March/April 2010 Contest Voting

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AKA FuriousFox
Retired Staff
Welcome to the March/April 2010 contest voting. We have 17 Multiplayer maps and 7 Single Player maps this time.

The voting works as follows: Play a few games of the stage in question, in the intended gametype for judging, and give the map a vote from 0 to 10, no decimals. You can not vote on your own map. Votes where the voter obviously did not play the level in its intended gametype, or where the voter did not play the multiplayer maps with other real players will be discarded. To encourage voting, if you are an author and you judge all of the competitor's maps, the lowest score on your map will be dropped. Please be as unbiased as possible for the author or the look of the map. It's all about how good the map plays, nothing else.

Although it's not necessary, it's very helpful to make comments about what you liked and didn't like about the map, so the author can improve his skill for future attempts.

Judging will end May 8th at midnight GMT (May 7th, 7:00 PM EST). The scores will be then averaged, and the person with the highest score is the winner.

Winners will have their usertitle changed to "Contest Winner", and will be given a golden username. This will last up and until the next contest winners are decided.

The maps follow:

Single Player Level Pack

Single Player:
River Dash Zone by Whackjood - 4.57
Castle Goth Zone, Act 1 by Spongecar - 2.27
Bolt Gardens Zone, Act 1 by WEREHOG - 1.81
Molten Cavern Zone, Act 1 by Chrome - 7.40
Detonation Drift Zone by RedEchidna 7.05
Icelandic Tempest Zone by Akirahedgehog - 6.95
Sparkling Hill Zone by Brawl - 3.48

Multiplayer Level Pack

MAPM1 - Emerald Hill Zone by Warp - 2.87
MAPM2 - Sloped Domain Zone by ComRante - 6.33
MAPM3 - Aquatic Relic Zone by Spherallic - 6.41
MAPM4 - Bone Cave by Brawl - 2.13
MAPM5 - Labyrinth Cavern Zone by darkbob1713 - 4.07
MAPM6 - Complete Chaos Zone by Blade - 5.50

MAPF1 - Storm Temple Zone by Scizor300 - 2.64
MAPF2 - Concrete Conflict Zone by ComRante = 4.56
MAPF3 - Clockwork Towers Zone by KO.T.E/Spherallic 7.62
MAPF4 - Desert Dash Zone by darkbob1713 - 4.50
MAPF5 - Vivacious Valley Zone by RedEchidna - 4.86

MAPR1 - Wacky Tesseract Zone by Fawfulfan - 7.60
MAPR2 - Green Hill Zone by WEREHOG - 1.76
MAPR3 - Jungle Ruins Zone by darkbob1713 - 6.67
MAPR4 - Egg Hall Zone by Blade - 7.00
MAPR5 - Arctic Caves Zone by Simsmagic - 4.13
MAPR6 - City Jump by Brawl - 0.53

Voting Results:

Please make sure to play the levels in the intended gametype, and above all, have fun judging!
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Little bit smaller of a contest this time, but it's still quite big. I thought this one was going to be smaller, but I guess I was wrong. I can't wait to play them.

Single Player

Icelandic Tempest Zone 1, by akirahedgehog – 10/10
Oh my, this level is just pure win. I just absolutely love the texture variation, and the way that the textures change. It's just perfect. It was interesting to go through it once, and find a certain exit that I though was the only one, and then to go through it again and find that there's a second exit. And by the way, I found the bridge of the NCC-1701 USS Enterprise in there! :D

Detonation Drift Zone, by RedEchidna – 9/10
Well, I have to say that this is quite a good level. I was confused in a couple places, like I told you on IRC. That spindash door thingy in particular. I do like the use of linedef action 434, and it made me look it up, which means I'll probably be using that linedef action in my later levels.

River Dash Zone, by Whackjood – 8/10
Yay, the obligatory GFZ/GHZ theme level! Anyway, it was pretty short, but I liked it, especially the music. Mind if I use the boss tune for MH?

Molten Cavern Zone 1, by Chrome - 7/10
I liked this level. Nice theme, and it was a perfect sort of cross between Flame Rift, Burning Cavern, and Red Volcano.

