• Do not use Works in Progress as a way of avoiding the releases system! Works in Progress can be used for sharing early betas and for getting suggestions for improvement. Releases of finished content are not allowed in this forum! If you would like to submit a finished addon, click here for instructions on how to do so.

Junio Sonic(delete thread.)


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Well I guess they are, but the angles in the opening on sonic might have to be interpreted a bit. Plus, this is having to be emulated into pixel sprites, so yeah, a few creative liberties will have to be made if this is so of course.
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plus, for the forward and backward sprites, they did a "Tyson Hesse" and made his spikes go upwards diagonally
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not saying I don't like it tho!
I've made too many threads on mods that I most likely won't be working on at all, constantly cancelling and un-cancelling them then moving to a different project is not what i want to do I wish i could had just made one thread for one project and not multiple at a time.

If I do cancel any of my mods people are going to be disappointed and probably mad at me for doing so.

If I work on this mod now it will be the only one that I will work on until I either finish it or cancel it fully only to never be picked back up again.

I think due to me making all of these threads is because I have so many ideas on mods but I can see that it was a bad idea even making threads of them. From now on whenever I do have a mod idea or deciding what I should do I'll just post it all on this thread right here.

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