= Metroid Vanguard = Samus Aran in SRB2 [v1.5c]

= Metroid Vanguard = Samus Aran in SRB2 [v1.5c] v1.5c

Why do the bullets not line up with the crosshair? It keeps messing me up, And I don't use lock on that often because I feel it's cheating.
I find out that if you download the recent update of the mod

You only download the character Samus

But with no SamusMusic.pk3

Am I crazy or not or it's just a me problem?? :wow:
Golden Shine updated = Metroid Vanguard = Samus Aran in SRB2 [v1.5] with a new update entry:

v1.5b: The version that should not exist

Hunters broke if you shot someone. ...this fixes that. That'll be all.

If you're missing SamusMusic.pk3 and couldn't find the tinyurl, you can get it here, or in this update post itself.

Read the rest of this update entry...

is it normal that power bombs can't destroy spikes anymore (not my gif btw)
Probably? The Boostball and Speedbooster were meant for that, but I could see myself having put in powerbomb spike destruction. If they did do that, I simply forgot to put it back in with the code revamp.

I'll be doing more mod patches on the oncoming Tuesday or so, so hit me with whatever issues you guys can find. It probably makes more sense anyway to wait a little after 1.5's code revamp for people to find stuff rather than rapid-fire hotfixes anyway.
hitting/getting hit by someone using the morph ball dash breaks entering and exiting the morph ball
the person who gets hit loses the ability to do it
Little bug report, I don't really know why this happens but Samus' aiming is.. Pretty weird on this update.

If you lock on an enemy, your crosshair isn't where the enemy is, but slightly above it and this can actually make you miss shots, as the crosshair gets more misaligned the higher the enemy is, meaning that a small flying enemy is basically impossible to hit if you lock on. The only reason to this that I could think off is the fact that I usually play on a 1024x768 window, but this problem was still present when I played on fullscreen, so idk.

Also, sometimes if you aim just slightly downwards your shot will go straight fowards, I think it has something to do with ledges as I only noticed it while trying to shoot something from a ledge or ramp, but I don't really know.

Goodluck finding out why this happens and thanks for making this cool mod.
got a warning in the console

there's also a bug with hunters where you just can't shoot or do anything but jump
I have no idea why that happens or if it's related to the warning in the console
Golden Shine updated = Metroid Vanguard = Samus Aran in SRB2 [v1.5b] with a new update entry:

v1.5c - Patches (the Untethered)

v1.5's interior code revamp was massive, so I was ready to patch many inevitable new bugs in a week or 2.

Then the "shoot anyone to break the game" bug showed up....yikes. Let's think of this as the first actual patch and pretend v1.5b was just v1.5.

-Replaced SRB2's default crosshair graphic with the intended one. This is a little brute-forcey, but I can't currently affect player's cursors otherwise with Lua's new...

Read the rest of this update entry...
Would be cool to see options to let items placed by the map maker respawn in competitive modes like hunters or ctf, and an option to revert to base loadout on player death to allow map makers to make more traditional maps with set items. Either way mod is still fun as always 👍
Hello, I hope this isn't a super common question, but I was wondering how closely the progression of the mod mirrored that of Metroid titles such as Super Metroid. I do want to check this one out, as it looks like an immense amount of effort was put into it, but I'm admittedly a bit bad at games like this (I pretty much dropped Super Metroid after being lost for several play sessions).
What are the requirements for the fully powered suit? I got all of the upgrades I could find including the secret upgrades and my save is still stuck at 98% for some reason.

Edit: If you use the SpiderBall while Upside-Down it's not centered on Samus for some reason. I think you have to jump off another wall to reproduce it though.


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Quick bug report, the metroidskins setting doesn't seem to be functioning. Objects always use their metroid looks whether it's true or false
Can confirm that this still happens. What's weird is that this appears to be save-related; it's always set to Metroid when I restart the game, no matter what I had it set to beforehand.

EDIT: I've confirmed my suspicions. The game isn't saving the metroidskins variable to samusadminsettings.dat; it's always 0 no matter what. (It's the 7th number after the number 21473539 in that file; you can find it in luafiles/client/MetroidVanguard.)

This might be due to the strange conditional required for the value to be saved as 1 in LUA_SAVE_CMD.lua. I'm no Lua expert, but "if (METROIDSKINS == true)" stands out when everything surrounding it is some variant of "if p.samusmatch"
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Can confirm that this still happens. What's weird is that this appears to be save-related; it's always set to Metroid when I restart the game, no matter what I had it set to beforehand.
What I'm currently experiencing as of latest update, is the rings are properly affected by the setting, but not the monitors. And it does indeed reset back to Metroid on restart
i play the game on controller and a bug i noticed is that whenever you look right as samus you shoot your weapon for some reason, I'm just talking about this cause i know its probly not that big of a deal for people that use keyboard i just wanted to point it out, good mod either way its just a lil pet peeve
One these days I should host a public alpha discord for v1.5d/v1.6 so we can do something similar to what I did with Adventure Sonic.

Right now I'm a bit busy with other projects, but by all means, report everything you guys can find!

i play the game on controller and a bug i noticed is that whenever you look right as samus you shoot your weapon for some reason, I'm just talking about this cause i know its probly not that big of a deal for people that use keyboard i just wanted to point it out, good mod either way its just a lil pet peeve
Sounds like your controls are overlap. Sometimes the stick axis' are set to a button, either by accident or due to faulty initial SRB2 controller setup. Try to manually set up your stick axis' in SRB2's options, and then check the buttons to make sure no controller stick axis are set to them.