Bolt Gardens Zone 1, by WEREHOG - 7/10
I liked this level, from the VERY small upsteps in the beginning area, to the nice textures. Though I can't complete it with Sonic. Might wanna fix that.

Castle Goth Zone 1, by Spongecar - 6/10
Kinda gloomy, but nice use of gravity changes. I usually don't like gravity changer levels, but I kinda liked this one. Not really my style of level.

Sparkling Hill Zone 1, by Brawl - 6/10
I like this level, as I've told you before, but the custom enemies could use some work.


Sloped Domain Zone, by ComRante – 10/10
WOW, this level is awesome. Though you have one thok barrier problem.

Complete Chaos Zone, by Blade – 7/10
It was easy to get lost in this level, and it was in my opinion, too big for a match level. Also, why can't I find any weapon panels save for the Bounce panel?

Aquatic Relic Zone, by Spherallic – 7/10
Pretty good match level, though it's a bit too spread out.

Labyrinth Cavern Zone, by darkbob1713 - 6/10
Uhm, Mario? Oh well. It was a pretty good level, but the song the song the song was repetitive. Catch my drift?

Emerald Hill Zone, by Warp - 4/10
Please, only one weapon panel for each weapon ring.

Bone Cave, by Brawl - 3/10
Small level.


Clockwork Towers Zone, by KO.T.E/Spherallic – 10/10
My, my, this level is awesome. I like the size of it especially. I've had some good times in this level already. I found the secret stash of four super ring boxes as well.

Concrete Conflict Zone, by ComRante – 8/10
Tiny level is tiny, but nice level nonetheless. Were all the weapon rings in this level? I couldn't tell, as I was having too much fun/trouble dodging the opposing team.

Storm Temple Zone, by Scizor300– 7/10
I was originally going to rate this level low, but I found that this level could get very involved. So I raised the score. Couple problems though: There's a budding flower residing in the same spot as a random monitor, and a ring in the same place as a scatter ring ammo.

Vivacious Valley Zone, by RedEchidna– 5/10
Wow small level. But it had the necessary(in my opinion) alternate route to the flag room, so...

Desert Dash Zone, by darkbob1713– 5/10
Uhm, couple of problems: There's red monitors in the blue base, and I believe that the yellow springs close to each base are supposed to be diagonal ones... Other than that, I liked the way the quicksand rose and fell, as it added an extra element to the gameplay.


Wacky Tesseract Zone, by fawfulfan - 10/10
Wow, this level is amazing. I love how even the special stage textures can be varied! In all my time playing SRB2 levels, I don't think I've ever seen a level as good as this one, and I don't think I ever will see a better race level.

Jungle Ruins Zone, by darkbob1713 - 8/10
Hmm, short level, but I like the way the textures fit with each other perfectly to make a jungle environment.

Arctic Caves Zone, by Simsmagic- 7/10
Well, this level was nice enough to get above a five, but it had its problems. One of them was unsuspecting damaging water. But it was the nice figure eight shape, I believe. Also, WTF is Eggman doing in here?

Egg Hall Zone, by Blade - 5/10
Okay, so I can see that you improved this level from when I got it about 3 hours before the contest voting began, but still it's a pretty bad level IMO. I mean, square corners with little jut outs that are very bothersome if you're playing as Sonic. But I do have to give it to you for being one of the first levels that I've seen outside of CEZ that uses maces properly(fawfulfan's AAZ is the other).

Green Hill Zone, by WEREHOG - 4/10
Okay, I was going to give this a 5 or 6 until I found the shortcut. Nice touch adding the spikeballs.

City Jump Zone, by Brawl - 2/10
I can't give this a zero because then I would be a hypocrite, as my race level, MLZ, was only slightly better. But come on Brawl, I know you can map quite well, so why not put a little more effort into it?

Interesting. My first time giving four tens. This is the best contest I've seen yet. Keep up the good work!
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MAPF5 - Vivacious Valley Zone by RedEchidna

Plenty of maps, but a drought of decent names, haven't we? I've only ever seen "vivacious" being used to describe a VERY attractive woman. I don't think I have to tell you what popped into my head there.

Of course, it is rather hard to come up with an effective name. Sometimes a name is better judged by how appropriate it is to the level than how creative it sounds... but there are still some that sound like someone's either tried to hard or isn't trying hard enough.

