If you were to make Generations longer, what would your zone order be?


You're buttery.
Now, there IS rules to this, here are they:
Rule 1: There MUST be AT LEAST 3 fangames. Do this, or I'll ignore it. (If you're including SRB2, you MUST include Mystic Realm AND SRB1)
Rule 2 (version 2.0): No 2 zones for one game. You MUST choose. (this excludes games where you play as different characters but with different lineups, types, or just different fucking levels altoghether. e.g. Sonic Adventure 1/2, Sonic Before the Sequel, etc.) (now we're all happy, glaber.)
Rule 3: I don't give a shit what they are, as long as you obey this rule: NO COMPLICATED LEVELS. ONLY ONE CUSTOM MADE LEVEL. I mean levels so complex they'll take over ten min. to complete. (I'll allow new zones for unfinished games, like Sonic Overture, so you can get creative there too.)
Rule 4: Have fun here, okay?
Rule 5: Please remember to obey Rules 1-3.

I'd do mine, but it'd take the game 50+ hrs. to just complete the main campaign.
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My list,
  • Green Hill (Sonic 1)
  • Sky Base (Sonic 1 GG)
  • Sky High (Sonic 2 GG)
  • Chemical Plant (Sonic 2)
  • Gigalopolis (Sonic Chaos)
  • Stardust Speedway (Sonic CD)
  • IceCap (Sonic 3)
  • Flying Battery (S&K)
  • Sunset Park (Sonic Triple Trouble)
  • Speed Slider (Knuckles' Chaotix)
  • Rusty Ruin (Sonic 3D Blast)
  • Red Volcano (from Sonic Blast)
  • Robotopolis (SRB1)
  • Speed Highway (Sonic Adventure)
  • Aquatic Relix (Sonic Pocket Adventure)
  • City Escape (Sonic Adventure 2)
  • Secret Base (Sonic Advance)
  • Music Plant (Sonic Advance 2)
  • Twinkle Snow (Sonic Advance 3)
  • Seaside Hill (Sonic Hereoes)
  • Water Palace (Sonic Rush)
  • Crisis City (Sonic 06)
  • Castle Eggman (SRB2)
  • Sky Babylon (Sonic Rush Adventure)
  • Rooftop Run (Sonic Unleashed)
  • Aerial Garden (Mystic Realm)
  • Planet Wisp (Sonic Colors)
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Damn. Didn't think about that. I'll provide examples later. Also in mine I was going to have Poloy Forest in it, cuz I thought it would make you happy.
Sonic Classic & Sonic Classic 2 by Hez
The Sequel Trilogy by LakeFeperd (Before the Sequel, After the Sequel, and Chrono Adventure)
Sonic Galactic
Sonic Quantam Collision
SRB1, the various SRB1 remakes, and SRB2
Sonic XG (aka Sonic Forever [NOT Sonic 1 Forever] list of levels can be found here, in the "Levels" section.)
Retro Sonic (Taxman's full list of levels for it can be seen on it's Sonic Retro page)
(Retro) Sonic Nexus (It's full level select can be found here, and here.)
Sonic Time Twisted (look it up I dare ya)
Eggman Hates Furries (look it up dont ask about the damn title just look it up)
and many more that I dont wanna
Modern (Im not putting Dreamcast because there's too few):
Sonic GT
Sonic Omens
more that I can't find or forgot please put more
My list,
  • Green Hill (Sonic 1)
  • Sky Base (Sonic 1 GG)
  • Sky High (Sonic 2 GG)
  • Chemical Plant (Sonic 2)
  • Gigalopolis (Sonic Chaos)
  • Stardust Speedway (Sonic CD)
  • IceCap (Sonic 3)
  • Flying Battery (S&K)
  • Sunset Park (Sonic Triple Trouble)
  • Speed Slider (Knuckles' Chaotix)
  • Rusty Ruin (Sonic 3D Blast)
  • Red Volcano (from Sonic Blast)
  • Robotopolis (SRB1)
  • Speed Highway (Sonic Adventure)
  • Aquatic Relix (Sonic Pocket Adventure)
  • City Escape (Sonic Adventure 2)
  • Secret Base (Sonic Advance)
  • Music Plant (Sonic Advance 2)
  • Twinkle Snow (Sonic Advance 3)
  • Seaside Hill (Sonic Heroes)
  • Water Palace (Sonic Rush)
  • Crisis City (Sonic 06)
  • Castle Eggman (SRB2)
  • Sky Babylon (Sonic Rush Adventure)
  • Rooftop Run (Sonic Unleashed)
  • Aerial Garden (Mystic Realm)
  • Planet Wisp (Sonic Colors)
I'll allow this, it's special, because it's all games that released before Generations. (Also you forgot Rule 1.5)
Green Hill (sonic 1)
if it's allowed i would change Chemical Plant to Casino Night [like the 3DS version of generations] (sonic 2)
Planetoid Panic [or at least i think that was the name] (Sonic Time Twisted)
Hydro City (Sonic 3)
Sky Sanctuary (Sonic & Knuckles)
Wacky Workbench (Sonic CD)
Echidnaopolis [might have spelled that wrong] (SRB1)
Replace Speed Highway with Emerald Coast [again, 3DS generations] (Sonic Adventure/Sonic Adventure DX
City Escape (Sonic Adventure 2)
Arid Canyon (SRB2)
Replace Seaside Hill with Rail Canyon [not in 3DS version but it would be more interesting than having 2 hill stages in one game] (Sonic Heroes)
Digital Circuit OR Lava Shelter [either one works] (Shadow The Hedgehog)
Crisis City (Sonic 06)
Water Palace [from 3DS Generations] (Sonic Rush)
Rooftop Run (Sonic Unleashed)
The forest zone from mystic realm that i forget the name of (mystic realm)
Replace Planet Wisp with Asteroid Coaster [again just going for a more unique feel than "place with lots of hills and grass"] (Sonic Colors)
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(i get that this is about making the game longer so you can really deny the replacements if you want)
1. Green Hill Zone from Sonic the Hedgehog
2. Sandopolis Zone from Sonic & Knuckles
3. Oil Ocean from Sonic the Hedgehog 2
4. Green Hill Zone from Sonic the Hedgehog (Master System)
5. Wacky Workbench from Sonic CD
6. Carnival Night Zone from Sonic the Hedgehog 3
7. Greenflower Zone from Sonic Robo Blast 2
8. Labyrinth Zone from Sonic the Hedgehog
9. Dragon Valley from Freedom Planet
10. Green Hills Zone from Sonic the Hedgehog 2 (Master System)
11. Baby Park from Mario Kart: Double Dash!!
12. Mad Space from Sonic Adventure 2
13. Greenflower Zone Act 1 from Sonic Robo Blast 2 (v.1.08)
1. Green Hill Zone from Sonic the Hedgehog
2. Sandopolis Zone from Sonic & Knuckles
3. Oil Ocean from Sonic the Hedgehog 2
4. Green Hill Zone from Sonic the Hedgehog (Master System)
5. Wacky Workbench from Sonic CD
6. Carnival Night Zone from Sonic the Hedgehog 3
7. Greenflower Zone from Sonic Robo Blast 2
8. Labyrinth Zone from Sonic the Hedgehog
9. Dragon Valley from Freedom Planet
10. Green Hills Zone from Sonic the Hedgehog 2 (Master System)
11. Baby Park from Mario Kart: Double Dash!!
12. Mad Space from Sonic Adventure 2
13. Greenflower Zone Act 1 from Sonic Robo Blast 2 (v.1.08)
You really love carnival night zone huh?
You really love carnival night zone huh?
I like it.

