I'm an Idiot and I need help with a LUA Mod


My Name Is Miriad and Im a fool.

"Scroll to bottom for the Questions"
I am not a modder, or a programmer, just a stubborn fool willing to bash his head against the wall to make a gameplay change Mod.
Most I have ever done was remove lines of code of Map Modpacks to Get rid of stages me and my friends didn't like in srb2Kart.

What I am Trying to do?:

"Make a Mod that Changes the amount of Speed lost when drifting."

Alright you Mushroom, What's Stopping Stopping you Miriad?:

"I Have no clue where to start. I don't Know how to change In Game Values through LUA Files, I have no clue where the to find the Games Functions on the Wiki Page."

So what sort of help do you need Miriad? :

"I just want to know where all these genius modders go to figure out "what they need to do to make their mods".

My Questions are:

  • "Where in the world do I go to get Ring Racers Functions, Variables, and stuff, to make gameplay changing Mods???"
  • "How do I make Car not go slow slow when I press Drift Button?"
  • "Can and How Do I make Lua mods that Override the Base Games Code." (EG: Make "driftcharge =10 instead of the default driftcharge = 22)

I am prepared to be called a 3-inch brain rat in the comments.
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There isn’t really any documentation for Lua in Ring Racers yet. I’d wait until it’s released to ask for help.
Crap... That's a bummer
There isn’t really any documentation for Lua in Ring Racers yet. I’d wait until it’s released to ask for help.
Technically, there are some variables for it by going to the GitHub of Ring Racers. However, there are barely any functions in the GitHub.

Crap... That's a bummer.

No Wonder I couldn't Find anything even when I looked through the Source Code or Wiki.

Thanks for the Replies through, I though I was just being a fool looking in the wrong places.