I'd like to actually take a look at these this time around. I kinda sat out of the last contest.

But yeah I seriously doubt that it will win. Or get above a 5, for that matter.
Mah SP Pack reviews

Anyways, here's my Multiplayer pack votes...


Emerald Hill Zone by Warp - 5/10
Needs more texture variation, and could probably use a good size enhancment.

Sloped Domain by ComRante - 8/10
The visuals are very well done in this map, and it's layout is pretty solid. Good work!

Aquatic Relic Zone by Spherallic - 6/10
This map plays decently, but this could use more texture variation. Pretty good.

Bone Cave by Brawl - 7/10
Plays well and the texture variation isn't half bad. Nice!

Labrynth Carvern by Darkbob - 4/10
Well, I can see you put alot of effort, but the texture variation really needs work, and there's tons of pits.

Complete Chaos Zone by Blade - 7/10
This is a pretty good map, but it needs texture variation and more RIIIIIINGS!


Storm Temple Zone by Scizor300 - MINE/10 (1/10 if I could...)
Yay, a horridly lagged level! I completely froze the netgame. :3

Concrete Conflict Zone by ComRante - 4/10
This map is extremely small, and there's not much free space.

Clockwork Towers Zone by KOTE/Sphere - 7/10
Would have been an 8, but the layout is confusing as all hell.

Desert Dash Zone by Darkbob - 5/10
Pretty straightforward, and the rising sand can be a tad annoying to Sonic players.

Vivacious Valley Zone by RedEchidna - 4/10
Again, pretty straightforward, and this could use some better textures. Leaf Forest textures may look better.


Wacky Tesseract Zone by Fawfulfan - 7/10
Quite fun, but my eyes....

Green Hill Zone by WEREHOG - 3/10
There aren't many hazards, and it's incredibly easy.

Jungle Ruins Zone by Darkbob - 6/10
The visuals are great in this level, and it plays decently too.

Egg Hall Zone by Blade - 7/10
The visuals are outstanding, but this level's a bit hard at first.

Arctic Caves Zone by Simsmagic - 6/10
These visuals are great, and I love the music.

City Jump by Brawl - 4/10
Anti-Thok level that uses DCZ Textures, ain't that fun? Well, I Game Over'd before I could finish my first lap.
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River Dash Zone- A very short level that had very little room to move. There was only 1 river and that was at the end, however, the springs that bounce you into the spikes are interesting. 4 out of 10
Castle Goth Zone- A very hard level to complete. People who can't spin dash can't complete this level. It also has a crusher where you need to go real fast to get through. Then there is the ceiling where if you move too fast you will fall off into a pit. Also had a pit of water that you can't tell will kill you. 4 out of 10
Molten Cavern Zone-Average volcano level. Has a custom enemy too. The only complaint I have is the small platforms you need to cross. 8 out of 10.
Detonation Drift Zone-Level with alot of paths. The textures looked a little strange. Not a bad level to go through, but on Tails path, there is a room with lava that rises within 2 seconds. This makes it impossible to escape. 7 out of 10.
Icelandic Tempest Zone-A level with some strange themes. It switches from a snow area to a volcano area to a garden area and into an aquarium. The aquarium was a very interesting feature. 8 out of 10
Sparkling Hill Zone-A level with very bright textures. It seemed a little strange, not a bad 2D level. The robots looked a little strange. 6 out of 10
Here are my votes:


River Dash Zone, by Whackjood
Rating: 3/10
Comments: You've gotta be kidding me. This theme has been done to death, and much better than this. There's too many enemies, the gimmicks are bizarre and poorly executed, there is a definite lack of sector-based variation, and it's too short. You do get points for having a boss fight at the end, but that fight is pretty unextraordinary.

Bolt Gardens Zone Act 1, by WEREHOG
Rating: 4/10
Explanation: Okay, first of all, why the heck did you name it "scr" when it only supports Single Player? Stop confusing people. That aside, you actually surprised me...I thought it was going to be much worse than this. But there are still some awful flaws...crampedness, too much vertical variation, out-of-place gimmicks, messy texture choice, and confusing layout are the ones which instantly spring to mind. You're getting better, but you're still not quite there yet.

