I've found a Srb2 advert not made by STjr.

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sueing them would be a problem, but making them know that we arent happy with that ad I kint its a good idea... maybe a non hostile e-mail?
Y'see, SSN owns SRB2. He may not own Sonic, but he owns SRB2 and can probably sue for people stealing it. But y'know, people sue way too much these days, it would be best just to give the guy a nice sock in the eye.
Omega the Hedgehog said:
You are correct, sir.

You are wrong, sir.

Imagine a company that all of a sudden started making games featuring Sonic that had graphics of the same generation or better than Sonic 360 and was giving them away for free. You'd bet there'd be a lawsuit, because that would be competitive with their products. They just don't bother us because it's their choice, not because they couldn't win.
Also, i don't think they will come after us since we aren't selling anything,
unless we were selling srb2 we could get sued but since were not and it is free to the public were fine but, if they sold srb2, who would get in trouble?
If we sold SRB2, everybody listed in the game credits would have the potential to get sued, although Sega's more liable to go after the top level people (official staff, and not individuals who created add-on packs).
SSNTails said:
Imagine a company that all of a sudden started making games featuring Sonic that had graphics of the same generation or better than Sonic 360 and was giving them away for free.
Does that sound much like SRB2 to you?
No, but the same principle applies. Just because you 'aren't selling something' doesn't mean it isn't copyright infringing.
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