Also I won't allow putting the same zone from different versions of a game (e.g. putting Green Hill Mastersystem along Green Hill Megadrive).
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Should I just post mine, or no?
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Dew it!

(if done, some would be clearly reimagined)
Here's mine:
Green Hill (S1 Genesis)
Under Ground (S2 GG)
Sunset Park (Triple Trouble)
Lunch Base (When Tails Gets bord)
Launch Base (sonic 3)
Mirage Salloon (Mania)
Time Base (Sonic Time Attacked)
Neo Green Hill (Sonic Advance)
Music Park (Sonic Advance 2)
Chaos Angel (sonic advance 3)
Mecha Hill Top (Metal Attack 1)
Astroid Coaster (Colors)
Time for a listy twisty!

Greenflower Zone (SRB2)
Verdant Forest Zone (SRB2: Mystic Realm)
Ring Satellite Zone (SRB1)
Final Fall (Sonic XG)
Sky Base (Sonic 1 8-Bit)
Frigid Fortress (Sonic Time Twisted)
Death Egg Zone (Sonic 3&K)
Gigantic Angel (Sonic Pocket Adventure)
Emerald Boss: Team Hooligan (Assorted)
Boss: Rocket Metal/Mecha Sonic no.29 (Sonic the Fighters)

Metal City (Sonic Riders Series)
Westopolis (Shadow the Hedgehog)
Windy Valley (Sonic Adventure)
Fire Bird (Sonic Shuffle)
Green Forest (Sonic Adventure 2)
Water Palace (Sonic Rush)
Blue Sky Zone (Sonic Jump 2007)
Grand Metropolis (Sonic Heroes)
Emerald Boss: Jet the Hawk (Sonic Riders)
Boss: Egg Viper (Sonic Adventure)

Hill Top (Sonic GT)
Kingdom Valley (Sonic the Hedgehog 2006)
Sunset Heights (Sonic Forces)
Empire City (Sonic Unleashed)
Asteroid Coaster (Sonic Colors)
Twilight Cage (Sonic Chronicles)
Emerald Boss: Infinite (Forces)
Boss: Dark Gaia (Sonic Unleashed)

Race Against Time (Unique)

Final Boss:
Time Eater

Unlockable Levels/Bosses:
Sonic.EXE (Sonic.EXE)
Techno Hill (SRB2)
Mirage Saloon (Sonic Mania)
Jade Gully (Sonic X-treme)
Jade Coast (SRB2: Mystic Realm)
Aerial Garden (SRB2/SRB2: Mystic Realm)
Mecha Sonic (Sonic 2)
Mecha Sonic MK. II (Sonic 3)
Silver (Sonic 06)
Green Hill (Sonic Chronicles)
Labyrinth Zone (Sonic 1)
Hidden Palace (Sonic 3) [This level would unlock Hyper Sonic]
Egg Fleet (Sonic Heroes)
Perfect Chaos (Sonic Adventure)

Unlockable Games:
ALL the Game Gear Sonic Games
Sonic Robo Blast 2
Sonic 3 & Knuckles


We open on (Classic) Sonic and Tails racing through Greenflower. The camera quickly cuts to (Modern) Sonic jumping through red rings in Planet Wisp. The camera once again cuts, to Sonic fighting Chaos 0. Several more camera cuts show several events that have happened in Sonic games, as the camera slowly pans out to reveal that these are screens, hovering in an inky black wasteland. They seem to be hovering, almost like they're portals. And, they are, actually! Portals leading to different periods throughout the history of Sonic the Hedgehog. A dark, shadowy figure emerges from the.. shadows. After looking over all the pictures, we get a close-up on their mouth, giving a small chuckle, before the camera pans away.

Cut to Greenflower Zone. We catch the iconic duo doing their usual biz, busting bots, grabbing rings, the usual. There's an earthquake, and the two fall down onto the ground. (by the way the classic characters are using their OVA voices) Sonic asks Tails what's going on, but Tails is still in shock. Suddenly, a rift opens up beneath them, and they fall in!