Castle Goth Zone Act 1, by Spongecar
Rating: 4/10
Explanation: Geez, this contest is full of out-of-place gimmicks, isn't it? About 90% of everything in this level did NOT belong in a castle-themed stage. Gravity flips are totally inappropriate. Also, you should NEVER put a Death Pit at the same height as surrounding platforms. Also, most of it was horrendously crampled. Just changing the theme and textures of this level to ERZ-style might have gotten you another point.

Molten Cavern Zone Act 1, by Chrome
Rating: 7/10
Explanation: Finally, something that sorta doesn't suck. The beginning was ugly and annoying, but I liked the SOC'd enemy and some of the later scenery. This was pretty good.

Detonation Drift Zone, by RedEchidna
Rating: 8/10
Explanation: At first, I thought "Oh great, another fire zone...and it looks worse." But I was wrong...this level was awesome! It was a bit too cramped in places, but it had tons of gimmicks to keep me entertained. Good job!

Icelandic Tempest Zone, by Akirahedgehog
Rating: 7/10
Explanation: Oh wow, epic custom music! Aside from the crampedess at the beginning and the overuse of enemies throughout, the level was pretty enjoyable, although a few theme transitions didn't make much sense.

Sparkling Hill Zone, by Brawl
Rating: 6/10
Explanation: What OLDC wouldn't be complete without a 2D stage full of custom stuff? Well, I didn't care much for the enemy placement, and I can't understand why some of those platforms were slippery, but it was solidly built otherwise.


Wacky Tesseract Zone, by MEEEEEEEE!
Rating: Whatever the final average of my level is.
Explanation: I worked darn hard on this. I think it's one of my best levels yet.

Green Hill Zone, by WEREHOG
Rating: 2/10
Explanation: Ewww...plain, flat, and with spikeballs? Not a good recipe. I'm afraid this level is not as good as you played it up to be.

Jungle Ruins Zone, by darkbob1713
Rating: 5/10
Explanation: This level had potential, but it was too short to really develop into anything that good.

Egg Hall Zone, by Blade
Rating: 4/10
Explanation: Okay, I thought this map was going to be a lot better than this. It was pretty, but gameplay was hideously awkward. I can't tell you how many times I got trapped behind something or missed a crucial spring...and MAN did those maces get old after a while. I'm giving you most of these points for the visuals alone, because as far as gameplay was concerned this map left me grinding my teeth.

Arctic Caves Zone, by Simsmagic
Rating: 4/10
Explanation: LAWL, Eggman trapped in a pillar of ice! But besides that humor factor, the level was kind of boring. It didn't have enough sharp turns, and there was never anything really to dodge or to interact with on the track. But it looked okay, at least.

City Jump, by Brawl
Rating: 0/10
Explanation: Are you aware how a Race level is supposed to work? Let me run through all the things you did wrong. You need Star Posts. You need to make it longer. You BADLY need texture variation and gimmicks. You need to cut out all the mindless, repetitive jumping. You need to go to the SRB2 Wiki and bone up on Level Design 101. You need to actually put at least a smidgen of genuine effort into your level. When I played it, EVERYONE IN OUR NETGAME GOT GAME OVERS BY THE FIRST COUPLE OF LAPS. That's a pretty good indication that there's something seriously wrong with your map.

Maybe I'll do Match and CTF later if I get around to it.
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Single Player:
River Dash Zone by Whackjood: 2/10

I was just walking along some tiny, cramped level design, and then I fight a boss and... That's it. There is very little here, and very little to talk about. Oh, and those middle textures do not fit the flats.

Castle Goth Zone, Act 1 by Spongecar: 1/10

Tons of gravflips, tons of enemies, but no effort. Ugh.

Bolt Gardens Zone, Act 1 by WEREHOG: 2/10

Okay, I see some effort into this, but it just wasn't very good. It was not all that great to look at, and it was just so cramped and pit happy. It's just not good, end of.

Molten Cavern Zone, Act 1 by Chrome: 9/10

Now this is an excellent map. It's a far cry from that beta I tried ages ago, now full of detail and secrets galore. It's quite fun, and despite being a volcano stage, I never really tied it with other volcano stages. There are some itneresting challenges here, and that enemy Blade made was a nice addition to the stage. I also like how there was even a few Knux extras. Definitely a well crafted map.

