my high school who said the book was pure garbage as a few chapters were unecessary and tedious, such as Belle's depression in regards to her break-up with Edward which lasted maybe... 3 chapters?

Honestly I never enjoyed Twilight as it's just one of those fads like Harry Potter back in 2000(?) which everyone talks about non-stop, then crappy advertisements for merchandise appears, then movies, etc etc... Haters lovers, in-crowds for the fad, you get the picture. I tend to avoid those areas from time to time as they never last long and just arn't worth the hype. The same can be said for video games and anything else, but to put it short, I just don't like things that drools of a gallon of unnecessary hype. If it attracts me then I might get on it despite the aftermath, but then I'll just continue with something else.

The book was aimed at Teens. So I think that the most fair opinion would be from the teens. Since adults say Barney sucks, but little kids love it.

The book was aimed at Teens. So I think that the most fair opinion would be from the teens. Since adults say Barney sucks, but little kids love it.

Hahahaha, bull. Fair reviews come from learned professionals. Are you really trying to defend Twilight? Ha, yeah. You have no idea that Stephen King told his view on the series and that he said that ol' British cow can't write worth a damn did you? Or did you know that had Mr. Pattinson knew about the demented fanbase and crap behind this book that he never would've played Eddie? You know, this is one of those few times where Encyclopedia Dramatica is a learning experience.

The difference between Harry Potter and Twilight? Rowling actually knows how to make an enchanting series and actually understands the mythologies and legends. Unlike "sparkly in the sun vampire" Meyer. Now if only the Harry Potter fanbase wasn't as demented......


Moderator Notice:
Encyclopedia Dramatica is in no way appropriate for these boards.

Make sure to remember this. Don't become a hapless Twilight fanatic. Stay very far away from the franchise. It's only there to insult our intelligence of movie monsters and good storytelling.
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Funny, I do not like Twilight. But I do stick up for it. Due to the fact everyone hates it(me) and they didn't even read the book or movie.

I'm not allowed to go on ED, it has bad content.
I just got back from Fantastic Mr. Fox, and it is perhaps the best film I have seen in a long time. The animation is quirky yet full of charm and really is quality stuff. The writing is smart and sophisticated, even by the standards of non-animated films, and is supported by a wonderfully selected and dedicated cast of voice actors, including the superb George Clooney. I won't spoil anything here, but the plot is great in how it continuously manages to top itself, with each new development more madcap than the last.

The only criticism I have here is that the character development is a little flimsy. There's a whole lot of animals are hardly even introduced, and the pivotal character Rat shows up for two short action scenes before he's (rather anti-climatically) sent on his way. And I never got to know Mr. Fox's humble and likeable counterpart Kylie quite as well as I would have hoped. Nevertheless, Fantastic Mr. Fox is a great movie and an outstanding addition to animated film. Fantastic Mr. Fox has earned an A-.

Woo... Sorry if that sounded like an extended plug. Anyway, I also saw a preview tonight for a movie called Despicable Me, a CGI animation concerning two brawling supervillians, which looks to be very much in the same comical spirit as Team Fortress 2. Schweet!
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I thought that Star Trek was a really great movie. I've never seen any Star Trek movie before, so this is the first of anything Star Trek related I've ever watched.

I'm really into futuristic things and the visuals look great, the story was good, and the acting was good too.

I didn't like how Kirk never wins a fist fight, seriously that guy keeps getting owned.

The book was aimed at Teens. So I think that the most fair opinion would be from the teens. Since adults say Barney sucks, but little kids love it.

Well not everything is restricted to individualism Autosaver. Sometimes a childish thing like cartoons can even attract adults to it's liking. The fact that even adults are attracted to something like Twilight means that the concept was good (though this is sort of debatable regarding this book). Honestly I would believe a literary teacher's thoughts on that book than listening to the babble of fans. But I guess I should say that my teacher was a woman and seeing that Twilight is romance... well you get the picture right?
Basically from my experiences from reading the first & second book, and watching both of the movies... well let me just be blunt... Its a Chick flick/book. So really it's not so much of a teen thing than it is a girl thing.

But it still doesn't change the fact that everything isn't restricted to individualism. Heck I know a couple of boys who likes Twilight as well. Anyway lets digress from this conversation on this book. It will only lead to an impasse.
Hello, my fellow Freedom Fighters. I come back from a world where the air was thick with tension and war amongst Mobian and Overlander took place. The world of Mobius was visited by one of them and proved more of a Mobian than an Overlander. But his leader, a fierce dictator whom they knew as Julian Kinto---

Wait.. I didn't see a Sonic the Hedgehog movie... I saw the greatest movie of the freaking year.


Where do I begin with this? How do I express how awesome this was without spoiling the story?

No... You check it out yourself. It is so real you can reach out and touch it, the story is so amazing you'd think you entered an entirely different world, and the emotion is so strong and strenuous that at times I couldn't help but cry. This may not be Sonic the Hedgehog: The Movie, but it is so much better. In fact, this is EXACTLY how Sonic should've been when they brought him into the third dimension. Avatar is Sonic perfected.

That is very funny. "It is sonic perfected" What the hell does amazing CGI graphics have to do with Sonic? Seriously, they have nothing to do with each other. Sonic shouldn't be realistic either.(If thats what you meant) I have no idea what made you think about sonic, I would like to know why you said that.
Unless like JBs said, they are both blue.

I saw Avatar a week ago. It was pretty good. But I really think they focused too much on the graphics then the actual story. The story was quite lacking too. I prefer UP for the best movie this year.

Back on Twilight..
Its a Chick flick/book
TTM, yup. That hits the target. No wonder everyone hates it. XD
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Amazing... Let me explain to you in terms of SatAM Sonic..... While the stories DO have major elements that seperate each other, there's still some big Sonic factor in there.

Sonic is Jake. They're both care free and decidely childish heroes.
Quaritch is Robotnik. They want to take what they want (Quaritch being that rock, and Robotnik the superiority because of him being a human which in his mindset makes him better than a bunch of furry freaks as he would put it) and thus are destroying nature in order to do so.
Sally is Neytiri. They both are more mature about the situation than the hero, and have to deal with his arrogance.
Tsu'Tey= Prince Elias
Humans versus Alien(pro alien)

Anyone getting the connection here?
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