Master Server problem?

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I can't host for some reason. I'm not banned either. My friends play this game and we play netgames a lot. But they can't find my server when I host it. What's going on?
You need to forward your ports. Faq #9, but instead of putting SRB21 in the application field, leave it blank, and put .100 instead of .1 in the ip field.
Hi, guys, I'm in trouble...

I don't know why, but... I can't host any netgame anyway. This is happening with me for 2 weeks.

Starting Server....
Network system buffer: 8Kb
Network system buffer set to: 64Kb
Registering this server to the master server...
Resolved **.**.**.**
Press ESC to abort
Contacting the server...
Checking files...
Send join request...
Join accepted, wait next map change...
Time limit disabled
Player 1 is in the game (node 0)
Speeding off to level...
Timeout on masterserver
Connection to master server failed

Also LISTSERV doesn't work. My launcher isn't showing me anything other than "Network error: ...".

I can only join netgames by using copy-paste method: I copy IP number from Master server page, and paste in "Join by IP" of SRB2 MS Launcher.

For kindness, someone could help me, huh?
Ezer.Arch said:
And why my name is not included in Ban list huh?
The server was actively refusing connections at one point, that's probably what happened, also make sure your firewall allows that port to be forwarded and your router's firewall allows that port to be forwarded from your ip address as well.
Alright. So i seem to be having this problem as well. On rare occasions im actually able to connect to the MS, and join advertised games listed there. Most of the time however- my attempts to view the MS list (both within srb2 AND the website) come up empty. Yes i have forward my ports on both my Router and modem, Tried turning off any firewalls, ect. I'm Running srb2 on a Intel Mac, so the game itself has no problems whatsoever....

2 Screenshots to show When and when its not able to connect:

Any tips or advice would greatly help!
Did you guys refresh the MSlaucnher and read the error?

Network Error: An existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote host.

Well I guess its going to be down(?) till Logan opens up the connection?
SuperSonic117 said:
So i seem to be having this problem as well. On rare occasions im actually able to connect to the MS, and join advertised games listed there.

Hey! It's happening the same with me! Sometimes, once in ~2 weeks, I'm able to perform LISTSERV and get Laucher to work very well, so I got surprised. But most of the time, I can't host and LISTSERV.

* Ezer'Arch needs MS, badly *
I actually can get it to connect Once a day, depending on how often i try. I'm glad to hear im not the only one with this issue though. >>; Still really desperate to solve this problem. If this is a more common issue then there outta be a solution...

EDIT: Now the MS is down. go figure.
That's not a huge resolution, but it is a damn weird one...
Heh, yeah i know. Id use the actual highest res but it makes reading the text in the console/chat difficult for my eyes.

Anyways, oddly my Srb2's picking up the MS again with the listserv command. gonna try advertising a game and see if it works...

EDIT: Wow, i managed to get it working! Had a player join too, so i know that it did show on the MS list. Now to hope this isn't just temporary...
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