Detonation Drift Zone by RedEchidna: 2/10

Okay, I know Cloud Cradle was hard, but this just takes the cake: you are constantly hit about 90% of the time, and int he 2D segment, you die TONS AND TONS of times. It's a slaughterhouse. It alk looks pretty bad to the eye as well.

Icelandic Tempest Zone by Akirahedgehog: 3 8/10

Jeez, in IRC, you were hyping this up like it was the next coming of Raptor Jesus, but it just fell flat on it's face. It was bland all the way through, and the music didn't fit. The only thing it had going for it was the giant Sonic 2 cart :P Actually, I take all that back. After playing through it once again, I started to have some fun with it. Sure, it's still flat, but I still had some good time playing here, with all the little things you spread around, and it felt kind of like it's own adventure in a way. Even the music started to fell like it fit more (and it's Touhou music, so of course it's good), and I just had a fun time.

Sparkling Hill Zone by Brawl: 1/10

A boring level with an ugly custom enemy, horrible music, and little gameplay outside of thok to win. There was no real effort put into this outside of textures.

MAPM1 - Emerald Hill Zone by Warp: 2/10

This level was flat and laggy, with overpowered and plentiful monitors on the trees, tons of rings everywhere, and tons of panels. This was really boring and bland.

MAPM2 - Sloped Domain Zone by ComRante: 5/10

This isn't really a slope, but whatever. The thok barrier was broken in some places, there were panels EVERYWHERE (More specifically Grenade, which is not a good idea to have so much of), random monitors are NEVER good, and there were so few ring monitors. But the layout was okay. It needs some polish with item placement and thok barrier fixing

MAPM3 - Aquatic Relic Zone by Spherallic: 4/10

I COULD NOT FIND ANYONE OR ANYTHING. People either found ME, or I fell in water and randomly found things. I was SO DAMN LOST. The place is way too huge too.

MAPM4 - Bone Cave by Brawl: 0/10

...I don't wanna talk about it. Least not now. Maybe later.

MAPM5 - Labyrinth Cavern Zone by darkbob1713: 1/10

What a goddamn MESS. The music was repeditive, it looked ugly as shit, I could never get anything, the layout was garbage... I can't find a single thing redeeming here. At all.

MAPM6 - Complete Chaos Zone by Blade: 8/10

...I'm not gonna lie. I had fun. And while it's clearly ugly and a rush job, I liked it with all those players running around. It's clearly bad, but I enjoyed this stage anyway.

MAPF1 - Storm Temple Zone by Scizor300: 0/10

Okay Sciz, why did you take a stage and FILL IT UP WITH 9001 RANDOM MONITORS? What the hell were you THINKING? That's a bona-fide recipe for disaster (except in some situations where it's a recipe for lulz instead :P) And the layout is pretty terrible too, with lots of lag as well. But the random monitors take the goddamn cake.

MAPF2 - Concrete Conflict Zone by ComRante: 3/10

Okay. I lol'd. But really, this is ridiculous. The concept seems great, but it's just executed so poorly. Also, are there even bombs on this stage?Because I never saw the panel. It's really small and needs the other weapon rings. Especially Bomb, since the bases are just asking for bombs to the back wall.

MAPF3 - Clockwork Towers Zone by KO.T.E/Spherallic: 3/10

I got lost so many times, and every area looks the same. it's hard to tell where you're are or where you're going. It also looks like a generic FPS level. I couldn't do anything for the team I was on because I couldn't find the weapons or the other base for the first through playthroughs, and even then, I continued to get lost later on.

MAPF4 - Desert Dash Zone by darkbob1713: 2/10
The base design seems okay (though, annoying that there's no red spring to get back up the cliff you can easily jump into behind the flag), but the quicksand was a flat out terrible gimmick since the flag carrier was as good as dead in there. And of course,t hat monitor goof-up.

MAPF5 - Vivacious Valley Zone by RedEchidna: 3/10
I's design is... okay, I guess. Just too small. An my GOD that yellow is ugly. A below average level with ugly texture choices, not much to say there.

