Movies you would Recommend

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Down In It
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This thread is now purely for recommending films, not for general reviewing and discussion, since there's a whole forum for that now. Of course you can still review a film when recommending.

Instead of making topics for each individual movie like I previously had, I thought that instead of doing them seperately, perhaps we could throw them all in here... And review movies as well. Doesn't matter if you rate them with a simple letter grade or do a full in depth essay, just review it however you like.

To start us off, I will review two movies I recently saw...

UP- A+++

Ah, PIXAR, you never cease to provide an actually fantastic movie experience. Emotionally lifting and filled with great story, this movie is possibly PIXAR's best yet.

Where the Wild Things Are (Can't believe I haven't rated this yet)- A++++++++++


My Little insight on Sonic Stadium said:
Oh man, how I would love it if every was more like this one.

This was a movie for ALL AGES. Not just children. There was no retarded potty humor, no dependency on jokes to carry the film to entertain, and absolutely no explosions. Do films need to really rely on violence and explosions to capture the hearts of its very audience? My answer is no, and this film is my support. There has been no film in the recent years that took me so seriously as this one. What saddens me the most outside of the heart wrenching decisions made in the film's story is the fact that this very film is not doing well. People are finding it to be too dark, too menacing as if this will somehow harm their children and frighten them. There is a time for fear. There is a time for sadness. And there is a time for happiness.

It saddens me when a truly great film as this one is being buried alive by films that are inferior and question our very intelligence. Films such as Bayformers (I refuse to call it Transformers, it's too terrible for words), Alvin and the Chipmunks, and Twilight.... How I weep for the generation that are growing up with such bile and filth. The film industry challenges our very intelligence, and yet we have this film. This film which is being mocked by children. Children who actually yawn at this, yet are enthralled with the vision of violence, explosions, and extremely crude humor. And the very virus to which THEY spread to them are now infecting the critics themselves. As it is, I now predict they will never understand the genius of the work of Shakespeare or (more so in the film industry) Don Bluth if this movement in the film industry continues. Do not doubt your intelligence but embrace it. Support this movie for all its worth. Challenge them, or they will continue to challenge us in the most childish of ways.

Prove to them who is a greater mind. Support this film. Support your intelligence.

Unfortunately enough, I just heard someone talk about this movie as being stupid and weird. Seriously?


Review, discuss, hype, etc.
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I actually thought that Up was rather lackiluster by the standards of Pixar's films. I was blown away by the creativity of Ratatouille and especially WALL-E, so personally I guess Up had tough acts to follow that it just couldn't live up to. Techincally it's great and yada yada yada.

However, the first ten minutes of the film, depicting Carl and Ellie growing old together, ranks up there as one of my favorite Pixar moments and is worth the price of admission alone. Overall, I'd give Up a B-. Good, but not spectacular.

So... Has anybody heard of some obscure anime called Paprika? I won't reveal too much, but it basically involves a police officer tracking down a killer who can distort the world of dreams using a stolen high-tech and experimental invention. I found the plot to be confusing (moreso because the diologue wasn't dubbed and I can't understand Japanese), but good god it is visually generous, and the overall concept is novel. It's basically the perfect avant-garde crime thriller. The music (especially the high-pitched title) you can leave or take. I'm gonna give Paprika a "B" grade.

I should mention that there's a couple of mature scenes in Paprika, so be aware of that if you go searching for it.
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There was no retarded potty humor,
Well, I can recall ONE potty humor joke. But it wasn't bad. :p

Unfortunately enough, I just heard someone talk about this movie as being stupid and weird. Seriously?
Ok, lets not go through this again. Just because someone doesn't like x movie doesn't mean their head is twisted.

Anyways... now I'll rate

Christmas Carol - A
A wonderful movie, I even saw the muppet version like 2000 times.
Review a Movie You Have Seen (and future movies)
Can you review any future movies concretely?
Most of Pixar movies are wonderful, RATE : A.
Twilight (both):I only seen the first one because i heard it's a great movies
Yea it's soo goood lulz
but it wasn't as good as the critics said(I didn't saw the second movie),RATE: C-.
2012:It's a funny movies, good visual effect and an appropriated soundtrack, but the scenario isn't as good as i expected at the start, RATE: B+.
Dragon Ball Evolution: RATE:Worse than F (personally i didn't saw the movies and i don't want to see this disaster), I feel I even don't have to explain this....
Yu Yu Hakusho :Poltergeist Reports:I know they are quite old but they are a must have to any fan of this Manga : RATE: A+.
Ps: I heard there will be a new Sonic The Hedgehog movie (an HD version of the original movie).
I haven't seen a movie in months. The last one was UP. I don't have much memory of it, so my review is small.

Up was pretty great. It has an interesting plot, nice humor, and has emotion. It's interesting how the movie may be an adventure, but it's also an emotional quest.
ZDGamma said:
Dragon Ball Evolution: RATE:Worse than F (personally i didn't saw the movies and i don't want to see this disaster), I feel I even don't have to explain this....