Cut to Station Square. Sonic walks into an apartment building that he "chose" to live in. (Tails forced him to because he didn't want Sonic to bum around his workshop.) Once he turned the lights on, all of his friends come out of their hiding spaces to celebrate Sonic's birthday! After eating some cake, there's another rumbling. Where is that coming from? A giant hand gets launched out of a rift, and it swoops across the city, ripping the tops of buildings off, including Sonic's apartment. When Sonic jumps out to face him, he gets grabbed by a weird gear ring thing, and thrown into another rift, and the rest of Sonic's friends face the same.
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Ok. Don't say I didn't warn ya.
I'll (obviously) be seperating them in to eras, but I'll be seperating the eras in to official and unofficial, what console they were on, and I'll also be including obscures.

Boss legend:
  • Miniboss: basically what'd you'd expect, but it's at the end of the normal act for the specific zone and Sonic.
  • Semimajorboss: basically a miniboss boss from the original game.
  • Majorboss: Like a Majorboss from the original game, but it's for Super only.
  • Final boss: yeh...

Classic (Official, Megadrive, Arcade + Sonic CD and some Sega Saturn games):

City Circuit (Rad Mobile)
Green Hill (Sonic 1 Megadrive)
Miniboss: Eggmobile-H (Classic)
Semimajorboss: Egg Pistons (Classic)
Puzzle Arena (Sonic Eraser, obscure)
Miniboss: Sonic clone (Classic)
Semimajorboss: Mecha Sonic No. 29 (Rocket Metal) (Classic)
Hidden Palace (Sonic 2 Megadrive)
Miniboss: Brass Eggman (Classic)
Semimajorboss: Death Egg Robot (basically remains unchanged from the original game, except double hits) (Classic)
South Island City (Waku Waku Sonic Patrol Car, obscure arcade game)
Miniboss: Eggmobile-B (an Eggmobile who uses bombs as it's primary) (Classic)
Semimajorboss: Eggmobile-FB (literally Eggmobile-B but with a flamethrower as it's primary) (Classic)
Popcorn Factory (SegaSonic Popcorn Shop, obscure arcade game)
Miniboss: Null
Semimajorboss: Null
Wild Water Way (SegaSonic the Hedgehog, not-so-obscure arcade game lol)
Miniboss: Null
Semimajorboss: Null
Space Factory (SegaSonic Cosmo Fighter Galaxy Patrol, obscure arcade game)
Miniboss: Null
Semimajorboss: the boss from the original SSCFGP (Classic)
Stardust Speedway (Sonic CD)
Miniboss: EGG-HVC-001 (but harder rofl) (Classic)
Semimajorboss: Metal Sonic (same as Death Egg Robot) (Classic)
Toxic Caves (Sonic Spinball)
Miniboss: Scorpius (Classic)
Semimajorboss: Eggmobile-S (an Eggmobile that's always surrounded in toxic slime, except when it's vulnerable at the end of it's attack cycle (attacks by ramming Sonic and shooting out slime)) (Classic)
Hydrocity (Sonic 3 Megadrive (don't ask), it's pronounced hai-DRO-cih-TEE) (The same gut who made the Sonic 1 and Sonic 2 Mastersystem remakes for mobile/PC/PS Vita is making a new game called Sonic 3 Timelines. They said the game will "...combine the best of Chaos and Triple Trouble, with some references from Sonic CD and universes from other Master System and Game Gear games, characters from the future, new items and gameplay modes, to make the final game of the series memorable!")the one from
Miniboss 1: Big Shaker
Semimajorboss: Screw Mobile
Sky Sanctuary (Sonic and Knuckles)
Minibosses: literally just the ones from the original SSZ (Classic)
Lost Labyrinth (S4E1)
Miniboss: the one from S4E1 (Classic)
Semimajorboss: Eggmobile-WS (an Eggmobile that's always shooting water to keep Sonic away, but will run out every 15 seconds, takes five seconds to fill back up) (Classic)
Sylvania Castle (S4E2)
Miniboss: the one from S4E2 (Classic)
Semimajorboss: Death Egg MK.II (Classic)
"Heiroglyphic Island" (this random bullshit Sonic 4 Episode 3 idea)
Miniboss: "Egg Sphinx" (Classic)
Semimajorboss: it's Death Egg MK.II
Amazing Arena (Chaotix)
Miniboss: the miniboss from the original (Classic)
Semimajorboss: the majorboss from the original (Classic)
Spring Stadium (Sonic 3D Blast/Sonic 3D: Flickies' Island)
Miniboss: (Tails Doll (is the same from 3D In 2D)) (Classic)
Semimajorboss: the one from 3D In 2D (Classic)
Miniboss: Null
Semimajorboss: Null
Aurora Icefield (Sonic the Fighters)
Miniboss: Null
Semimajorboss: Null
Miniboss: Null
Semimajorboss: Eggrobo
Radiant Emerald (Sonic R)
Miniboss: Null
Semimajorboss: Null
Jade Gully (Sonic X-Treme)
Miniboss 1: Emerald Cat (Classic)
Miniboss 2: Fang (Classic)
Semimajorboss: "Jade Gold Boss" (Classic)
Studiopolis (Sonic Mania)
Miniboss 1: Heavy Gunner (Classic)
Miniboss 2: Weathermobile (Classic)
Semimajorboss: Superlaserp*ssmobile (an Eggmobile that uses "Super Laser P*ss" as it's primary, idea from Patafoin) (Classic)

Classic (Official, Mastersystem/Gamegear):