I'd rate these fully, but RUSHRUSHRUSH

MAPR1 - Wacky Tesseract Zone by Fawfulfan: 7/10
I will definitely say this: Despite it using SS textures, it looks pretty cool. Excellent work, except for that 2D bit (Being a constant user of firstperson made this more annoying than it had to), which really didn't need to be there, costing you a point.

MAPR2 - Green Hill Zone by WEREHOG: 2/10
Gamebreaking shortcut: You can go straight to the starpost, then go back into the shortcut and make your way to the finish line. Repeat. But the rest of the level is pretty "meh" anyways.

MAPR3 - Jungle Ruins Zone by darkbob1713: 6/10
Great visual detail here too. Man I wish I had more to say right now :/

MAPR4 - Egg Hall Zone by Blade: 8/10
Looks good and is fun to boot.

MAPR5 - Arctic Caves Zone by Simsmagic: 3/10
Sonic Circuit + Ice = this. This is why maps shouldn't be rush jobs :P

MAPR6 - City Jump by Brawl: 0/10

You put NO EFFORT into any of these. You don't even try. At all. I cannot give points if you did not earn them.

I'll review the rest when I'm not tired.
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you die TONS AND TONS of times
u mad? :3c

Single Player:
River Dash Zone by Whackjood - 4/10
While the basics of map design are all here, there's just nothing... special about this map. Also, it really could've been a bit longer.

Castle Goth Zone, Act 1 by Spongecar - 3/10
Congratulations on giving me stuff to do, but all this factory stuff in a castle level just isn't right. If this level was reskinned as a factory-type level, it would've made a better impression.

Also, that crusher right after that starpost. Really?

Bolt Gardens Zone, Act 1 by WEREHOG - 1/10
Unclearable as Sonic, and sleep-inducing as everyone else.

Molten Cavern Zone, Act 1 by Chrome - 5/10
Well, there was definitely some fun stuff going on here. However, the level never really clicked for me. It just never felt cohesive, more like it was made up of multiple completely unrelated levels patched together.

Detonation Drift Zone by RedEchidna - boom/10
This level was designed to be hard. If you can't survive it, go cry to your mom or something practice a bit more. To me, this is no harder than ERZ, although the designer's advantage may have a bit of part in that.

Icelandic Tempest Zone by Akirahedgehog - 3/10
The only thing I did is here was run. There was no challenge or anything. However, I got a kick out of the hilariously out-of-place Sonic 2 cartridge laying in the middle of the level.

Sparkling Hill Zone by Brawl - 4/10
This definitely plays like a paper-thin version of akira's map. However, it did look very nice.

MAPM1 - Emerald Hill Zone by Warp - 3/10

MAPM2 - Sloped Domain Zone by ComRante - 7/10
This map was pretty fun to me. Yes, there are ? monitors when there shouldn't be, yes, the thok barrier's just not there, and yes, the weapons are unbalanced, but in the end, I just couldn't help but smile.

MAPM3 - Aquatic Relic Zone by Spherallic

MAPM4 - Bone Cave by Brawl - 1/10
Rings are a precious commodity, you know, and I personally need all the rings I can get. I was lucky to have 5 at any one time when I played this map.

MAPM5 - Labyrinth Cavern Zone by darkbob1713
MAPM6 - Complete Chaos Zone by Blade

MAPF1 - Storm Temple Zone by Scizor300 - 2/10
The only thing I can really say is it's incredibly fun to set the monitors to teleport-only and start trolling the game.

MAPF2 - Concrete Conflict Zone by ComRante - 4/10
Really, the main flaws with this map are the lack of panels and the moving platforms raskljsfailr.

MAPF3 - Clockwork Towers Zone by KO.T.E/Spherallic - 7/10
It was a bit too big, but I really did enjoy this map. Just watch out about that camping yeh got thar.

MAPF4 - Desert Dash Zone by darkbob1713 - 4/10
I enjoyed this map a bit, but really, that quicksand, not to mention the fact that the red team has an advantage sue to the red team boxes being in both bases.

MAPF5 - Vivacious Valley Zone by RedEchidna - rushed/10
I'm... sorry. I couldn't think of any other sort of name for this level.

