
  1. Dimblas ligth

    where get cream or omega model

    hi im triying to find cream and omega mods and models
  2. Grigri

    Are binary maps able to load into a new UDMF map?

    Sorry if the title is a bit unclear but what i mean is if i make a binary map and a UDMF map, can i make it that both maps can work together, so if the player beats the binary map that it can load into the UDMF map with no problem.
  3. Grigri

    Is there anyway of making a super sonic only level?

    Im interested in making a level players can only access when they have all the chaos emeralds, is that possible?
  4. redhot69

    how to learn lua tutorial !

    so,you prob came here bc you want to learn lua easily right? this is the right place for you! 1 step:the basics. Lua has a lot of functions and its pretty hard to remember them,the first thing you should learn is if,else,elseif,do,then,and,not, also the hooks,playerthink,thinkframe,etc. 2...
  5. Garfiend

    Not able to play with my friends

    When I or one of my friends attempt to host or join a server they continue to load forever and are never able to join I need help to figure out what were doing wrong.
  6. Miriad

    I'm an Idiot and I need help with a LUA Mod

    My Name Is Miriad and Im a fool. "Scroll to bottom for the Questions" Story: I am not a modder, or a programmer, just a stubborn fool willing to bash his head against the wall to make a gameplay change Mod. Most I have ever done was remove lines of code of Map Modpacks to Get rid of stages me...
  7. Electroo

    Custom character not loading colors correctly

    Hello, I'm having problems with my custom Ring Racers character, When I turn him into a wad, the colors come out messed up, is there a way to fix this?
  8. Bifiankin

    What is the standpoint on copyrighted sound effects in character addons?

    Dear Ring Racers Community I'm working on releasing a character pack of 5 OCs (the ZIP file attached contains the characters) , with character ideas and voice lines coming from different family members. When it came to doing the voice-lines, they wanted to add some fun sound effects on top of...
  9. N01RSC3N3

    Help with getting KartMaker

    Hello. I am interested in making a custom character for DRRR, but i can't find/get KartMaker. From what I've read, that is what is used to make characters. Every link that i have found either didn't have the app, don't have a functioning version of the app, or just wont let me download at all...
  10. SuperMarineWorld

    Colorization and Ironman-related Script Help

    I've been trying to make a lua script that applies the colorization effect to the player when transformed into another character via the SF_IRONMAN flag. No errors show up when the addon is loaded, but the colorization lua does not work properly. Are there any variables or factors that determine...
  11. HixonIsCool

    How to add Addons into the Flatpack

    Hi, I'm sorry if this is a stupid question, but I downloaded the flatpack on my steam deck and I can't seem to find the file locations. If there is any way to locate them, or if there is another way to add addons into the game on Linux / steam deck, I would appreciate the help.
  12. Aquavine

    How to make a pushable button (linedef 403) open a moving door (linedef 404).

    When making my map I wanted to make a door that opens only when you press a button, but I don't want a boring flat sector, but a real button that actually goes down when jump on it. I already figured out how to make a button and the door, but the problem now is how to make them work together...
  13. Aquavine

    THINGS lump not found (even if it's clearly there)

    I was trying to make my first PK3 from two WAD's and it went smoothly until the maps couldn't load due to this: The THINGS are in the WAD's but SRB2 says they aren't. I looked for other threads like this but I couldn't find anything close to this situation. It happens everytime I try to load...

    lost a version of my level pack

    hi erm today i was casually working on a level for a levelpack, however when i loaded the levelpack, everything was gone. all the lua scripts, all the socs, everything. is there any way to back it up? thanks
  15. thespongemagic

    How do I replicate the fuzzy effect during the idle animation

    I have a very specific question pertaining to making a custom character in SRB2Kart. I was wondering if it's at all possible to recreate the phasing effect you see on the sprites when you're idle. I thought it would be displacing every other vertical column. But when I go to do it, it looks off...
  16. Garului

    (Ring Racers Question) About HUD modding...

    Hello! This is my first thread post, so apologies if I get something wrong. Since the 2.1 update of DRRR, I've been starting to enjoy the game a bit more since many issues of 2.0 have been fixed. Though, in terms of gameplay itself, there is one thing that is really stopping me from what I...
  17. Gomero_Z

    Team (Insert Team Name Here)!

    Hey guys! Gomero's Here, just wanted to say some things about the mod and other things, the mod of Sebas, The Human, my other mod is going well... But... Im starting to see to some Character Mod Teams, i played the mods, and is actually AWESOME, so i was thinkin... "Hey, what if you MAKE...
  18. Gomero_Z

    Sebas, The Human. ( My oc and very first mod! )

    24/7/2024 So, its been a while... I hope everyone is doing okay, and sorry for not doing this in VERY MUCH time, i was bad on very much aspects, and i didn't have time to finish parts, BUT im back in My PC and have finished some things. :D For example the LAST animation for RUN animation...
  19. jaximations


    my oc is gonna be a mod! but the 3 customs are unused? can yall help!? use a theme of shapeshifting, fake peppino type stuff! also the mods gonna have 4 other characters thatre significant in my oc's lore* pls make custom button abilities! *overwrites amy with a pallette swap,and adds...
  20. MrBoingBD

    Help With Poly-Objects (zone builder)

    Is there anyone out there that is knowledgeable on poly-objects? The Official guide Is a bit confusing and would like a video or something on it or LOT more screen shots on how to make them.