Bridge Lakes (Sonic 1 Mastersystem/Gamegear)
Miniboss: Bridge's original boss (Classic)
Semimajorboss: Sky Base's boss (Classic)
UnderGround Caves (Sonic 2 Mastersystem/Gamegear)
Miniboss: Mecha Antlion (Classic)
Semimajorboss: Sonic 2 Mastersystem's og final boss (Classic)
Mecha Green Hill (Sonic Chaos/Sonic & Tails)
Miniboss: Treecrawler (Classic)
Semimajorboss: Laser Walker (Classic)
Sunset Park (Sonic Triple Trouble/Sonic & Tails 2)
Miniboss: Marve-Shupopulous-Gou (Classic)
Semimajorboss: Atomic Destroyer's bosses (Classic)
Spring Yard (Sonic Drift, I forgot to say by no two versions of the same game, I don't mean two different games that have the same level)
Miniboss: Null
Semimajorboss: Null
Emerald Ocean (Sonic Drift 2 Blue Chaos GP)
Miniboss: Null
Semimajorboss: Null
Labyrinth of the Factory (Sonic Labyrinth)
Miniboss 1: Kani Pearl (Classic)
Miniboss 2: Mecha Gorilla (Classic)
Miniboss 3: Needle Man (Classic)
Semimajorboss: Smiley Bomb (Classic)
Poloy Forest (Tails Adventures, because I thought it would make glaber happy :)
Miniboss 1: Bird Walker (Classic)
Miniboss 2: Egg Flambe Beta (Classic) (I like Dimension Glaber, okay?)
Semimajorboss: Egg Flambe Alpha (the second Egg Flambe) (Classic)
Metal Island (Tails' Skypatrol)
Miniboss: Carrotia
Semimajorboss: Witchcart
Red Volcano (Sonic Blast)
Miniboss: Red Volcano's boss (Sonic Blast) (Classic)
Semimajorboss: Final boss (Sonic Blast) (Classic)

Classic (Unofficial):

Sort of a mix between Sunrise Gate and Granite (Sonic Overture) (I'm allowing stuff like this too lol I'm to lazy to update the actual rules lol) (By this, I mean that the first half would be Sunrise Gate, and the second half would be Granite)
Miniboss: Sunrise Gate's boss (Classic)
Semimajorboss: idk I need an idea for a suitable final boss for Overture so Null as of now)
Hilltop Heights (Sonic Before the Sequel, Sonic level)
Miniboss 1: Egg Tractor (Classic)
Lost Levels (Sonic Before the Sequel, Tails level)
Miniboss 2: M.O.A.B. (Classic)
Semimajorboss: Egg Minisuit (Classic)
Technology Tree (Sonic After the Sequel)
Miniboss: Unused Technology Tree boss + The Crimson Express (Classic)
Semimajorboss: Ristarmobile (Classic)
Echidnapolis (OG SRB1) (I also mean that I exclude fan remakes that have different zones)
Miniboss 1: Echidnapolis original act 1 boss (Classic)
Miniboss 2: Echidnapolis original act 2 boss (Classic)
Knothole Coast (Sonic Robo Blast! remake)
Miniboss 1: Knothole Coast original act 1 boss from remake (Classic)
Miniboss 2: Knothole Coast original act 2 boss from remake (Classic)
Oak Falls (some random SRB1 fanremake that was a mod for 2.2)
Miniboss: Null
Semimajorboss 1: Robo Base Act 2 boss (Classic)
Semimajor Boss 2: Ringsattalite Act 2 boss (Classic)
Semimajorboss 3: The entirety of Lift Zone (Classic)
Deep Sea (SRB2)
Miniboss: Sea Egg (Classic)
Semimajorboss: The entirety of Egg Rock Core (Classic)
Greenflower Hills Zone Act 1 (SRB2 v.1.08) (Thanks for the idea Cobalt :) (unlockable)
Sunrise Uplands (SRB2 CyberDime Realm)
Miniboss: Sunrise Uplands' boss (Classic)
Semimajorboss: Amaranthine Outpost's boss (Classic)
Mystic Castle (SRB2 Dimension Glaber)
Miniboss: Metal Sonic and Fang (But in y'know) (Classic)
Semimajorboss: "Final Boss" from SRB2 Christmas (Classic)
Stronghold Forest (SRB2 Chaos Domain)
Miniboss: Flame Breath (Chaos Domain version) (Classic)
Semimajorboss: Egg Hopper (Classic)
Midnight Freeze (SRB2 Mystic Realm)
Sunset Heights (Spark the Electric Jester)
Luster Lake (Sonic Classic fangame by Hez)
Crystal Cove (Sonic Classic 2 by Hez)
Final Fall (Sonic XG)
Palm Paradiso ("Sonic Forever", what Sonic XG was going to be)
Scrambled Egg (Retro Sonic)
Opal Outback ((Retro) Sonic Nexus)
Attraction Attack (Sonic Time Twisted)
Sapphire Sights (Sonic and the Fallen Star)
Glacial Galaxy (Sonic Axiom)

Dreamcast (Official + Unofficial)

Speed Highway (SA1, Sonic)
Miniboss: Egg Hornet (Adventure)
Semimajorboss: Perfect Chaos (Adventure)
Pumpkin Hill (SA2)
Miniboss 2: King Boom Boo (Adventure)
Semimajorboss: Biolizard (Adventure)
Grand Metropolis (Sonic Heroes)
Miniboss: Team Metal (all 4 Sonics)
Water Palace (Sonic Rush, Sonic)
Miniboss : Egg Libra (Adventure)
Coral Cave (Sonic Rush Adventure)
Miniboss: Captain Whisker and Johnny
Sparkling Seaside (Emerald Ties fangame (this is classic fangame lol))
Sky Troops (ShadOW THE HEDGEhog)
Crisis City (Sonic 06) (Put as many minibosses as you can possibly fucking handle. Go ahead, do it.)
Miniboss : Egg Cerberus (Bandages)
Semimajorboss: Egg-Wyvern (Classic and Bandages)
Tropical Coast (Lost World)
Miniboss: Zazz (Classic)
Semimajorboss: The weird Kyodaii Eggman Robo clone with the cape and eyepatch (Modern)


Secret Base (Advance 1)
Music Plant (Advance 2)
Route 99 (Advance 3)


Splash Canyon (Sonic Riders)
Megalo Station (Zero Gravity)
Forgotten Tomb (Free Riders)


Evil Foundry (Secret Rings)
Boss 1: Erazor Djinn (Modern)
Camelot Castle (Black Knight)
Boss 2: King Arthur (Modern)

Modern (Official):

Windmill Isle (Unleashed)
Miniboss: Egg Beetle (with very short Mazuri level before) (Modern)
Planet Wisp (Colors)
Miniboss 1: Drillinator (Classic)
Miniboss 2: Refreshinator (Classic)
Null Space (Forces) (but it's just in Null Space lol and it's like three minutes long lel)
Miniboss: Infinite (Modern)
Starfall Islands (Frontiers)

