A few of things to say here.
First, you really shouldn't start a topic until you have more progress to show than a lives icon. If you don't have a sufficient amount of work behind you before you post, there is a high chance that you will lose the will to continue. It's a proven study. Secondly, the lives icon needs better shading. Two shades of red (The default shades for MS Paint, no less), black, and white (White doesn't count, I suppose. It's the background.) are the only colours you have in yours. Now take a look at any work by a competent artist. Can you count the colours they have without zooming in? Likely not. The sheer amount of shades smooth out the edges and allow for more complex designs. Third, I notice that you aren't editing directly off other work. This is good. Independence is the foundation of spritework, and your work could certainly be worse off. (See the other half of characters on this forum)
You're off to a good start, but you really need to have more to show off when you begin a topic. Just keep that in mind for next time.