I can vouch for this movie, because a friend and I saw it when we were bored one night. It's a horrible mangling of the Dragonball storyline (even though I admit I'm hardly aware of it's background). But if you ignore that, it's quite a mediocre kid's action flick. The biggest problems are probably pacing (It feels as if Goku and company collect the Dragonballs way too fast), redundancy (the pointless fighting championship competition), and overly blurry action scenes. I'd give Dragonball Evolution a D+, m'self.
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Twilight - Worse than F

I feel I don't even have to explain this.

Really? I felt the movie followed the book quite well(Except for some vaguely explained sequences that were left to reader interpretation), and the only problems I saw was some lackluster acting.
Really? I felt the movie followed the book quite well(Except for some vaguely explained sequences that were left to reader interpretation), and the only problems I saw was some lackluster acting.
The movie itself isn't bad, It's just it didn't coincide my personal tastes.
Scizor, ZDGamma, and anyone else who is planning on dismissing entire films out of hand and rating them poorly based on popular opinion, please stop doing this. It's not as clever as you think. I'm not stepping in as a moderator to say this, I'm asking as one who wants to see this practice put to an end.
This thread is now my torrent queue recommendations, I just added Twilight, Up and Dragonball Evolution in 1080p. <3

Anyways, I recommend you take a look at a classic, Independence Day, a 1996 film with Will Smith. I have to say it's one of my favourite films of that decade, Smith never ceases to amaze me with his humour and the overall feel of the film, considering it's a 1996 film, is fantastic. Hell, you can get it in 1080p now, they don't do that for many of the older films, which says something.

Also, I Am Legend, another Will Smith film that reminds me of Left 4 Dead, except there's only one guy, and he's trying to make an antidote instead of running. The fact that it reminds me of L4D is enough to show something, but seriously it's a pretty good film from what I've seen, I only saw the ending since I was at my (now ex) girlfriend's (only best friends now) and we had sat down to flick through their Sky box.
Scizor, ZDGamma, and anyone else who is planning on dismissing entire films out of hand and rating them poorly based on popular opinion, please stop doing this. It's not as clever as you think. I'm not stepping in as a moderator to say this, I'm asking as one who wants to see this practice put to an end.

Thank you.

On a different note, I saw "Choking man" last night, which tells the story of a terribly shy Ecuadorian immigrant, and how he adjusts to life in the United states. I won't go into much more detail, as the movie is pretty straight forward, but I give it an 9 out of 10, Because there were some parts of the movie I felt could have been handled better.
Over the past few days, I've seen The Fourth Kind, 2012 (up to the last 20 minutes, at least), Schindler's List and South Park: Bigger, Longer and Uncut.

Out of all of those films, the only one I can say was really good was Schindler's List, which I would give an A+ for being such a fantastic film. Out of all the WWII films I've seen, none of them have been able to capture the horror of the Holocaust like Schindler's List did. The story was moving and it was followed up by phenominal acting. It's a very emotional film, especially in the last few scenes, but I won't give out spoilers here. If you have a spare three hours on some weekend, you might want to spend it watching this film, just be prepared to feel really moved by the end, unless your heart is made of stone.

I guess after that it would be South Park: Bigger, Longer and Uncut, which I'd give a B. It definitely got the shock value down, but it handled some issues quite well, as we all know South Park for doing. But some of the humor just felt really redundant.

2012 would be a C. The visuals are fantastic, but the rest of the film failed. In pretty much every aspect. Plot? Too Hollywood. Characters? Forgettable. Writing? Cliched and poor. Acting? Pathetic. It goes on.

And then we have The Fourth Kind, which is a flat out D. It blew. Maybe it was because I knew the film was bull from the start, but in any case, it was horribly unentertaining and my friends and I ended up laughing more often than not. Hell, I got bored at one scene that's supposed to make you jump and decided instead to look around for the cell phone that I had dropped earlier. It's not worth it. If you have to see it, wait till you can rent it for a buck.
Scizor, ZDGamma, and anyone else who is planning on dismissing entire films out of hand and rating them poorly based on popular opinion, please stop doing this. It's not as clever as you think. I'm not stepping in as a moderator to say this, I'm asking as one who wants to see this practice put to an end.

Thank god! It has more action when a admin says this. :)

A Christmas Carol

It was a pretty good movie. It also was exciting every second, full of scary effects. Such as popping ghosts when you least expect them...
I've just seen Ice Age 3: Dawn of the Dinosaurs this afternoon and I must say, I'm VERY impressed.

I give it an A+, the Story was great, the graphics were just beautiful and it has a great sense of comedy. The baby dinosaurs were really cute and the big ones were looking intimidating like they should.

You get me, it's just great.
Really? I felt the movie followed the book quite well(Except for some vaguely explained sequences that were left to reader interpretation), and the only problems I saw was some lackluster acting.

Bleh, the only reason the movie became famous was because of Eduard. If the actor hadn´t been Robert Pattyson, things would have turned out different.
I thought it was Edward? Is it spelled differently in the book/movie then the normal way of spelling it?
I thought it was Edward? Is it spelled differently in the book/movie then the normal way of spelling it?

It just spells different in other languages to make them be more of a common name, so the way I know him is Eduard.
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