Modern (Unofficial):

Wellspring (Sonic Omens - Episode One: The Breakthrough)
Miniboss 1: Dragoon E-Zero (Modern)
Area 99 (Sonic Omens - Episode Two: The Temple of Sands)
Miniboss 2: Gnarl (Tornado)
White Jungle (Sonic Omens - Episode Three: White Jungle)
G.U.N. Arsenal (Sonic Omens - Episode Four: Shadow Of Water)
Semimajor Boss 1: The Vortex (Modern and Bandages)
Emerald Bay (Sonic Venture Plus)
Semimajorboss: Phantom Nexus (Modern)

Abandoned Research Facility (Rise of Lyric)
Miniboss: Shadow (Bandages)
Semimajorboss: Eggman Mech (Bandages)

Penultimate: idk something like Genesis Glitch from Sonic Heroes and Foes

and then vs. Time Eater

Some one make the story for mine plz I can't it's to much thank you.


Emerald Hill (Sonic Drift 2)
Rainy Savanna (Sonic Drift 2)
Icecap (SA1)
Lost World (SA1)
Hot Shelter (SA1)
Twinkle Park (SA1)
Emerald Coast (SA1)
Pumpkin Hill (SA2)
Mission Street (SA2)
Iron Gate (SA2)
Dry Lagoon (SA2)
Radical Highway (SA2)
Green Hill - Faded Hills (Forces)
City - Sunset Heights (Forces)
Green Trill Zone (huh ya like this @King the Memer?)

loopholes rock roflmao

Y'all go on ahead and do more.

Ya like this, glaber? Huh?! W̸̝̒ë̸͙̼́ḽ̷̯́͆l̷̖̃̈͘,̶̤́͛ͅ ̶͖̟͚͋̑̀̊̉̋̐̀̊̒͊̓̌͒̀̏̋̕͘̕̚̚d̴̨̻̦̗̬̠̳̦̱̘̗̱̭̗̠͚̳̹̞̭̳̩͙̺̍͗́̎́̒̓̐̾̇́̿̈́͘̚͠ͅͅͅơ̷̧̗̖̖͉̘̲̰̼̳̼͎̙͈͗̅͒͗̈́͋͛͛͊̃̀͊̒͋͐̏̀̒̓̕͝ ̶̡̧̼̳͍͔̞̗̲̭̲̱̝̜̙̥̞̫͇̼̱̩͈̈̀̔̿̅̕t̵̢̢̨̻̦̜̥̹̞͙̼̪͔̟̝̫̘͔̹̳̞̭̯́̐͐̾͗̈́̃͋͐̐̎̽̀͜͠h̵̡̛̰̟͕̬̻̮͙̯͓̖̙̹̖̥͋̋͊̂̀̿̀͌̈̅͂͂̉̐̅̄́͌̆̕͝ę̷̢͔͉̬̘̥͎̗̣̼̜͙͈̭̟͗ͅ ̸̞̝̬̰̯̳͍̘̦̣̲̱͇͖̿̈́̊̄̽̄ͅd̷̯̈́̓͛͊̈́̋͑͆̔̏̄̒͂̿͘e̴̼̺̜̓͒͋̐̀̀̿͆͗́̓̌̉̌͂̏̑͆͘̕͝͝͠w̷̨̛̞̣̟͉͍̣̯͚͓̲͚̖͓̥̹̭͔͈̜̲̮̿̽͆̍́͂̂͋͒̀͗͐̀́̂̍̆͐̊́̀̚̚͝͠,̷̻̗̖͍̯͓̦̬̰̥̰͚͕̥̯̺̠̤͕͙̼̜̥̩̌̓͋͛͌̈́̔̚M̵̡̨̛̹͈͕̣̯̼̗̹̗͚̙̯̯̜̥̱͚̈́́͑̋̑͆̆̀̈͊̒̾̓̓̇̌̕͜͠͠O̴̡̨̦̲̦̦̰̘̗͓͕̣̟̣͖̤̬̬̭̰̐̏͆̑̏̅̑̀̓͑͛̈́̀́̑͌̚Ư̸̭̳̠̍͒͊̾͐̓̂̀̽̓̾͑̓̅̈̓͂̓̓͋̓͛̔̚Ṅ̸̨̡̨̡̛̛̥̬̮͍̟͇̟̣̹̪̦̙̗͖̤̲͙͓̲̘͕̭͎̦̱̳̻̩̭̘̑͗̎̐̌̇̈́̽͘͜͜T̴̨̛̹̰̳͚̬͕͖̭͍̳̈́͑̏̍̂̑̀̆̎͛͗̐̓̿̈͐́̿̾̾̓́̊͒̌̾́̋̿̓͑̑͂̋̈̾̈́̚̕͘̕̕͝͝Ą̵̡̨̨̨̢̞̱̠͚͙͇̙͔̝̼̩̰̳̜̤̦̫̣̼͙̠̜̭̦̥͎̼̫̼̣̮̹̼͎̺͌̔̅͆̎̀̆͋̆͌͊͐̈̈́͌͂̚͘͝͝ͅͅḬ̶̡̛̛̺̣͚̹̰̯̞̩̱͕̝̭̮̯̩̮̪̼͖̝̙͗̐̉̈́̈̾̐͋͑̂́̑́̑̕͜ͅN̵̡̨̨̛̛̗͕̝̫̞͍̘͉̹̩̠̣͉͉̗͚̱̟͓͔͚̪̝̫̯̥̝̫͇̘̦̲̫̙̤̤̪͓̜̂̾̈́͐̇́̓̅̇̋̅̽̋̓͘͘̚͜͝ ̵̧̨̢̢̼̜̖̳͖̹͍̪̮͈̫̩̞̣͕̖̬͈̰̗̝̫̟̝͈̖̯̟̙͝ͅḐ̸̨̨̗̝̮̥͕̠̰͕͎̗͎̩̥̯̲̫̼͖̝̯̰̟͍̞̈̽́͐͂̕̚̚͜ͅĘ̸̛̙̺͕̜̺̃̃̈̿̒͋̈́͐͆W̷̡̧̡̨̧̗͉̯̳͓̼̯̫̹͙̮̤̦̟̺̭̬̼̒̈̄̍̔̈͋́̃̂̎͗͒̏̂̓͑͒̃̈́́̅͐̒͐̊̍̄̃̓͛̐̏̀͘̚̚͜͠͝.̵̢̨̛̮͚͇̳̲͉͚͓̖̪̞̟̺̦̮́͐̒̃̾̄͂́͠͝
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You broke your own rule.