MAPR1 - Wacky Tesseract Zone by Fawfulfan - 7/10
This was very fun to me. All the gimmicks gave the feeling that you were going much faster than you were. However, it's very possible to get stuck in 2D mode, and while I never got killed by the blue walls no matter how much I tried, I would jump over the falling things and then stick to them, causing a very unfair death.

MAPR2 - Green Hill Zone by WEREHOG - 1/10
<Whackjood> GO GO HAX RACE

MAPR3 - Jungle Ruins Zone by darkbob1713 - 7/10
This map is very fun once you know the best racing line. However, it takes a lot of practice to find that line. (Although that isn't entirely a bad idea.)

MAPR4 - Egg Hall Zone by Blade - 5/10
This was a lot of fun in the first version I played. However, a lot of unfun stuff has been shoved in since then. Especially the maces, OH GAW THE MACES.

MAPR5 - Arctic Caves Zone by Simsmagic - 3/10
This map did look decent, but really, I'd like to see content in here.

MAPR6 - City Jump by Brawl - 0/10
boing boing boing boing oops I game over'd
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SP Reviews

Well, time to get on with the Single Player Pack, then i'm done.

River Dash Zone by Whackjood - 4/10
This was pretty short, but still somewhat fun.

Castle Goth Zone by Spongecar - 3/10
Couldn't complete, but that's because this level is cheap as hell.

Bolt Gardens Zone by WEREHOG - 4/10
Played much better than CGZ, but I completely lost direction and ended up getting a Game Over.

Molten Cavern Zone by Chrome - 7/10
Well, this level looks and plays very well, but you should probably do something about that gimmick with the alternating rising FOFs

Detonation Drift Zone by RedEchidna - 6/10
Well, yet another map that I game over on, but not because of the difficulty, because it drags on forever...

Icelandic Tempest Zone by Akira - 8/10
Well, this level looked pretty nice, and played like a charm, it's a nice level.

Sparkling Hill Zone by Brawl - 4/10
The enemies need work, but otherwise, a decent level.

YES, got them all done!
River Dash Zone by Whackjood.
Whackjood has some important concepts figured out such as multiple path ways and hidden items but there are still some issues that make this map fall short. Some areas are too cramped and the spike gimicks make the level a bit too challenging for some players which I noticed in COOP. I also think adding a boss at the end was a bad idea. Overall I believe it's a good effort from a learning mapper. Music was good! Keep working on it Whackjood! 4/10

Castle Goth Zone, Act 1 by Spongecar

There really isn't anything good I can say about this... Cramped, short, and "glitchy". I'm surprised the author figured out how to use teleports though... 1/10

Bolt Gardens Zone, Act 1 by WEREHOG
Unexpected death pits, ugly floral flats, missing textures, cramped in some places, and it's really hard to tell where you should be going. Sorry WEREHOG but I have to give this a 2/10. (Keep trying though!)

Molten Cavern Zone, Act 1 by Chrome
I absolutely loved this one! Great decoration, placement of items, custom enemies, and a great challenge overall. I can't wait to see more maps from Chrome! 8/10

Detonation Drift Zone by RedEchidna
Great gimmicks and challenging! Lack of enemies is a problem however and the "No Knuckles" path doesn't seem to work. While testing in COOP mode a lot of players had C-Fail kicks several times and I'm not sure what was responsible for that. 6/10

Icelandic Tempest Zone by Akirahedgehog
Judging my own map isn't exactly easy but I've put a lot of thought into it. I'd like to note to people about the "confusing theme" changes throughout the map that this is inspired by the Jules Verne novel Journey to the Center of the Earth and you'd need to read that to understand the separate themes. Problems? The left path takes much less time to complete than the right path. Additional sections exclusive to Knuckles and Tails would have been nice because I mostly had just Sonic in mind while making the map. Good stuff? Many multiple paths and secret sections. You have to play the map at least 3 or 4 times to find everything(Maybe even the Star Trek room). So great replay value. My honest score then? 8/10

Sparkling Hill Zone by Brawl
This wasn't a fun way to finish things... I saw 2 enemies, very few rings, a death pit with no warning as to it's existence, and moonwalking. Not a very good looking stage either. 3/10
akirahedgehog, the lack of enemies was intentional to avoid making them the center of the challenge. And while I've never had c-fails when I tested it in co-op, the rather large amount of delayed linedef executors might've had something to do with it.
MAPF1 - Storm Temple Zone by Scizor300: 3/10
This has potential, but...
-Random monitors. Use a monitor with the object special flag to make a Strong Random Monitor, and use the deaf flag to make a weak one.
-Too many weapons.

