Look what I did!

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Excuse me? Who you calling a cheater? Hell no brianv. Shuffle cheats and I download, and you calling ME a cheater? I ough of spit on you!

Just kidding, dont ban me Mystic >.>
SA:DX PC has been out for quite a while.. and it isn't really all that demanding, I could run it just fine on my ATi Radeon 9200SE..
Probably even better on the card I have now. :P
Chaos Zero 64 said:
Excuse me? Who you calling a cheater? Hell no brianv. Shuffle cheats and I download, and you calling ME a cheater? I ough of spit on you!

Just kidding, dont ban me Mystic >.>
Only a true man gets all 130 emblems without downloading things!!! :evil:
EvilCowSlayer said:
o.O Since when was there a PC version of SA:DX? I know there was one of Sonic Heroes, but....

Meh, not like I could run it anyway. For some reason, whenever I run a Sonic Heroes demo (because I don't have the courage to get the full game AGAIN, illegaly or legally) my monitor gives me an out of range error, even though I'm using a supported resolution. Probably something with the refresh rate. Started happening since I upgraded from a Radeon 9250. Windowed mode runs but is slow.
First, yes, there is a SADX PC version.

Second, I know how to fix that problem. I don't know if it's a bug of Sonic Heroes or DirectX, but well. Open dxdiag (start -> run -> "dxdiag"). Go to the last tab and set the DirectDraw refresh rate to 60 explicitly (not default value). 60 is the standard value, so...

I know it because I already had that problem.
I have 129 emblems in the GCN version, I just can't get that last one, the first sky chase. Closest points were 7500. The second one was easy, since I shot all the bombs in the end for the extra points.
Chaos Zero 64 said:
I have 129 emblems in the GCN version, I just can't get that last one, the first sky chase. Closest points were 7500. The second one was easy, since I shot all the bombs in the end for the extra points.
HAHaha, who actually spends the time to get all the emblems in Sonic Adventure series?
Probably a glitch of Sonic Heroes, since windowed uses a different renderer than fullscreen, but both use DirectX.

Thanks for this help. Not only is 60 the default value, my monitor can't support anything higher. Stupid monitor, it's a piece of crapalones.
Actually the refresh rate supported depends of resolution. In my monitor, it's 60Hz for 640x480 and higher, but 85Hz for 320x240. Some cards can manage high values as 92Hz, or low values as 50Hz (this last information has been taken from Allegro help).
I know that, I have the same monitor limits as you. But nobody in their right mind would run SA: DX at 320x240. I'd shoot myself if I had to do that. Not that they let you run it at that, but still.
EvilCowSlayer said:
I know that, I have the same monitor limits as you. But nobody in their right mind would run SA: DX at 320x240. I'd shoot myself if I had to do that. Not that they let you run it at that, but still.

You can't It'll crash if you try it. Besides, I run at 640x400, and I'm fine with that. o_O
Omega the Hedgehog said:
Then it would probably run slow as hell. But you could always give it a shot, I haven't really tried.

I have 512 RAM, 2.19 GHZ, and a 64-MB 3D card. Could I play the game?
Bigboi said:
Omega the Hedgehog said:
Then it would probably run slow as hell. But you could always give it a shot, I haven't really tried.

I have 512 RAM, 2.19 GHZ, and a 64-MB 3D card. Could I play the game?
Faster than my computer, yes.
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