rule 2: No 2 zones for one game. You MUST choose. (this excludes Sonic Before the Sequel)
Hidden palace and Chemical plant from sonic 2 megadrive

Emerald Hill, Rainy Savanna, and Emerald Ocean from Sonic drift 2. GPs don't count as separate games.

all the Sonic adventure Levels count as a violation before the rule change (sorry, but I'm not happy now. Changing the rules after getting caught is just bad and shows a lack of integreaty.)
all the Sonic 06 Levels count as a violation before the rule change too.
all the Sonic Forces Levels count as a violation before the rule change too.
and I think I would count Omens as a violation too unless each episode is a separate program like how Sonic 4's episodes were..

So don't think that because you changed the rules you get to get out of this. Your rule explicitly stated before you got caught "No 2 zones for one game. You MUST choose. (this excludes Sonic Before the Sequel)"
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Hidden palace and Chemical plant from sonic 2 megadrive

Emerald Hill, Rainy Savanna, and Emerald Ocean from Sonic drift 2. GPs don't count as separate games.

all the Sonic adventure Levels count as a violation before the rule change (sorry, but I'm not happy now. Changing the rules after getting caught is just bad and shows a lack of integreaty.)
all the Sonic 06 Levels count as a violation before the rule change too.
all the Sonic Forces Levels count as a violation before the rule change too.
and I think I would count Omens as a violation too unless each episode is a separate program like how Sonic 4's episodes were..

So don't think that because you changed the rules you get to get out of this. Your rule explicitly stated before you got caught "No 2 zones for one game. You MUST choose. (this excludes Sonic Before the Sequel)"
Fuck me. I'm fucking stupid. I'll deal with it.
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and I think I would count Omens as a violation too unless each episode is a separate program like how Sonic 4's episodes were..
Sonic Omens' episodes are not seperate programs. I just felt that each episode needed a spotlight like Sonic 4. So I'm not changing it.
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Ok. Don't say I didn't warn ya.
I'll (obviously) be seperating them in to eras, but I'll be seperating the eras in to official and unofficial, what console they were on, and I'll also be including obscures.

Boss legend:
  • Miniboss: basically what'd you'd expect, but it's at the end of the normal act for the specific zone and Sonic.
  • Semimajorboss: basically a miniboss boss from the original game.
  • Majorboss: Like a Majorboss from the original game, but it's for Super only.
  • Final boss: yeh...

Classic (Official, Megadrive, Arcade + Sonic CD and some Sega Saturn games):

City Circuit (Rad Mobile)
Green Hill (Sonic 1 Megadrive)
Miniboss: Eggmobile-H (Classic)
Semimajorboss: Egg Pistons (Classic)
Puzzle Arena (Sonic Eraser, obscure)
Miniboss: Sonic clone (Classic)
Semimajorboss: Mecha Sonic No. 29 (Rocket Metal) (Classic)
Hidden Palace (Sonic 2 Megadrive)
Miniboss: Brass Eggman (Classic)
Semimajorboss: Death Egg Robot (basically remains unchanged from the original game, except double hits) (Classic)
South Island City (Waku Waku Sonic Patrol Car, obscure arcade game)
Miniboss: Eggmobile-B (an Eggmobile who uses bombs as it's primary) (Classic)
Semimajorboss: Eggmobile-FB (literally Eggmobile-B but with a flamethrower as it's primary) (Classic)
Popcorn Factory (SegaSonic Popcorn Shop, obscure arcade game)
Miniboss: Null
Semimajorboss: Null
Wild Water Way (SegaSonic the Hedgehog, not-so-obscure arcade game lol)
Miniboss: Null
Semimajorboss: Null
Space Factory (SegaSonic Cosmo Fighter Galaxy Patrol, obscure arcade game)
Miniboss: Null
Semimajorboss: the boss from the original SSCFGP (Classic)
Stardust Speedway (Sonic CD)
Miniboss: EGG-HVC-001 (but harder rofl) (Classic)
Semimajorboss: Metal Sonic (same as Death Egg Robot) (Classic)
Toxic Caves (Sonic Spinball)
Miniboss: Scorpius (Classic)
Semimajorboss: Eggmobile-S (an Eggmobile that's always surrounded in toxic slime, except when it's vulnerable at the end of it's attack cycle (attacks by ramming Sonic and shooting out slime)) (Classic)
Hydrocity (Sonic 3 Megadrive (don't ask), it's pronounced hai-DRO-cih-TEE) (The same gut who made the Sonic 1 and Sonic 2 Mastersystem remakes for mobile/PC/PS Vita is making a new game called Sonic 3 Timelines. They said the game will "...combine the best of Chaos and Triple Trouble, with some references from Sonic CD and universes from other Master System and Game Gear games, characters from the future, new items and gameplay modes, to make the final game of the series memorable!")the one from
Miniboss 1: Big Shaker
Semimajorboss: Screw Mobile
Sky Sanctuary (Sonic and Knuckles)
Minibosses: literally just the ones from the original SSZ (Classic)
Lost Labyrinth (S4E1)
Miniboss: the one from S4E1 (Classic)
Semimajorboss: Eggmobile-WS (an Eggmobile that's always shooting water to keep Sonic away, but will run out every 15 seconds, takes five seconds to fill back up) (Classic)
Sylvania Castle (S4E2)
Miniboss: the one from S4E2 (Classic)
Semimajorboss: the final boss from S4E2 (Classic)
Amazing Arena (Chaotix)
Miniboss: the miniboss from the original (Classic)
Semimajorboss: the majorboss from the original (Classic)
Spring Stadium (Sonic 3D Blast/Sonic 3D: Flickies' Island)
Miniboss: (Tails Doll (is the same from 3D In 2D)) (Classic)
Semimajorboss: the one from 3D In 2D (Classic)
Miniboss: Null
Semimajorboss: Null
Aurora Icefield (Sonic the Fighters)
Miniboss: Null
Semimajorboss: Null
Miniboss: Null
Semimajorboss: Null
Radiant Emerald (Sonic R)
Miniboss: Null
Semimajorboss: Null
Jade Gully (Sonic X-Treme)
Miniboss 1: Emerald Cat (Classic)
Miniboss 2: Fang (Classic)
Semimajorboss: "Jade Gold Boss" (Classic)
Studiopolis (Sonic Mania)
Miniboss 1: Heavy Gunner (Classic)
Miniboss 2: Weathermobile (Classic)
Semimajorboss: Superlaserp*ssmobile (an Eggmobile that uses "Super Laser P*ss" as it's primary, idea from Patafoin) (Classic)

Classic (Official, Mastersystem/Gamegear):

Bridge Lakes (Sonic 1 Mastersystem/Gamegear)
UnderGround Caves (Sonic 2 Mastersystem/Gamegear)
Mecha Green Hill (Sonic Chaos/Sonic & Tails)
Meta Junglira (Sonic Triple Trouble/Sonic & Tails 2)
Spring Yard (Sonic Drift, I forgot to say by no two versions of the same game, I don't mean two different games that have the same level)
Emerald Ocean (Sonic Drift 2 Blue Chaos GP)
Labyrinth of the Factory (Sonic Labyrinth)
Poloy Forest (Tails Adventures, because I thought it would make glaber happy :)
Metal Island (Tails' Skypatrol)
Red Volcano (Sonic Blast)

Classic (Unofficial):

Sort of a mix between Sunrise Gate and Granite (Sonic Overture) (I'm allowing stuff like this too lol I'm to lazy to update the actual rules lol) (By this, I mean that the first half would be Sunrise Gate, and the second half would be Granite)
Hilltop Heights (Sonic Before the Sequel, Sonic level)
Lost Levels (Sonic Before the Sequel, Tails level)
Technology Tree (Sonic After the Sequel)
Echidnapolis (OG SRB1) (I also mean that I exclude fan remakes that have different zones)
Knothole Coast (Sonic Robo Blast! remake)
Oak Falls (some random SRB1 fanremake that was a mod for 2.2)
Deep Sea (SRB2)
Greenflower Hills Zone Act 1 (SRB2 v.1.08) (Thanks for the idea Cobalt :) (unlockable)
Sunset Heights (Spark the Electric Jester)
Luster Lake (Sonic Classic fangame by Hez)
Crystal Cove (Sonic Classic 2 by Hez)
Final Fall (Sonic XG)
Palm Paradiso ("Sonic Forever", what Sonic XG was going to be)
Scrambled Egg (Retro Sonic)
Opal Outback ((Retro) Sonic Nexus)
Attraction Attack (Sonic Time Twisted)
Sapphire Sights (Sonic and the Fallen Star)
Glacial Galaxy (Sonic Axiom)

Dreamcast (Official + Unofficial)

Speed Highway (SA1, Sonic)
Miniboss: Egg Hornet (Classic)
Semimajorboss: Perfect Chaos (Modern)
Miniboss 2: King Boom Boo (Classic)
Semimajorboss: Biolizard
Grand Metropolis (Sonic Heroes)
Miniboss: Team Metal (Classic, Modern, and Bandages)
Water Palace (Sonic Rush, Sonic)
Miniboss 2: Egg Libra (Bandages)
Coral Cave (Sonic Rush Adventure)
Miniboss: Captain Whisker and Johnny
Sparkling Seaside (Emerald Ties fangame (this is classic fangame lol))
Sky Troops (ShadOW THE HEDGEhog)
Crisis City (Sonic 06) (Put as many minibosses as you can possibly fucking handle. Go ahead, do it.)
Miniboss : Egg Cerberus (Bandages)
Semimajorboss: Egg-Wyvern (Classic and Bandages)
Tropical Coast (Lost World)
Miniboss: Zazz (Classic)
Semimajorboss: The weird Kyodaii Eggman Robo clone with the cape and eyepatch (Modern)


Secret Base (Advance 1)
Music Plant (Advance 2)
Route 99 (Advance 3)


Splash Canyon (Sonic Riders)
Megalo Station (Zero Gravity)
Forgotten Tomb (Free Riders)


Evil Foundry (Secret Rings)
Boss 1: Erazor Djinn (Modern)
Camelot Castle (Black Knight)
Boss 2: King Arthur (Modern)

Modern (Official):

Windmill Isle (Unleashed)
Planet Wisp (Colors)
Null Space (Forces) (but it's just in Null Space lol and it's like three minutes long lel)
Miniboss: Infinite (Bandages)

Modern (Unofficial):

Wellspring (Sonic Omens - Episode One: The Breakthrough)
Miniboss 1: Dragoon E-Zero (Modern)
Area 99 (Sonic Omens - Episode Two: The Temple of Sands)
Miniboss 2: Gnarl (Tornado)
White Jungle (Sonic Omens - Episode Three: White Jungle)
G.U.N. Arsenal (Sonic Omens - Episode Four: Shadow Of Water)
Semimajor Boss 1: The Vortex (Modern and Bandages)
Emerald Bay (Sonic Venture Plus)
Semimajorboss: Phantom Nexus (Modern)

Penultimate: idk something like Genesis Glitch from Sonic Heroes and Foes

and then vs. Time Eater


Emerald Hill (Sonic Drift 2)
Rainy Savanna (Sonic Drift 2)
Icecap (SA1)
Lost World (SA1)
Hot Shelter (SA1)
Twinkle Park (SA1)
Emerald Coast (SA1)
Pumpkin Hill (SA2)
Mission Street (SA2)
Iron Gate (SA2)
Dry Lagoon (SA2)
Radical Highway (SA2)
Green Hill - Faded Hills (Forces)
City - Sunset Heights (Forces)
Green Trill Zone (huh ya like this @King the Memer?)

loopholes rock roflmao

Y'all go on ahead and do more.

Ya like this, glaber? Huh?! W̸̝̒ë̸͙̼́ḽ̷̯́͆l̷̖̃̈͘,̶̤́͛ͅ ̶͖̟͚͋̑̀̊̉̋̐̀̊̒͊̓̌͒̀̏̋̕͘̕̚̚d̴̨̻̦̗̬̠̳̦̱̘̗̱̭̗̠͚̳̹̞̭̳̩͙̺̍͗́̎́̒̓̐̾̇́̿̈́͘̚͠ͅͅͅơ̷̧̗̖̖͉̘̲̰̼̳̼͎̙͈͗̅͒͗̈́͋͛͛͊̃̀͊̒͋͐̏̀̒̓̕͝ ̶̡̧̼̳͍͔̞̗̲̭̲̱̝̜̙̥̞̫͇̼̱̩͈̈̀̔̿̅̕t̵̢̢̨̻̦̜̥̹̞͙̼̪͔̟̝̫̘͔̹̳̞̭̯́̐͐̾͗̈́̃͋͐̐̎̽̀͜͠h̵̡̛̰̟͕̬̻̮͙̯͓̖̙̹̖̥͋̋͊̂̀̿̀͌̈̅͂͂̉̐̅̄́͌̆̕͝ę̷̢͔͉̬̘̥͎̗̣̼̜͙͈̭̟͗ͅ ̸̞̝̬̰̯̳͍̘̦̣̲̱͇͖̿̈́̊̄̽̄ͅd̷̯̈́̓͛͊̈́̋͑͆̔̏̄̒͂̿͘e̴̼̺̜̓͒͋̐̀̀̿͆͗́̓̌̉̌͂̏̑͆͘̕͝͝͠w̷̨̛̞̣̟͉͍̣̯͚͓̲͚̖͓̥̹̭͔͈̜̲̮̿̽͆̍́͂̂͋͒̀͗͐̀́̂̍̆͐̊́̀̚̚͝͠,̷̻̗̖͍̯͓̦̬̰̥̰͚͕̥̯̺̠̤͕͙̼̜̥̩̌̓͋͛͌̈́̔̚M̵̡̨̛̹͈͕̣̯̼̗̹̗͚̙̯̯̜̥̱͚̈́́͑̋̑͆̆̀̈͊̒̾̓̓̇̌̕͜͠͠O̴̡̨̦̲̦̦̰̘̗͓͕̣̟̣͖̤̬̬̭̰̐̏͆̑̏̅̑̀̓͑͛̈́̀́̑͌̚Ư̸̭̳̠̍͒͊̾͐̓̂̀̽̓̾͑̓̅̈̓͂̓̓͋̓͛̔̚Ṅ̸̨̡̨̡̛̛̥̬̮͍̟͇̟̣̹̪̦̙̗͖̤̲͙͓̲̘͕̭͎̦̱̳̻̩̭̘̑͗̎̐̌̇̈́̽͘͜͜T̴̨̛̹̰̳͚̬͕͖̭͍̳̈́͑̏̍̂̑̀̆̎͛͗̐̓̿̈͐́̿̾̾̓́̊͒̌̾́̋̿̓͑̑͂̋̈̾̈́̚̕͘̕̕͝͝Ą̵̡̨̨̨̢̞̱̠͚͙͇̙͔̝̼̩̰̳̜̤̦̫̣̼͙̠̜̭̦̥͎̼̫̼̣̮̹̼͎̺͌̔̅͆̎̀̆͋̆͌͊͐̈̈́͌͂̚͘͝͝ͅͅḬ̶̡̛̛̺̣͚̹̰̯̞̩̱͕̝̭̮̯̩̮̪̼͖̝̙͗̐̉̈́̈̾̐͋͑̂́̑́̑̕͜ͅN̵̡̨̨̛̛̗͕̝̫̞͍̘͉̹̩̠̣͉͉̗͚̱̟͓͔͚̪̝̫̯̥̝̫͇̘̦̲̫̙̤̤̪͓̜̂̾̈́͐̇́̓̅̇̋̅̽̋̓͘͘̚͜͝ ̵̧̨̢̢̼̜̖̳͖̹͍̪̮͈̫̩̞̣͕̖̬͈̰̗̝̫̟̝͈̖̯̟̙͝ͅḐ̸̨̨̗̝̮̥͕̠̰͕͎̗͎̩̥̯̲̫̼͖̝̯̰̟͍̞̈̽́͐͂̕̚̚͜ͅĘ̸̛̙̺͕̜̺̃̃̈̿̒͋̈́͐͆W̷̡̧̡̨̧̗͉̯̳͓̼̯̫̹͙̮̤̦̟̺̭̬̼̒̈̄̍̔̈͋́̃̂̎͗͒̏̂̓͑͒̃̈́́̅͐̒͐̊̍̄̃̓͛̐̏̀͘̚̚͜͠͝.̵̢̨̛̮͚͇̳̲͉͚͓̖̪̞̟̺̦̮́͐̒̃̾̄͂́͠͝
@RedHotRose I'm not even done.
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Fuck me. I'm fucking stupid. I'll deal with it.
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Sonic Omens' episodes are not seperate programs. I just felt that each episode needed a spotlight like Sonic 4. So I'm not changing it.
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@RedHotRose I'm not even done.
jesus christ man how many levels do you HAVE IN THERE??? that game would probably be DOUBLE the size of SRB2, Mystic Realm, Sonic 2006 port, and SRB1 COMBINED. A project like that would take YEARS to make!

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