MAPF2 - Concrete Conflict Zone by ComRante: 4/10
Woah, this map is tiny. Not so many problems otherwise.

MAPF3 - Clockwork Towers Zone by KO.T.E/Spherallic: 6/10
This map is very easy to get lost in. Also the spinning gears need a smoother animation. (Also they crush players that get caught in the gears D:)

MAPF4 - Desert Dash Zone by darkbob1713

MAPF5 - Vivacious Valley Zone by RedEchidna: 3/10
This map was kinda small, and the base design was odd because of the springs and the automatic ring.

MAPR1 - Wacky Tesseract Zone by Fawfulfan: 8/10
This map was pretty cool, but there are a few nit-picky flaws.
-The wavy floor section needs to be shorter. (height, not length)

MAPR2 - Green Hill Zone by WEREHOG: 1/10
Short, no grass borders, and that's pretty much it. It was pretty boring.

MAPR4 - Egg Hall Zone by Blade: 7/10
This was another great level. I don't like the first turn and pretty much every spring on the map, but the visuals were great and the maces were a nice threat.

MAPR5 - Arctic Caves Zone by Simsmagic: 3/10
Not much was wrong with this, but it was very boring.

MAPR6 - City Jump by Brawl: 0/10
A bunch of platforms and a death pit yaaay.
River Dash Zone by Whackjood - 4
+Some interesting ideas
-Which are brought down by some poor decisions.
-Unnecessary boss.
-Some parts are cramped.

Castle Goth Zone, Act 1 by Spongecar - 3
+Follows the theme
-Cramped in some areas
-Instant kills where deathpits would work
-Unnecessary gravity switches

Bolt Gardens Zone, Act 1 by WEREHOG - 0
-Impossibly small platforming
-Ugly texture choice
-Nonsensical design
--Unbeatable as Sonic

Molten Cavern Zone, Act 1 by Chrome - 7
+Excellent design choices
+Good sector scenery
-Later parts have bland texture choices
-The part with the alternating lava platforms was incredibly frustrating.

Detonation Drift Zone by RedEchidna - 7
+Good ideas
+Passable Graphics

Icelandic Tempest Zone by Akirahedgehog - 7
+Good design
+Engaging themes
=Only about 25% of the level actually has anything to do with ice. Somewhat odd.
-Some areas (the grass and cave part come to mind) are empty and large, which contrasts the rest of the level.
-Those same parts area also uninteresting to play as well.

Sparkling Hill Zone by Brawl

MAPR1 - Wacky Tesseract Zone by Fawfulfan - 8
+Excellent Visuals
+Very anti-thokfest
-Wave part breaks flow
-As does the 2D part.

MAPR2 - Green Hill Zone by WEREHOG - 3
+Fits the theme
-Needs texture variation
-Half of the level can be skipped by everyone
-Oddly placed spike balls

MAPR3 - Jungle Ruins Zone by darkbob1713 - 9
+Flows nicely
+Good decor
+Good length
-Quicksand breaks flow

MAPR4 - Egg Hall Zone by Blade - 5
+Excellent design
+Some good ides
-Rather poor gameplay in some parts (the water section with the pointless pits comes to mind.)
-The last few spikeballs feel rather pointless.
-Library part can be somewhat confusing.

MAPR5 - Arctic Caves Zone by Simsmagic - N\A
Yeah, this level was made in the course of an hour and a half, so I didn't exactly put much effort into it. I think I spent more time on making the transparent caves then I did designing the entire track (except maybe for the first third, arguably the most interesting part).

MAPR6 - City Jump by Brawl - 0
10/10 would play again
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River Dash Zone - by Whackjood: 9

+ A very good designed level
- A little bit easy

Detonation Drift Zone by RedEchidna : 7

Bolt Gardens Zone, Act 1 by WEREHOG: 1
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