Here are some images from my tries at SFM and some memorable moments on TF2, each image's in a spoiler because of their size and the time it can take to load. Before we start, do not quote images, or put them in a spoiler!
PS: I do not like the engie and the sentry at all, that's why I spam them on every of my SFM image :O
So, here are my very first tries on SFM, those are shitty images tough =P
Here is a video based off the first shitty image :O
Here is me and my team spawnkilling like bitches. In fact, a routine when I play on this map.
PS: I do not like the engie and the sentry at all, that's why I spam them on every of my SFM image :O
So, here are my very first tries on SFM, those are shitty images tough =P
This one was my very first try, warning, it's ugly.
This one was supposed to be an improvement of the first one but, it's even more fucked up X)
In this one, I experienced some light effects and a firing effect, it stills looks ugly, but for some reasons, I use it as my desktop background X)
That's all... for the moment...
This one was supposed to be an improvement of the first one but, it's even more fucked up X)
In this one, I experienced some light effects and a firing effect, it stills looks ugly, but for some reasons, I use it as my desktop background X)
That's all... for the moment...
Here is a video based off the first shitty image :O
Here is me and my team spawnkilling like bitches. In fact, a routine when I play on this map.
Playing engie in ctf_turbine... in a nutshell: